Coronavirus safety
6/13/22 My ongoing mission is to ensure that I honor the innocent dead by preventing more innocent people from dying of coronavirus or other terrorism. Get vaxxed, do what you can to protect the elderly, immunocompromised, underprivileged, and 18-and-under, and you honor them also.
What's living with a chronic illness like? It's like this pandemic lack of opportunities, all your hopes and dreams shot to shit and your finances in the shitter too. A lousy, shitty, unrelenting situation that shows no signs of letting up. Except you're also in massive discomfort and/or extreme pain all the time and you usually have serious trouble moving. My point? in the next paragraph.
**Added 4/15/22: What's really baffling to me throughout this whole thing is the sense of entitlement people have for going outside, interacting with people in person, going to school and work via commute, living their "best life" despite the risk of spreading coronavirus to someone who can't vaxx due to medical reasons, and so on. Yeah, lockdown is bad but... I live like this? I've been living like this, more or less left to my own devices in a Norwegian-type prison of essentially living in three rooms most of the time because I am disabled and can't get on disability, and it's been like this for about 6 years now. You got a problem with doing that kind of thing for one month? Or even with being able to go outside in nature and socially distanced whenever you want but not interact with the public? I just can't relate.** If you do not wear a mask when you go outside, go to hell. If you refuse the vaxx, go to hell. If you do not social distance, go to hell. I just spent seven years fighting Lyme disease, in and out of emergency rooms and in constant amounts of pain, bedbound because exercise caused relapses, and spent a couple years when the pain was so bad I went nuts; a literal hell on Earth, only to have every doctor I saw tell me that I was perfectly healthy. It wasn't so long ago that I woke up, cried, ate one meal a day, showered once every two weeks, had to get carried to the bathroom, and considered suicide every night. I know what being gaslighted by the medical industry is and this is not it and I am not fucking amused.* Neither is most of the chronic illness community. Which nowadays also contains people with long covid. You can deal with a mask on your face. But if you can't, I hear that coronavirus sometimes surprisingly often source goes chronic and has similar symptoms to chronic Lyme so enjoy, I guess. Sure, the vaccine is spooky, whatever. I live every day in fear that I will have another pain spike, another episode of psychosis, another crazy symptom popping out of nowhere to torture me. Living in my body is like being a POW, in constant threat of extreme pain that arrives without warning or another day where I can't focus and don't feel like myself at all. Sometimes I wind up in the ER for some stupid reason, wondering if today's the day I finally kick the bucket. So I have no sympathy for anyone afraid of the vaccine. Two days of symptoms? Boo hoo motherfucker, try seven years, and my symptoms are far worse than yours would be. You're upset about cancel culture? I was canceled by the entire medical industry and almost died. You're sad about your freedoms? You do not have the right to murder a child with a deadly virus - children can't be vaxxed yet. You want to freak me out and think you're scary so you can power trip? You don't hold a candle to Lyme disease and you're pathetic. Hypothetical argument: Let's say you got a blood donation from me and therefore contracted this tick AIDS. Assault/felony for me and lifelong disability for you, it's the same thing as not wearing a mask or getting a vaccine. Go fuck yourself. Oh, and for you guys who are like "I trust my immune system" and "I've got a strong constitution" and all that? It may not happen today, it may not happen for a while. But eventually you WILL find yourself in some sort of poor health and serious health issues as you gradually age, unless you're not human. Time is not on your side. Therefore, perhaps you'd better take out some insurance to make sure things aren't unnecessarily shitty for you long term.
Science Daily Study in Switzerland details that of participants who tested positive for covid-19 in 2020, about 1/4 of them had symptoms of "long covid" at an average time of 7.2 months after testing positive.
The Neurological Manifestations of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection Oh yeah, long covid exists. Here is one review of other studies (they are linked at the bottom of said review), and it is likely there will soon be more.
Study indicating the long term problems caused by long covid are actually worse than those caused by recovering from cancer, as reported by patients in a study of thousands of patients
Kidney failure in cats due to borrelia burgdorferi Matches up with dozens of patient anecdotes about kidney failure due to chronic Lyme disease. Doctors never mention it, and it is not in medical textbooks, but veterinarians are familiar with the problem, ergo, pets are treated better than humans with regards to this illness.
