Camping, Emergency Supplies, and Outdoor Recreation
- Walmart Actually the most affordable and highest quality camping store there is. And trust me, I've looked. Unless of course your budget is like ten times what mine is in which case that sleeping bag from REI won't blow your entire budget.
- My Green Form Please look around on this website as it has useful links for things like e-bikes, backpack solar chargers, and a large assortment of wilderness recreation products that don't harm the environment. It's great.
- Badger Balm Excellent reef-safe sunscreen. It stays on and does what it should.
- Shine Wind Turbines Wind turbines that fold up and fit in a backpack
- Kokua Suncare - this stuff stays on when you're swimming at the beach. Reef safe. Don't let it get near your hair unless you want dreads.
- Murphy's Naturals Lemon eucalyptus bug spray and other related stuff. Don't use it alone; I would double it up with picaridin or DEET.
- REI For whatever you can't find in Bed Bath and Beyond for camping, such as picaridin insect repellent and water purification drops
- Patagonia Ludicrously expensive wilderness wear, but they work hard in their attempts to be eco friendly
From Shopping section