Finding The Evidence
Looking at the trail of breadcrumbs that seems to indicate Witchcraft was once, and still is, a religion and not just a practice
Work as of 7/18/22 and will be added to as I find things. If you are a historian or a scholar and can add to this work of uncovering the truth about the history of the Craft, with good sources, by all means go for it, I hope this at least points you to some areas of research.
Books for reference
- Embracing The Moon by Yasmine Galenorn
- Dancing With The Sun by Yasmine Galenorn
- Enchanted: Titania's Book of White Magic by Titania Hardie
Items of note
- Decorations in old churches: Green Man, Sheila-na-Gig
- Venus of Willendorf
- Stone circles
- Newgrange and other megaliths in Ireland and Great Britain
- Hunter deity depicted on multiple items, known by many names: Atho, Hu Gadarn, Cernunnos, Herne
Historic stuff too convenient to be coincidental
- The similarities between Isis and the current version of the Virgin Mary in pictures (if not in reality; I am well aware these are two different Divine Ones)
- Catholic Saint Days and Holidays overlaid over older Pagan holidays, such as February 1, the celebration of Brigid the Goddess, now the celebration of St. Brigid the Saint, and many things about Easter which came from older Pagan rites dedicated to Eostara, the Goddess of Fertility, with the hare as Her sacred symbol
- Most major religions' festivals are based on the timing of the Moon. Witchcraft is - obviously - very involved with the Moon
- We know that the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Malleus Maleficarum and the Witch Burnings all did happen. What we don't know is the extent of the damage
- Hecate, commonly known as the Goddess of Witchcraft, is "known" in pop culture as a patron of evil, black magic, demons, and poisoning. In older Witch lore, She is known as a patron of herbalism, midwifery, and protection of the innocent, the young, and the victimized. Also a Patroness of the homeless and the traveler, known to have three faces and linked to the Moon. Also called "Hecate of the Angels." Hmmmm.
All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla