In my infinite wisdom (heh heh) I messed up and split this into two web pages. Shopping The lion's share of eco-friendly shops are here.
Dr. Bronner's For soap, liquid soap, homemade cleaning supplies and homemade skincare.
Kokua Suncare Reef-safe sunscreen. It is expensive but it also stays on when you're swimming in ocean water, and that includes all the sand and grit that gets stirred up in the shallows
Equal Exchange Organic coffee, tea, and chocolate. It's always great quality.
Organic Valley Organic eggs, milk, and dairy, the best quality money can buy.
Eco Wave Power Wave powered electricity. Not yet in the US
Eco Panels Innovative insulation panels
Arbor Day Shop Cheap trees, gift cards, gift trees, and shrubs. Never, ever get their coffee, it's bad.
Etsy Generally speaking home businesses that sell here tend to have a smaller carbon footprint than other companies. However, it is very difficult to find high quality goods that are actually homemade due to the lack of moderation on the website. Promote your friends who sell on here aggressively so that people know where to find the good stuff.
Better World Books Cheap books with carbon-neutral shipping