- COVID 19 test to treat locator The federal government's test-to-treat program has a handy online locator for clinics that have medicine such as Paxlovid or remdesivir, which should be taken within 5 days of first onset of symptoms according to the website - caveat - under a doctor's supervision. Here is the full press release, which mentions that drugs such as statins and St. John's Wort are contraindicated to take with Paxlovid. link out
- If you are immunocompromised, you might want to talk to your doctor about Evusheld, which was mentioned in that press release as helping the immunocompromised launch an adequate defense against exposure, before being exposed. This is particularly important if you couldn't, for whatever reason, get vaccinated. And I know a couple people like that (medical reasons).
- 6/13/22 Well, this is new. Let's hope they have good information on here.
- Improved guidance for ventilation Helps reduce risk.
- WHO advice for the public regarding coronavirus Please check the guidelines issued by this resource often, as it is more professional than the CDC's guidelines.
- 4/29/22 I have discovered some new information indicating that with medically complex case histories, such as a history of one or more chronic diseases, this could (in very, very rare cases) result in severe vaccine reactions; have recovered about six or so different case reports of such things through informal browsing of PubMed Central (bear in mind this is out of hundreds of millions of uneventful vaccinations). You must consult a doctor before getting vaccinated if you have any chronic illness, as they will give you the best advice. In fact you must consult a doctor before getting vaccinated in any case, just because it's good practice to do so.
- Google finally did something right. Here is a county by county map of officially counted new cases of coronavirus, provided by Google. It's Google Maps, just click on the "coronavirus info" thingy and don't turn it off. Maps
- The CDC is lying again. First it says that chronic Lyme disease doesn't exist, and now it says the honor system is a "great idea" regarding mask-wearing. I'll tell you why that is a bad idea: DEAD CHILDREN. Save the children? Ha. I'll tell you right now, if you infect a child with this virus I sincerely hope you croak.
- If you know any teenagers who might have trouble getting vaccinated, visit and roll around on it to find info you might need
- Hey, the government finally got a good nationwide vaccine website up and running. Go there, see what you can find. There may even be an option for you to get vaccinated in your home. Click on the question at the bottom of the page to see resources to make it happen.
- Vaccine site that will help you get an appointment ASAP and is absolutely amazing: Vaccine Spotter Made by a guy called Nick Muerdter in his spare time as a public service. If you think you need to wait longer for a vaccine, you're probably wrong. Use the site, see what's available. Do it now. Here are the updates he is adding to it Nickblah Twitter. If you can afford to donate to him to help him keep doing this then you can.
- 5/4/22 Prevention of Covid in patients that cannot receive vaccinations Here are some interesting recommendations from the National Institutes of Health for people who cannot receive Covid vaccinations for legitimate medical reasons. Talk to your doctor about these.
- If you have a history of strange medical things happening to you in a recurring pattern, go to an internal medicine specialist first before getting vaccinated so you can see if there's any medical contraindications. I have heard rare reports of people winding up having severe reactions to the vaccine but they were only from people with serious genetic conditions. So talk to your doctor first and follow their recommendations. And if you are not a person with M.D. after your name (and only if you do have a history of strange medical things happening to you in a recurring pattern or if you're feeling particularly worried) do NOT make assumptions about if this vaccine is safe or not for you. Ask. Your. Doctor.
- If you have a kid who is getting vaccinated who has been exposed to Lyme disease, consult with a good LLMD (Lyme literate MD) prior to it. I have found a case study here of a 12 year old exposed to Lyme and treated with amoxicillin who had an adverse reaction to the second dose and wound up in the hospital, thusly the article concluded that since he tested negative for Lyme it was just an adverse reaction to the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. Wrong! See the studies at the bottom of the page here, and understand that antibody-based testing for Lyme disease basically doesn't work because it is a stealth pathogen and thus avoids the immune system and avoids raising antibody titers; PCR for borrelia DNA in blood works and you will see it in the next few years, and it will diagnose a large portion of the population who needs explanations as to why they feel like crap. Just watch. Meanwhile the people who have had chronic Lyme for years already know that the CDC and AMA's testing requirements for Lyme disease are an absolute joke and don't work; those tests are infamous to Lymies. ELISA, IgG, IGM for borrelia species - absolute garbage. Also, by the way, amoxicillin is worthless for treating Lyme. See the studies by Zhang et al. Here is another case study of a 16 year old female with Lyme disease who got Guillain-Barre syndrome from her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech shot. There might be something here we need to pay attention to.
