- 101 COURSE/HELPFUL FOR HOMESCHOOL: Must Know High School Biology by Kellie Ploeger Cox, PhD
- HELPFUL FOR HOMESCHOOL: The Cartoon Guide to Biology by Larry Gonick - not as comprehensive but easier to understand. Don't use this one without the other.
- How To Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties by Carol Deppe
Various Info
- Dude King Philip Came Over For Ginger Soda - Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
- There are other mnemonics but I won't disturb your tender, innocent mind with these.
Online Resources
Reasons Biology Can Help You, section added 10/9/24
- You are a biological creature. This is a part of the owner's manual to being human, along with all other medical topics. It's in your best interest to learn it to stay healthy both physically and mentally
- There are other biological creatures, such as pets. If you care about them it's a good idea to learn how they work too, also so they can stay healthy.
- Plant and animal life are necessary for humans because we eat things. It's in our best interest to learn how they work, again, so these can stay healthy.
- There have been many instances where people invented something really useful based on their study of biology. Many inventions that are humanmade mimic what nature's already created. Even if you find biology absolutely worthless practically speaking at first you could get inspiration from it in the future for something like that. This can help, in particular, when working with Chemistry because a lot of stuff in Biology is absolutely ingenious, and mimicking it for the purpose of some chemical work could help you achieve breakthroughs.
- One of the main tenets of Biology is how us humans tie into the rest of Nature, and how codependent these relationships really are. This can help you understand why it is important, not for science but for sheer self-preservation and pure self-interest, to preserve the environment and all the life there. We don't even know the full story of exactly how codependent we are on the Earth and all the living things here. As one small example, oceanic organisms source and most plants produce oxygen for creatures that breathe like us to inhale. We then produce carbon dioxide, which plants then absorb to help them photosynthesize.
- If you ever feel like fermenting food, Biology's your friend. You will need to discourage whatever likes to grow on food to decompose it and encourage the bacteria, yeast, etc. that makes tasty non-poisonous ferments, and you'll need to know how and why
- This can help you not poison yourself when foraging, but please, take a local very well experienced guide and learn all you can too
- You HAVE to know Biology in order to be a good doctor, so if anything in medicine is something you want to do, this way you cure instead of kill yay
Big Brain Time
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