Insulting Astrology

I am having a horrible day so since I really should be doing something better with my time I am going to make this instead. Based on fifteen years of careful observation of people of different astrological signs and lots of reading of astrology blogs and books. Yay. Obviously, astrological signs are not something you should take that seriously. I always tell people that a. astrology is like the weather, might help to look into it but it should not define your life, and b. often not accurate since what is actually in the sky is not what astrologers are even using. So for this purpose I am talking about a person's "astrological sign" as dictated by their birthday and not by what is actually in the sky; the kind of thing you'd read about in a newspaper. These are possible tendencies in people born at certain times of the year. POSSIBLE. For more flattering depictions of the signs, especially if you wish to become more like one of them (the one you think is coolest or whatever) go read something else.

The Signs, Mostly Insulted

Now with typical quotations and epithets for each. Reminder: do not take this seriously, this is a joke at everyone's expense, astrology is not a science

All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla
