How to fix capitalism in the USA

The least worst economic system, still pretty bad. Here are some simple solutions which with adaptations could probably work in other countries as well as the US:

This yes this. Exactly ^^^ this.

A quick list of all the things that I think need to be communally shared and taken care of with many regulations and agreements to avoid the tragedy of the commons: air, clean water, rain (see: ridiculous water rights), the environment, wilderness areas (70 to 90% of the area of the planet's surface, actually). Things that - common sense-wise- shouldn't be bottled up and sold for profit to the highest bidder, shouldn't be. Capitalism that is thinly veiled greed should never be encouraged under the umbrella of "but it's Capitalist, Capitalism good!" No it's not always, shut up, robber baron. You regulate the shit out of things that are just greedy, such as cutting your bread company's flour with sawdust, or trying to sell bottled air. And seriously, too much is monetized on the internet these days, wayyyy too much. Every minute is taxed, tracked, you're advertised to, like, leave us alone. I think in the future the internet is going to help us figure out what works best. Some sites are free speech at its worst. Others are censorship at its worst. Monetization will be a problem, someone's got to pay for it. Adminning will be a problem, someone has to do it. How these things and particularly social media get structured can help us figure out how governments should be structured. Because clearly, something's got to change, but neither full capitalism nor socialism nor communism really work. Something new has got to be made.

Also, information that will not reasonably cause harm should never be censored, and should be shared, even to the point of possibly making you look a little like Robin Hood or Prometheus. Or else we have well, a repeat of 2020. So things such as books, recipes, and other written information? I'm not so sure it's the wisest idea to focus overmuch on cracking down on piracy with all that. Where does the piracy crackdown end and the censorship/violation of free speech start? Yes, it's bad to steal a person's livelihood and writers work damn hard and should be fairly compensated, but information must be shared or we're all screwed. It's not a cut-and-dried issue. Picture this: I could've put this entire website into book format and earned a living from it. 7/19/22 I have (memory failed me for a minute but heyyy) gotten two donations on this site, woohoo! but it certainly doesn't provide me with a living, because this site is free to the public. My reasoning is that I wanted this information out there. Maybe it should be up to the writers of things to determine if they want to provide free information along with the bought and protected by copyright/trademark. Probably a good idea to promote this kind of thing; each one teach one.

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