Commonalities between Far Right and Far Left - tl;dr they're assholes, every last one of them

Movements on the far right and far left in this country have been at this kind of thing for literal decades, possibly centuries. Who's pulling their strings? Their own selfish, sociopathic interests, but probably also foreign interests that want this country to fail. At the moment that is probably Russia, multinational corporations, the 1% richest people on Earth, robber barons, dictators and their sycophants, and China. Ask yourself who else benefits if we go down, though. Why would they want us to? A lot of people want to take down democracy and merit-based systems so they can get all the goodies with little to none of the work. In other words, to con their way into success. And what's even weirder is that a lot of people criticizing this kind of thing are not failing to disguise how much they envy such people and want to be the top dog instead. Oookay. 7/6/22 Come to think of it, in my personal experience, people on the far right are now well known to be evil and are getting justifiably canceled, but people on the far left are usually completely, utterly vindictive, two-faced, and completely evil, just waiting for a chance to stab you in the back so they can get ahead. Intersectionality is their ploy to get you to let your guard down so they can exploit you. That is, in a nutshell, what believing in Communism does to people. Best yet, they can convince themselves they're the good guys the whole time so they can fuck you over now, gain the benefits, and justify it to themselves later. I tell you this now in the hopes that you will distance yourself from these folks so you don't live through what I did. Long story.


Reader, please ask yourself this: is my overall life philosophy or any part thereof fueled by hatred? Because realistically speaking, I haven't actually seen hatred accomplish anything positive ever. Anger, getting even instead of mad, sure. But hatred? Nope. I struggle with this myself tbh. This also includes philosophies fueled by self-hatred. Often looks a little something like "you're not good enough" or "you're not good enough unless blah blah blah." It's the oldest con in the book. It's called religion. Or a cult, or drug dealing, which are all really so similar.

12/14/22 The Small Town Mentality

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How to fight back

Try to remember that different does not equal "bad." Honestly I can't tell you the number of times that people have tried to smash me into the dirt for being well, weird. I suppose from their point of view they just immediately assumed I came from the same white-bread background they did and that my way of communicating and existing (heavily steeped in Israeli and Wiccan cultures) was just to make them feel bad or live a worse life or whatever. Don't make that mistake. If someone is behaving abnormally according to your point of view, have a little patience, try to figure out where they're coming from and what their worldview is like. It is not the same as yours no matter how superficially similar you both are. Listen, try not to make assumptions, and give any set of interactions between you and another person three to seven years before you make any kind of judgment call. And oh, yes, the Internet is not exactly a realistic place. Try not to take it too seriously, especially not social media.

Weirdness, another word for independent original thought and living, is diversity. Diversity requires weirdness. Freedom requires diversity and weirdness thus we must treasure the weird. Freedom of speech (and in general) means things get really bizarre and to hell with canceling that stuff anymore, nay, let's treasure it. Say it with me now: we are going to get even weirder. We are going to get even weirder!

Education, lots of it, for yourself and everyone you know, and everyone you care about. Best quality you can get and lots of it, throughout life, as a lifelong learner. No one is ever immune to the stupid, particularly people with lots of education. It's when you say "wow, i'm really educated and smarter than those guys" that it's pretty much guaranteed you're overlooking something important. And are therefore being stupid. The enemy is "the stupid." Fight it.

Why do we miss the 80s and 90s? We stopped dreaming. That's why. People started sneering at that kind of thing in order to focus on only what was "practical," failing to realize that wanting to live is practical too. Stop killing your imagination, or forcing yourself to not think about certain things. Think about whatever you want, however you want. Daydream more. Do impractical things. You can't learn to fly with a human body, but the mind has no such limitations. Seek inspiration like a lover seeks their mate or like the wind seeks a place to go.

Allow yourself to be happy. Give yourself permission. Because if you're anything like me, you might have grown up in a place where both far right and far left threatened your sanity and/or life for being happy and so learned to not be in order to survive. Depending on your situation you might not be able to show your happiness on the outside, but you are allowed to be, inside. But hide it well if you're under scrutiny. Ask me how I know.

Apparently canceling things works. Alrighty then, please, I am asking for your help here. Help me cancel evil douchebaggery. You can be a jerk, you can be an asshole, you can say whatever the hell you want as long as you understand if you cross the line you will get canceled. If I were to try to cancel every douchebag in the world, I'd cancel every human (aside from maybe a saint or two) because everyone's been a douchebag at one time or another. But being evil? Canceled.

With the idea in mind that if you were to try too hard to be perfect, you'd probably wind up being a far worse person, because that seems to be the case every time I see someone going too far in that direction, take the fucking pressure off yourself. Chill. Don't be so hard on yourself. Accept that you are imperfect and have imperfection, and ironically it can help you change the things you don't like about yourself a lot faster.

Let more things go. So what if that guy over there is screwing up his own life by being a horrible human being? If he's not being evil, let him be.

Be kinder to yourself. Usually the primary mechanism these evil shits use to control and use you is to get you to hate yourself.

Imagine you have a dog and it's gotten into something really, really gross. You go over there and say "what are you eating? OoH GoD whATareyoueATINg?!!?!?!!!" That is you, and your brain, when you are brooding, stewing in your own juices, or otherwise getting angry and getting angry and being negative and being negative and all that. Every time you find yourself with that kind of crap mindset, picture the dog, eating something it really shouldn't be eating. That is you. Don't do that.

Don't shoot yourself in the foot by believing you don't have power to change things. Yeah, it's not easy, but the real reason why things are so fucked in this country and worldwide is because people believe there's nothing they can do besides keep doing the same old things and hope for things to miraculously get better. Wrong! The way to change things? Well, the first step is setting an intention to make an honest attempt to try your best. Then you simply set out and try, gather more information, and adapt your strategy and actions as you go along. Every step of the way, you bang on every door there is to let you in and give you what you need, trying to find an opening in the wall that faces you by going full speed ahead down every route. Also you improve your demolition tools to get better at smashing down walls. Tis what I did to survive tickborne illness, and it seems to be a good way of going about seemingly insurmountable challenges. Plus you have an asset I don't - being able-bodied and/or able-minded. Some good examples of the problems in the country that exist because a large chunk of the population has decided to let themselves be ground into the dust instead of even trying to fight for their rights: public education system, ripoffs in the marketplace, politicians (much of the US doesn't vote!), crap wages and workplaces, lousy justice system, labor rights issues, environmental disaster, child abuse, lack of community. I think a major reason why it's like this is because people don't realize they have the power. Power to the people? Nah man, you had it right there all along, you just didn't use it. I only realized this myself after a decade-long bout with chronic illness, so it's not exactly obvious.