- If you've read or watched World War Z, 28 Days Later, Rainbow Six, or The Thing, or if you've read historic accounts of the Black Plague (fun fact: there are three kinds of it and one kind is lethal almost all the time) and Polio and Spanish Flu, then you know what happens when pandemic control measures fail. I credit these sources for helping to fuel my 'better safe than sorry' reaction to this pandemic.
- If you have any chronic medical condition or any concerns about getting the vaccine that are NOT based on conspiracy theory (which is so off the wall crazy and full of bullshit that I don't even know why you're reading this because you're obviously too far gone to think straight), talk to a doctor, hopefully your primary care physician, and they will give you the best advice.
- 4/22/21 I have a history of weird reactions to vaccines that have put me in the ER before, and chronic Lyme disease, so my immune system is f'd. My vaccine is lined up for tomorrow and I don't care if it kills me. It's my duty. If I can do it, you can do it.
- 4/23/21 I got the vaccine! (Moderna) It was pretty unpleasant for the first few minutes, but then the discomfort and dizziness passed. Wait a good 15 minutes to half an hour and you're groovy. Fair play: no one I know had any reaction like that and for them it was a couple seconds, done, no problem. Ask the people you know who got both shots how it was, they'll tell you.
- 5/21/21 I got my second vaccine! (Moderna). After last time's dizziness, I asked for chairs to lay out on immediately after getting vaccinated, and lay on my back with my knees up (as in, feet flat on another chair and chair close to my tailbone) for a half hour, then I was fine. Confession: I was terrified, so I asked the Angels of Healing, the Creator, and Archangel Raphael for help, and I prayed... a lot. It really wasn't that bad (actually, better than a previous vaccine reaction I've had; I don't do well with flu shots) but if you know you get dizzy when getting vaccinated, be sure to ask for the extra chairs so you can lay down. Fair play: no one I know had any reaction like that and for them it was also a couple seconds, done, no problem til around 6-8 hours later body pain and coronavirus Lite (only for some of them). However, everyone says to take Tylenol and pound back Gatorade or other electrolytes after 4 hours in order to cope with a couple days of 'coronavirus Lite' so be sure you have that on hand. I'm on the other side of 2 vaccinations now and there is nothing like the happiness you get from knowing you are on the right side of history. Nothing is the same in my life and I will never be the same.
- 6/5/21 Fully vaccinated. Feeling fine. And no, it doesn't "make your period weird." No one I know mentioned anything about it, I haven't dealt with it, and they would've told me if it was an issue. However, I have an inexplicable attraction to Bill Gates and Microsoft Edge, the superior web browsing choice. Here are the sources that state the vaccine is safe during pregnancy; the number of patients studied was around 100 in each, not counting control groups. NIH More data will come, with larger scale studies. Studies on PubMed like that saved my life from Lyme disease, so don't you dare sneer at them. By the way there is evidence that coronavirus can cause erectile dysfunction. Source Second source Third source Fourth source. Also, given that known sequelae of coronavirus include kidney failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, stroke, and damaged blood vessels, starting and sustaining a viable pregnancy with any of those conditions is not a good idea, ergo, coronavirus isn't exactly great for your fertility even if you're female. Generally speaking, in my opinion as someone who avidly researches medicine, the worse your condition before recovery from coronavirus, the more likely it is you'll have problems with erectile dysfunction or female fertility afterwards. But ask a doctor.
- 12/23/21 Booster vaxxed. My doctor explained I get "vasovagal reactions" aka low blood pressure reactions to all vaccines. Did the same thing as last time, couple chairs put next to one another, for putting my feet up on one with my knees up. Almost no real dizziness this time. Most of my family members didn't have much a reaction to this one at all. Also, one of them pointed out to me that my Lyme symptoms decreased with every subsequent Moderna vaccination. So yeah don't be booster hesitant; they're no biggie.
- 6/18/22 Booster vaxxed again. The fourth one was even easier to handle than the third one. A little dizzy for like five minutes but not bad at all. Cool.
- Covid decreases oxygen in the body. Pregnancy increases demand for oxygen in the body (source: What To Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff et al.). This is not a good combination. Get vaccinated if you are pregnant or wanting to get pregnant. If you don't believe me ask an ob/gyn.
- Show this to everyone you know who is on the fence about getting vaccinated Reddit thread of of doctors dealing with covid deniers and also tell them to talk to their doctors, especially if they have a history of strange reactions to vaccines.
