Don't do it
Hey, if you are contemplating ending your own life, don't do it! I don't know what got you to this point but despite how it may seem if you play your cards right this bullshit will not last forever, and you do have more than one way out. Here's one way how (there are others but I don't know them).
- 1. Ask the angels and/or your guardian angel for help out loud. (everyone has one) While you're at it, if you have allies, call a friend and a family member and ask them for help.
- 2. Know that now safety and peer pressure and societal bullshit doesn't even matter anymore, you can do whatever the hell you want. Make a list of life goals that are completely unrealistic which, if they'd happen, would make you living now worth it. Years ago I made a list of 13 of them. One happened. It was meeting and being with the love of my life. Two others are halfway there. Whatever crazy dream you come up with, IT IS POSSIBLE. 5/27/23 There's apparently an entire website that can help a lot, Bucket List Journey 12/15/23 and another, Supreme Bucket List, 12/17/23 and another, Reasons To Love Being Alive or if those are unreachable try Little Reasons To Smile ... LibreOffice or Word documents, or notepad documents on a computer, can help with keeping all these ideas straight and organized so you can find them when you need them; the more you can come up with per category the better as that gives you a better chance of actually doing a thing on one of these lists. I've kept my list of the 13 overarching things that keep me going but organizing a bucket list by category and numbering it within each category makes it all so much more feasible to work with. Maybe all this can help.
- 3. Find some kind of pleasure that never fails to remind you why life isn't all bad. For instance, candy. Or music, or your favorite movie. Load up on these and be a glutton for whatever you can get. Who cares about risk right now?
- 4. If you have even a tiny inkling that maybe life isn't all shit: Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. Chances are you didn't get to this point over nothing and therefore clearing out the bullshit is necessary, but it is possible, and you can do it. Fight as hard as you can, and if it isn't quite working, adapt the strategy to be more effective, then keep adapting and fighting until whatever wall you're hitting starts to crumble. Internal demons are beatable. External circumstances are beatable. You just need the right information, lots of planning, stubborness, flexibility, and a little luck. Hence, asking the Angels for help. Anything is possible with the right information. I'm serious. (One reason why libraries are so dope). Think about this - even if you don't succeed in your fight to improve your life's conditions at least you won't have let yourself down. And that's a fight more worth fighting than all the others; to not let yourself down. Also chew on this: it's said we can only do the best we can with the cards we are given, right? Wrong. You can always do better, you're just often not in possession of the information that can make it happen. Think about all the seemingly unsolvable problems in history that were fixed with simple solutions; things like handwashing before attending to medical patients to save lives.
- 5. Understand that things worldwide are changing for the better right now. Things have been bad for a while and they only look worse, but that is just the badness coming up to be seen and it is being dealt with for the first time in decades. Give it a few months, and then a few years. It will be better, I promise.
- 6. Search your memories for moments of pleasure and bliss and write them down. All the ones you can remember. That's your challenge now: integrate those things into your life from now on. Don't deny yourself.
- 7. Please give yourself a big hug. You are important. Here is a list of mental health hotlines and resources worldwide: Kitten Witch and the Bad Vibes list
Mental Health