The Ten Most Important Eco-Friendly Habits
- 1. Have fewer children, or adopt
- 2. Reduce or eliminate your carbon footprint
- 3. Wisely consume and buy more of what you need, from eco-friendly sustainable sources if possible, and less of what you want More on this, explaining the fossil fuel banking industry
- 4. Vote for representatives who protect the environment, not just at a national level but also a state and local level
- 5. Minimize waste
- 6. Clean up after yourself: Reduce, reuse, recycle, and don't litter
- 7. Get informed - about the environment, ecology, and the wilderness in your local area
- 8. Maximize your unique personal strengths and talents to help the environment in any way you can
- 9. Do environmental remediation whenever you can. The easiest options are #trashtag, seed bombing with native seeds, and planting native trees.
- 10. Get into DIY