- I have heard an anecdote of someone whose sister died after getting vaccinated... two days after exiting the hospital in which she was treated for coronavirus. Honestly, this doesn't seem like a good idea in general for any disease, cause if you're still fighting it and in a weakened condition because your immune system is throwing a hissy fit, you probably shouldn't give it a kick in the pants. So don't do that. Wait a while after being sick with coronavirus until you're feeling okay enough and be sure your doctor approves before you get vaxxed. Don't wait too long though, you can easily get a different variant of coronavirus because sadly lasting natural (nonvaxxed) immunity to this does not exist.
- (older post) Regarding people with 'long covid' - as far as I am aware there are not yet studies related to it which can be relied on. Therefore, just like I did with Lyme disease, I have looked at anecdotes online to see what could help and what could be dangerous. Here are my findings: 1. There is a possibility that if you have recently contracted coronavirus and exited the hospital just a few days ago, you could have a severe reaction to getting vaccinated. This makes sense given if your immune system is already fighting something and giving you symptoms bad enough to wind up in a hospital for, you probably shouldn't give it a kick in the pants in an effort to fight off the same thing as the resultant big ol' fight could possibly kill you. 2. If you're mostly recovered (like, contracted covid more than a month or two ago but are now stabilized and not needing to go to the hospital every couple days/weeks) but still feel like garbage, the vaccine may actually help you feel better, thanks to giving your immune system the kick in the pants it might need to shake off the bug. Talk to your doctor because it's important to spread awareness of this problem, even if they don't believe you they'll eventually have to believe many like you. Besides, I am NOT a doctor, and this is NOT medical advice, and you should get some.
- If you have multiple sclerosis, take a look at this article and show it to your doctor. The conclusion of this case study is that the authors think multiple sclerosis patients should probably avoid the Astra-Zeneca and other vector-based vaccines, instead going for mRNA ones. Source
- Lancet article about how coronavirus is not the flu The Lancet. I do not understand the way they are presenting percentages, but if I'm reading this correctly it says mortality rate for people admitted to hospital with coronavirus is 9-16% and for those admitted to hospital with flu it's 5-8%. It's roughly twice as lethal. Also, this was published before the Delta variant existed. Disturbingly, the article also indicates that of those in the study, those under 5 years of age were the most likely to be admitted into the ICU and that mortality from COVID-19 was ten times higher in the 11-17 age bracket than it was for influenza. Therefore, this disease is incredibly dangerous for children; not innocuous like it was painted by the media and the government. As soon as the vaccine becomes available for children, all children must be vaccinated.
- To date (this was posted some time in 2021, roughly when the Delta variant appeared for the first time in the US news), there have been 2,220 reported deaths as a result of the Moderna coronavirus vaccines given in the US, as per VAERS, however these can be self-reported and might not be a result of the vaccines. Anyone can report them, including antivaxxers who never got the shot, so these are an absolute worst case scenario estimate. (for reference, drunk driving deaths in 2019 were 10,142 source) Per Statista website, the total amount of doses of Moderna administered was 135,297,395. source. Let's divide that in half for this argument's purposes, and have it be 67,648,697 people fully vaxxed with Moderna, of which 2,220 died which may or may not have been due to the shot. That mortality rate is 0.003%. For perspective, the maternal mortality rate in the US is 1.74 per 10,000, or 0.0174%. Source Meaning that for every 10,000 women that get pregnant, at least one dies as a result. Getting pregnant is more dangerous than getting vaccinated; with these numbers, you are 1.9x more likely to get killed from pregnancy than the vaccine, if Pfizer and J&J have similar mortality rates (mortality rate from Moderna tripled in this calculation; assumption is that J&J and Pfizer had similar #'s of reported deaths; looked it up now, reported data for Pfizer was 2,044 deaths, for J&J there was no data I could find in VAERS). Ah, Statista reported 184,073,920 Pfizer shots administered and VAERS reported 2,044 deaths for it, for that one it's a 0.001% mortality rate, meaning that Pfizer is 3x safer if you trust VAERS. Meanwhile, for garden variety coronavirus, not the worse Delta variant, the estimated mortality rate is supposedly 1.8% if you get hospitalized for it, and your odds get worse the older you are. Source. Johns Hopkins University has a reported mortality rate of coronavirus in the US. Reported mortality rate, as calculated by deaths and number of coronavirus cases in the US on that website, is 1.79%. So your chances of dying from coronavirus are roughly 1.79/0.009 (reported mortality rate of Moderna vaxx tripled to approximate reported mortality rate of Pfizer and J&J vaxxes), if you believe VAERS, 198.89 times higher than dying of a vaccine. This initial report from the CDC actually reported a 4.6% mortality rate source for worldwide coronavirus infections and deaths, and if that's the case your chances of dying from the coronavirus would be roughly 4.6/0.009 = 515 times more likely to die of coronavirus than the vaccine. Let's say you go for a Pfizer vaccine, which supposedly has a 0.001% mortality rate as per VAERS and Statista, and that the 4.6% mortality rate for covid is correct; then your chances of dying from coronavirus are 4,600 times higher than dying of the Pfizer vaccine. This was before the Delta and Super Delta variants. And here's an article linked to a CDC study source indicating that 1/3 (actually 35.8%, I crunched the numbers, of 4,226 people total in the study since it was an early one in March 2020) of all coronavirus cases in this country wind up with hospitalization. You wanna place that bet? Guess you really like hospitals. In essence, anti-vax arguments are bad science and bad statistics. Source. Besides, whatever happened to that "everyone dies, don't live in fear" slogan? Coddled hypocrites.
