Can Do
Assorted ideas for the US
- 12/2/24 Well, the government and all news sources are in a kerfuffle. So while that's going on, here's a thought. No matter what the government does, it's still something that consists of citizens, and with government itself there will always be ulterior motives in everyone working there. Right? It's government, and that's human nature. Civic involvement (as long as it is based on deep original thought, and frankly I'm very tired of there being a trend to not do that - to not think original thoughts, for yourself, and come up with original viable solutions for problems after the hard work of thinking your own way - because it's exhausting for everyone else) however is something that will never not help. What can you do to make your life and that of the people you care about not suck? What can you do to make nature in your area and the environment overall work better? What can you do to solve the problems? And most importantly who can you trust to work with you on these things? We've seen far right and far left and even complacent centrist people make a hash of these ideas due to sheer callousness and selfishness. YOU and those you work with can do it right. Find the right people. With luck you, me and everyone else on the same page will solve the major problems with or without help from authority figures. That's actually what this country was founded on. MAGAts think they understand that. They don't.
- 12/3/24 To make this completely clear: I need, and everyone needs, people to think for themselves with individual, independent, original thought, who then act on it, so neither I nor anyone else has to do the thinking and working for them. I also believe it is pointless to help anyone who doesn't bother to do that bare-ass minimum if they are a grown-ass adult. At this point it makes sense to only hang out and spend time with, and spend your precious energy and other resources, on people who do that work.
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