Least Worst Workplaces

Feel free to make your own link list based on this one, as long as you provide a link to the original idea (this). Please see Careers section for even more ideas.

9/5/22 (Labor Day) There has never been a better time to start your own business. Work conditions have gotten so bad for most companies that you could work for 30 years someplace and emerge not much better off than you started. Not only that, the stock market has stagnated. Whatever's been IPO'ing recently has been scary worthless, in my opinion. There's too little competition in the stock market and among businesses, and that's a major reason why corporations have taken over and monopolies have created captive consumerism. You want to change the corporate hellscape? No time like the present. You want to launch a business based on something you actually enjoy doing, ethically? No time like the present. I will warn you: 60-80 hour workweeks, a few business failures, and extreme setbacks are pretty much inevitable. Adapt, and you go through stuff like that for maybe 2-3 years instead of 30. I see around me people from gen z to gen x in legions, working for crap places, getting paid peanuts, for years, even decades, just putting up and shutting up. What I don't know is if a lot of them know there is another way; if they know they can with hard work, perseverence, and education start their own business, or if a lot of them are just too lazy to even consider it, or both. Cause guys, we have it easy in the United States. 10 to 12 hour days, 6 or 7 days a week, in many other countries, doing grueling manual labor, is common.

Based on asking around and research. Sure beats working for some locally-owned shithole with a slave driver boss. Speaking from experience. I will warn you: these are known for ensuring you have no work-life balance to speak of and you will be working very hard, consistently. However, still, that is better than a lot of bullshit I've seen, again, locally owned. Try to lock them down into a contract to ensure you never go over a set number of hours and days per week and know the exact number of hours you can handle without getting sick. That's my recommendation; it might not be feasible however, but it is ideal. If your job is shittier than shitty, here's hoping one of these is better for you; after all, voting with your presence as an employee says it all. My two cents based on personal experience and that of many people I know: beware the big family-owned business; if it is owned by a corporation it is less likely to overwork you, and more likely to keep you actually on the clock as opposed to call you in at fuck-all times because you're their slave now. Small family-owned businesses where the family actually gets involved might be less bad. Some places that have unions are good... and some unions are very bad. So if you're looking at a place with a union, research the union well first, as well as the job.

There are a few disturbing observations I've come up with over the years working in the US. 1. Small-town businesses owned locally tend to be just awful. Not good to work at or shop from. They rarely sell "needs" but instead sell "wants," and if they do sell "needs" they often do not sell quality. This is why the franchises have taken over so easily, not because "customers prefer convenience and cheapness." There are several notable exceptions, and it's very important to patronize these and work for these. 2. American factories and corporations seem to be the larger-scale version of the small-town business on a global scale; crap compared to overseas corporations. I say after a few years investing. There's almost zero merit, innovation, or originality in the stock market in the United States in 2022. It's taken me years to figure out what is not crap to invest in and for the most part, it's STILL crap. Just slightly worth it. 3. Globally, corporations have pretty much no merit, especially multinational corporations. These are mostly to blame for captive consumerism and destroying the environment and they all need to be brought down and broken up. We are seeing the end stage of a worldwide game of Monopoly. When there's no competition there's no reason to be ethical in any way, and we can see this. There's no easy way to fix this aside from to take a very close look at the belief that greed will build a long-lasting business and being rich will get you everything you want in life. Heh. Watch it crumble with me.

For franchises with more leeway for the store owner to have more power over things, choose very carefully as each store will be very different.

Career listing now under construction as of 3/20/23 to provide food for thought as to what career to aim towards

Check all the ones here Shopping since they were selected for decent treatment of workers as well as quality of product or service

The Usual Places To Scour For Job Ads

Less Usual Places To Scour For Job Ads - added 11/30/24

Entry-level; no work experience or college degree required

If you are a veteran

If you have been to prison

If you are disabled or otherwise have to work from home

If Your Job Really Sucks And You Can't Or Won't Quit

Quick ways to gain a good living with minimum training and expense

Harder ways to gain a good living

Specific businesses that I'm actually shocked do not exist already which a. would make bank and b. I would buy things from; adding this here due to massive void in the market for these things

Some app ideas

Some product ideas, added 5/21/23, again there's a huge void on the market