- CDC report on hospitalized children with coronavirus Indicated that of the children admitted to hospital with this virus, 1/3 of them were admitted to ICU
- Here are the global 10 leading causes of death. The #1 is ischemic heart disease. Link out Second source Here are the 10 leading causes of death in the US in 2019. Numbers 1 and 2 are heart disease and cancer, out. Your likelihood of contracting chlamydia from unprotected sex in the years from 1984-2005 was around 0.4%; no data exists since then but perhaps it's still around the same. source If you're going to freak out about something, I would suggest you freak out about something realistic.
- If it is likely you've been exposed to coronavirus or that you have it, get tested. But you knew that.
- No, it is not safe to send kids to school, are you kidding me? Have you ever even gone to public school? Sheesh. Homeschool them or go for distance learning.
- If I could say this to all kids and all teens, I would: if your parents are not giving you distance learning or homeschooling you and refusing to let you get vaccinated, it doesn't matter what they say, they are narcissistic, abusive, and also evil because in a situation like this, intentions mean nothing. They are putting your life at risk for the sake of their own egos. I would recommend you move out as soon as you can, when you turn 18, and make plans for how you will accomplish that as soon as able. And I would also recommend that you gain skills in a career that pays boucoup cash so you never have to financially rely on them. That's what I'd say to those kids.
- If you know any kids who are in a bad situation at home but heading close to age 18, please consider opening your home to them so they can live with you when they come of age and thus have a launch pad instead of winding up homeless on the crap pay so often given to the young and inexperienced
- If you own a business, please consider hiring as many teens as you can, for the same reason. I've heard so many horror stories of teen abuse by parents these days it breaks my heart.
- Avoid all unnecessary risk. Get groceries only once every week at maximum, with curbside pickup or no contact delivery. Decontaminate all items by thoroughly cleaning and sterilizing all of their surfaces, preferably before you bring them into the home, every single time. That also goes for all mail. Avoid seeing all friends and family members not already in your quarantine pod until the pandemic is over. The banned gathering size is more than 10 people, but it takes only one person to be patient zero for your family unit. Don't take that chance.
- Until everyone in this country is vaccinated who wants to be vaccinated, do not socialize or go out. Just because you may have been fully vaccinated doesn't mean you're not another Typhoid Mary (disease spreader with no symptoms), and masks and handwashing only go so far to prevent the spread when compared to voluntary quarantine.
- The key point to understand is that airborne coronavirus can infect you within a distance of anywhere from 6 to 20 feet away from a person, depending on the variant. It lives on surfaces for anywhere from 3 to 7 days or perhaps longer. If you touch something that may have the germ on it, then whatever you touch after that transfers the germs to that other surface, which can then transfer the germs to another surface, and on and on it goes. Coronavirus germs are tiny, but there are many of them in each small area, and they reproduce quickly to make a little army of germs that then try to kill you.
- Quarantine all paper and cardboard items (i.e. mail, picked-up library books) delivered to your house for 3 days to a week. Leave them alone and don't let anyone touch them. Library books with a plastic covering can be wiped down with disinfectant wipes before leaving the books in quarantine.
