Mental Health Tips and Tricks

Stress Relief Section

Veterans Crisis Line (run by the VA; try others as well) help line for veterans in the US: dial 988 then press 1. Also a personal recommendation: if you are mentally in the weeds, go to the library. I know that sounds weird, but you can always find inspiration where you least expect it to make life suck at least a little less if you browse, find a book, read, muse on it. Online catalogs often let you make wishlists with a library card too, and you can build yourself a better life with that step by step. Edit 1/13/24: You can beef up this idea a whole hell of a lot using the tips on Big Brain Time, using ctrl + f to find the additions from 12/5/24 and 12/31/24.

Books listed here for easy reference

Substitute Therapists, because you can't find any fucking therapists at this particular point in time. Thanks, pandemic! Look up the things these people have written. Find them in libraries, buy the books, watch the Youtube channels. Pro tip: only three are actually a therapist.

Helpful Links

These are unprecedented times with a lot of death. I wouldn't have mentioned anything because I don't like getting religious but it took me ten years to learn this as a good Witch: good people who have died really are in a better place. You don't have to believe me but you can easily pray to the Divine for your messages to reach them, and you can ask the Archangel Azrael (the Angel of Death Sacred Scribes article providing introduction; he's actually quite nice) any questions. Open your mouth, pray, and ask. Visit their graves, pour liquor for them, tell them you love them. I wish I could prove to you that they still exist but I can't. I can, however, point you to asking the Universe for some evidence of that and I know from experience it often works. If you are overwhelmed with grief never hesitate to ask the Angels, out loud, for help. It never fails. And if you would rather not do any of this (which is okay) then remember to be gentle with yourself and double up on self-care... and lots, and lots, and lots of chocolate. It helps with grief.

Panic Button If you are feeling suicidal, click the link

I am not a Marine but whenever I'm feeling like my problems are insurmountable I think about this picture. For some inspiration, read Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War. You'll also learn more about what our troops sometimes go through.

I'm sure you've heard the deal about "if you have a mental health problem, go see a therapist." By all means, do that. But if for whatever reason you can't see one, you might like to try out this stuff too. Also note: be very careful about who you see. I've been to a few too many therapists (actually all of the therapists I saw did exactly this) who literally let me talk for a whole hour, then when I asked them what to do about it, said "see you next week." Scams, scams, scams. That being said if good therapists do exist, and I hear they do, it's worth seeking them out. Honestly, everyone needs to see a therapist regularly and a good one, if they can find them. If not, try using all the stuff on this page. This is because mental health problems can and will cause physical health problems. The Handy Science Book of Answers claims that extreme stress significantly increases the likelihood of adverse physical health effects such as stroke and heart attack in previously healthy people - and that book came out in the 90s. I apologize for not linking the studies now, but I have heard very often in medical textbooks that extreme and long-term stress can and will fuck up your physical health and I've seen it happen to two people I know and myself in very dramatic ways. This stuff is serious enough to warrant being added to all health insurance plans and to a nationwide universal health care plan: we all need serious and continuous preventative and palliative mental health care. Period. Just look at the maniacs swarming our healthcare system right now with covid and ivermectin overdose; are they mentally well? Good Lord no.

Extreme and unmitigated stress for a long period of time can and will screw up your health. Therefore, according to best medical practices, a 60-hour maximum workweek, schedules posted 2 weeks in advance, days off on the same days for the entire duration of employment, 10-hour workday including commute (and more efficient/reliable fast commutes), a 4- or 5-day workweek, a minimum wage that matches inflation and taxes in order to match housing and food prices monthly (that's $15/hr at the dead minimum and even that's extremely low wages; see finance for an explanation as to why taxes whittle that to basically nothing) and time off for all medical necessities such as birth and recovery, father's time off for said birth and recovery, at least 1 month of vacation time, federally mandated bathroom and lunch breaks, and the right to form unions protected at the federal level is necessary for nationwide health. This isn't fucking partisan. It's medically necessary. I worked so many dead-end jobs for employers who treated me like an indentured servant and it nearly killed me. Ask me if I care about your partisan fucking beliefs. Ask ALL millenials if we care about your partisan fucking beliefs.

Tackling problems head-on is at the moment one of the only ways to beat back the assaults on our mental health. Namely, all of the laws and government policies trying to take away our rights and freedoms in the name of their fucking goddamn doublethink. Vote. It will help you at least feel you did your part and that's great for your mental health. Concrete action.

I really hope this helps. These are tough times for many right now.
