10/13/24 I wish to restate something. You have a whole lot of allies in the Millenial and probably also the older Gen Z age bracket. You're going through some tough shit, and so did we. By all means discriminate based on age when you're looking for help with anything unless you know someone of some other age personally. I can't believe I just said that but it's important.
If you are under the age of 12, I wonder how you got here in the first place. If I'm not mistaken, the world of people older than you is essentially in chaos right now so I hope you guys listen to and trust yourselves. Don't believe anyone older than you when they say they've got anything more figured out than you. Chances are that's not true at all. Old folks (like me, cough, wheeze) do not have all of the answers. 4/14/23 but if you get nothing else from this website, please try to remember this: you have every right to defend yourself by causing harm to those who would or are harming you, so long as you spare the innocent and are ethical. Every right. It's not virtuous to be kind and gentle and merciful all the time unless no one ever is mean to you in any way.
New post 4/18/23 Insight on being who you are This is referring to the trans controversy and all that TERF stuff related to *ahem* a certain franchise. However, it applies to literally everything about growing up: defining who you are. Deciding on the course of your life. Following your heart and doing your best. All that. There's a lot packed into this guy's quote, and I'm (ironically) certain that some people will look at this and go "OOOH SHES TRYING TO MAKE MORE TRANS PEOPLE." No. Just for the record, no. I just think it's important.
"I Am Not 18 Or Older" old link Alternate old linkHere is how to get legal emancipation from a parent or guardian NOLO article Look into it for your state as well. If you don't need this information yourself, chances are you might know someone who does. EDIT 10/16/23 There are two functionalities on iphones these days that can help you covertly record evidence of any mistreatment. They are the camera app for recording video with audio and the voice memos app. Play around with them for your situation so you can set them up to record things (silently and without telltale noises or lights) with the press of an onscreen button. Back them up to an anonymous email such as a protonmail account and you have evidence. I would imagine there are probably other apps that exist for such things too, so depending on what kind of situation you find yourself or a friend in, research it. And please, be careful.
I used to recommend r/asklawyers or some subreddit like that for legal advice/any advice if you are going through bullshit at school or at home. Turned out to be a total waste of time. Saw this thread today, 4/14/23. It may be worth it to ask questions like this at r/Askreddit or r/narcissisticparents, depending on your situation. I do not recommend anything you haven't thought through fully, because every action and inaction has consequences. And trash generally objects to being taken out of your life unless they've decided to voluntarily leave your life (usually in a hurtful way at the time, but boy is it something that is great in hindsight, hence that old saying about "be grateful when someone ghosts you or similar it is the trash taking itself out"). Think things through, follow through, and pat yourself on the back for doing the best you can with the cards you've been dealt... is my (possibly worthless) advice
If you hate school, there is a chance you can enroll in a local community college and take a GED test instead, or just take a GED test, depending on the state you are in and your age. Do look into it please, since high school in the US is pretty much p o i n t l e s s. Ask pretty much any college advisor or career professional... they'll probably say the same thing. GED test website 5/8/23 Here's another way you can make school suck less. Were you aware that people who are not in school have no idea who to elect for local and state boards of education? How a person publicly presents themselves and how they behave in the school system are two different things entirely. Therefore, those 18 and up who vote for these things need you to speak up. Tell all the trustworthy adults you know who to vote for and why, providing as much detail as possible, please. I've tried to find information for this myself for local school systems and it's almost impossible once you're over 18.
How to cope with heat Some tips for this summer
How to cope with empathy Some tips for that. Refers specifically to psychic empathy, not being a nice person.
Wisdom, Tips n Tricks Some assorted things I learned the hard way, if you want some advice mostly on things not to do
r/askoldpeople A subreddit that is exactly that. Dunno bout you but when I was 12-18 I knew maybe one person older than me who had any sense, let alone wisdom. But this subreddit has wise people in it! Woot!
If I was a mega bajillionaire gazillionaire, I would buy every one of you reading this one of each of these books. But since I am not there (yet), I can recommend them at least. Because these help with basically everything.
Some assistance if you feel you might need it
Some music recommendations for you, if you haven't yet heard these
Renew/kill your faith in humanity? the newest comments
Some family favorite movies if you'd like to check these out
Some family favorite TV shows or recordings
Other book recommendations in case you're bored and want something to do
A List of Stuff from the 90s and 00s that I Really Want To Recommend cause i wasn't around in the 80s waaaahhhhh anyway hope you guys don't miss out on this stuff. Out of all the things you can budget for as what my husband and I like to call a monthly self-care budget, you might consider these.
If you happen to be LGBTQ+ and are ever in crisis or feeling horrible, please see The Trevor Project so you can talk to someone.
FYI if you come back to this website when you hit 18 to read through it, you might like to know that I'm writing it from the perspective of someone who has done a lot. And I mean a lot. of really dumb shit in my life. If I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt, it would read "I am an idiot." So I hope any info you glean from the site can help you avoid at least some of the gigantic mistakes I've made. Oh and also, I got some extremely bad advice and a lot of attempts to get me to believe in total b.s. which somehow made the disastrous situations of my life even worse. Therefore I have endeavored to avoid b.s. as much as possible. YMMV.