- If anyone in your family or friend group is making noises about how people are "too afraid," leave that person well alone. Unjustified fear is dumb, sure. Justified fear that leads to correct action saves lives, and if anyone is mocking that, they are mocking the sanctity of life and aren't worth your time. Ditto anyone who still supports Trump, thinks coronavirus isn't "that bad," who "hates the liberal media" or some such Pravda-brainwashed Jonestown kool-aid. They are a threat to your life and your family's life. Cut off all contact.
- I know the CDC says to avoid putting masks on kids but they're little super-spreaders. If you have a kid, put a mask on the kid, it's the right thing to do.
- Yes, it is possible to contract coronavirus even if you've already had it. Yes, it really is that bad for some people. Hospitals don't just fill up their ICU wards for funsies. Mortality rate has not been adequately reported. I have heard reports it's anywhere from 4% to 18% lethal, depending on the variant and the access or lack thereof to medical treatment. Couple friends of mine work in a hospital and if they say it's bad, it's bad. Here are some pictures of nurses working in coronavirus wards from April 2020. Link out
- MUST-READ introduction to safe procedures Instructables
- When you clean stuff, wear a mask and some rubber gloves, then sterilize those when you're done. Treat what you're cleaning as if it's a biohazard.
- Shoes off at the door. Masks off at the door and into a pot of boiling water; weight down, cover, and let cool. All clothes off at the door and into the washer on highest possible heat, or quarantine those clothes for a week. Sanitize hands. Disinfect touched surfaces (clean them first if needed with all purpose cleaner and paper towels). Self into the shower, use a lot of soap and shampoo. Ideally anyway. At the very least, take the freaking shoes and masks off and use the hand sans. The zone just inside the door is a biohazard zone; don't take stuff in the zone out of the zone, and clean it when you can (preferably daily). The front door, doorknobs, shoes, and the floor in front of it are the worst offenders for potentially being contaminated if you're using hand sans when you get home so clean and disinfect all that every single day. If you carry around stuff such as phone, keys, debit cards, or wallet, that also has to be sterilized when you enter the house. Rub it all down with hand sanitizer. My family and I also rub down the car steering wheel and car doorknobs with hand sanitizer if we think it's necessary.
- General must-know info for wearing a mask and staying safe Aaron Swartz Day
- CDC Guidelines for Better Mask Usage CDC.Gov
- CDC guidelines for storing and cleaning masks between uses are... adequate, but I prefer the following out of paranoia: Weight down cloth masks in a saucepan of boiling water after every use, cover with a lid, and allow to cool completely in the boiling water. Alternatively, dip them in pure rubbing alcohol or vodka with at least 70% alcohol, weight them down, and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes. In both cases allow to dry completely before reuse. Disposable masks are single use only. Trash them after each use.
- How to wash your hands properly Gordon Ramsay
- How to sterilize a cloth mask Aaron Swartz Day
- The difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting The Spruce
- Family Handyman disinfectant product article Link out
- General overview of how to clean and disinfect, and the difference AirBnB 5 Step Cleaning Process
- Learn to Clean Stuff Clean My Space
- CDC approved cleaning The Spruce
- EPA approved disinfectants that kill coronavirus - click launch, and then click browse all. If necessary click show results. Product names are listed but hard to see. Generally speaking the easiest categories to find are bleach-based disinfectants, diluted bleach, and bleach-based sprays. At-home stuff can be rubbing alcohol, Everclear, or high-proof vodka that's at least 70% alcohol. EPA
- How to clean glasses to decontaminate them Martha Stewart
- How to make replacement N95 masks for healthcare professionals Scribd linkout and article explaining backstory Good News Network
- Ensure your face mask fits correctly Martha Stewart
- Add filters to homemade home-sewn face masks Martha Stewart
- How to wear a face mask without fogging up glasses Martha Stewart
- NEW 3/25/21: if the elastic on your cloth face mask has worn out and is stretched out, try clipping it together in the back with a paper clip.
