Assorted resources, tips, and tricks from experience

New 11/8/24

*An explanation of "revenge is a dish best served cold" - it's easy to intellectually understand this principle but not emotionally. So it can help to think of it like this to grow patience. Think back on all the times in your past that you desperately wanted or needed something to happen for you. You needed someone to come through for you in your hour of need. You needed your ship to come in. You wanted a miracle or a serious boon. You wanted to be with your current boyfriend or girlfriend (or other-gender equivalent). You needed a medical procedure to save your life. You needed to get to the airport terminal on time to go see your family member who was dying. All the instances like that you can think of, and including all the times when someone's life, emotional well-being, or sanity were at stake. Think of what happened. Now think of what would happen if even one of the fortunes you had go right for you did not work. You can do a lot to ruin a person's life. It's quite easy, as a matter of fact. Just see all the ways that assholes are doing exactly that right now to innocent people. A human life is a fragile thing, as is a human mind and a human heart. This is powerful information. So all I ask is if you take revenge, be certain it is right. There's no Rule of Three for mundane actions, but there is cause and effect, and any harm done to the innocent is not going to go unnoticed by every living thing. There's always at least a slight whiff of culpability.

Some More Advice In 2025 Regarding The Shit Show That Is Government (optional reading but if you want to...) - section created 1/3/25

All advice from older people to younger people

New 5/21/24 Older Generation Stuff

New 1/19/24 Tech Stuff

New 4/27/23 the Auburn University Information Hotline

New 3/14/23 Religious parents, and 9/10/24 Religion

How to get justice?

Where to get information

Some good books for helping pass classes

Some encouragement

Some good resources for same online

Some job stuff

Where to get non-crap goods and services so you don't get ripped off

A couple important bits of information about "the talk"

Very politically incorrect experiences of mine related to drugs

Some tips for saving money

Some mental health stuff

Some suggestions for socializing

About Risk, added 5/21/23


All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2023 TortillaTortilla