Studying Tricks

General, stuff I learned more or less the hard way courtesy of nearly dying of a chronic illness and having to research my way back to health:

Added 10/28/23 >>>

This is one of many reasons why college doesn't teach you nearly enough and why in many cases it is a ripoff. (Other reasons include the wrong people being in charge of colleges, too-large class sizes, lack of hands-on coursework, lack of promotion of individual problem solving capabilities and individual thought as opposed to just rote memorization the list goes on) You must read the textbooks. Every. Single. Page. I am not kidding. Learning fluff from powerpoint presentations and supposed "groundwork preparation" courses in High School will not prepare you for success in any professional field of endeavor. Look around you, what do you see the most of? People with excellent presentation, persuasion, and people skills. Precious little actual knowledge. This is why. Nowhere is this more evident than in medicine, manufacturing, or any other business that requires accuracy. Details are important.

Some ways to potentially boost IQ and cognition


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