- Preprint article: honey and nigella sativa seed paste reduces recovery time from coronavirus in Pakistani study Medxriv
- From reading online posts on Twitter by doctors and citizens who actually contracted coronavirus and lived, I found several herbs and substances that were used by them to reduce the symptoms. They were: fresh ginger, honey, Mucinex, electrolyte drinks, and Tylenol. I also found this Frontier Science Study determined green tea, muscadine grapes, and dark chocolate inhibited coronavirus activity in vitro and this Flavonols may help protect your heart. Speaking as a Lyme longhauler, I use a combination of green/black tea, and lots of it, daily to reduce symptoms since Lyme causes blood vessel damage and inflammation; it's potentially kidney-stone forming but it's relatively harmless otherwise. If you are a covid longhauler, you may wish to experiment with them. Of course, they probably won't fully work to get you healthy; that is what seeing a doctor is for. If you decide to use these herbs as a substitute for getting your vaccine, you are probably unaware of the karma you will reap. It's not going to be pleasant, and I will be pleased to see justice done. So will everyone else who's been working their asses off to end the pandemic by masking, washing hands, social distancing, and quarantining for a solid... almost 2 years now.
- TikTok remedy for regaining sense of taste and smell after coronavirus Buzzfeed Link
- Israeli 30-person trial showed a drug called EXO-CD24 healed up coronavirus in all cases Daily Mail UK
- Quarantine cooking guide Serious Eats
- I would like to add that my family, my friends, and I have been following these guidelines since the pandemic started. I regularly stay in contact with about 300 people total. I've been passing on this info to them since March 2020. Only one has gotten sick. They are a kid whose parents don't take the guidelines seriously and brought home the germ. 5/24/21 still the same, plus my entire family has been fully vaccinated now and most of my friends are waiting on their second dose. 1/5/22 All booster vaxxed. Only one person I know has caught coronavirus since the kid has. They were less cautious than the rest of the folks I know, and living in a very antimask antivaxx Republican area. 5/4/22 Still safe and no one else has gotten sick. Thank goodness. Now, though, the unvaccinated and their simps are saying that "it was never a big deal this whole time and you shouldn't get boosted a fourth time as it's not really necessary." Yeah, the pandemic slowed down BECAUSE we got boosted and worked so goddamn hard to take precautions so we wouldn't be Typhoid Mary, you can sit your ass down and shut up. In fact, all y'all should be thanking us for protecting you.
- New advice 4/25/21: Get as much exercise as you can. It helps your immune system stay healthy. Obviously, stay away from people outside your quarantine bubble as you do so.KHOU article with Dr. Peter Hotez
- More new advice 4/25/21: If you are overweight or obese, go on a diet right now. Coronavirus is more likely to kill you and the vaccine is less likely to work as well, AND your immune system is likely to not be as strong as it should be, if you are not at a healthy weight. Eat This website offhanded remark about obesity and Source, study on PubMed Central
- New advice 6/16/21: A plant based (vegetarian or vegan) diet has been shown in this study BMJ Nutrition, Prevention, and Health to reduce the risk of severe COVID-19. Pescetarians also had a reduced risk, though it was not as substantial. Article explaining it So... going as vegan as possible right now could actually save your life!
- New 6/12/21: Electronic noses sniff out coronavirus with up to 94% accuracy Article source
- New, accessed 6/19/21: UV LED lights show promise in killing 99.9% of coronaviruses
- New, accessed 6/19/21: Testing half the US population for coronavirus every week could end the pandemic in weeks
- You know who was "living in fear" in quarantine for several years? Isaac Newton. During that time, he wrote the Principia, aka the reason why modern physics exists, the reason why computers are fast, cars exist, airplanes exist, bridges don't fall down, modern infrastructure exists, and on and on and on it goes. Aka he's the reason why we have anything remotely resembling a civilization. Him, and his fearful quarantine. Get fucked, antivaxxers.
- Side note which is Unverified Personal Gnosis and which you can totally ignore or think is b.s: I like to work with Angels regularly as part of my religion (good Witchcraft). Doctors and nurses are very, very much like them, especially these days. But feel free to ask the Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing for help if you genuinely need it. Angels are here to help. Just ask out loud.
*Why would I trust the medical establishment after this? Because a. I am friends with a doctor who works in a hospital, and this doctor saved my life repeatedly, and b. every time I wound up in the ER I came out alive and unscathed because of the incredible amount of care and effort put into the work by those who worked there, and c. the gaslighting I endure as a result of Lyme disease is a result of insurance company and government collusion, see here: Hydra Protocol finally d. to be perfectly honest I don't trust regular doctors much because they tend to suck, but ER doctors go through hell on a daily basis and keep coming back, do their jobs professionally and work miracles... and they are the ones saying to beware of the coronavirus, so I listen