Misconceptions of Witchcraft

Most of us are not "creepy evil devil worshippers" at all, we actually bear more resemblance to the characters of My Little Pony. (Witches who think I'm dissing us should go watch the show. And maybe make kind of apple dessert.) It's easy to say that people in my religion are "evil," but just because it's easy doesn't make it true or right. There is an ancient Hermetic principle that all magic and Witchcraft (and indeed any lifestyle) runs on that translates easily into programmer lingo: garbage in = garbage out. The scarier you think Witchcraft is, the more you should scrutinize the person in the mirror. I will admit that my religion is pretty much one big superstition, but if you're in any religion with more than 5 members, chances are, so is yours. 5/26/23 In fact you should know that among all real Witches, there are a significant subset of us who don't as a general rule hate anyone. Except for people who work black magic. That is an ancient hatred and even your precious "devil" or any of the Higher Powers won't help you if you stir it up. (ire not intended for all satanists, which I don't actually understand tbh beyond personal experience with kind and intelligent ones and some horrible ones that live down to the stereotype; ire intended for idiots), Surprise! :D

Note to all "prayer warriors," Christian Occultists, and others who work magic whether you realize it or not: you'd better be phrasing your prayers and workings to harm only those who work black magic, and not "all Witches" or you will pay the price, and pay dearly. Most of us are actually the good guys. Well, believe me or don't, but fail to heed my guidance at your own risk. This isn't something you need to worry about from me but from the Universe itself, and it goes way deeper than karma. Ask Jesus or your Higher Power if you don't believe me. Ask the Saint of your choice. Ask the Angels. Stop your evil behavior. And on that note, on Beltaine and Samhain Witches have been known to burn lists of negative tendencies or symbols of what they want to banish from their lives. This is very old folk magic. So guess what a book burning is? You guessed it - magic. Usually black magic. But "Christianity is the only right and true way and all other nonbelievers are steeped in sin and going to hell etc. etc." you know what? If you really believe that, I suggest you strike up a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus and give yourself to Him body and soul, become born again. That is the only comparable thing in Christianity to the initiation process of a good Witch that links us up with the Deities. Have fun! Good luck!

First, please read this. Tempest Smith was only twelve years old when her classmates bullied her into committing suicide due to her faith. There are many vulnerable people in the Witch community, and there are kids and teens in this community too. The bigotry is unacceptable. Tempest Smith's Suicide If you are a new Witch or looking to become one, I also suggest you read the entirety of this page. Much of the bad reputation of the Craft comes from people trying things out without knowing wtf they're doing and then wondering why everything went wrong.

Why even bother explaining the Craft? Isn't there an unofficial rule in the Craft that people have to come to it on their own? Well, yes, and they do. But unfortunately it's often through the worst sources, like TikTok. And often in the worst ways, like when they're still under 18 and don't have their own place, a stable mindset or lifestyle, or loving parents. In the Craft this is called "hearth and home." *note* I do NOT recommend that anyone under the age of 18 actually attempt magic, at least not without parental permission and guidance from at least one very experienced Witch, but learning about the Craft before then is fine. This page exists to make things easier for subsequent generations of Witches so that no one ever has to commit suicide because the pressure got too great for them. It is already hard enough to learn the Craft without having everyone misunderstand you and what you do on top of the training. If you already are a Witch, ask yourself, what kind of example am I setting for younger or less experienced Witches? What kind of reputation am I giving the Craft? Because the answers to these questions are important.

Talked to a fundie once that insisted that the sources he read were credible. No, fool, you were talking to other Christians, get over yourself. Better to read these.

New addition 4/8/23 some websites I like to browse because they are both inspirational and helpful. Note that these will tend to not have any official labels on them due to the difficulty of describing any given spiritual path that involves honoring the Earth, Paganism, or anything even remotely related. This includes any and all flavors of magic, the Occult, Witchcraft, even Astrology (and voila, now you know why you may find that older folks at Pagan Pride festivals don't describe themselves as Witches necessarily; it's kind of a weird term). You could lump it all under the subheading of "new age" but that's borderline disrespectful (or in some cases actually disrespectful) as it sometimes conveys a meaning that it's "just about the money," and with these resources, ohboy it really and obviously isn't.

The most important thing to understand is that the horrors of bad magic, of bad Witchcraft, are justifiably reviled, but for all of society's disgust at Witchcraft, which it thinks is "only bad," that doesn't hold a candle to the level of horror and disgust every good Witch feels for the misuse of our religion. To society, it's considered a spooky Halloween horror film thing in league with the "devil," but for us, it is a perversion of everything that is sacred, pure, and holy. Good Witchcraft is a mother's love, a child's laugh, healing, the touch of the Goddess, happiness and hope, becoming a better person, and one's most cherished ideals and beliefs, in other words it is love. That love turns savage and protective when seeing someone abusing the innocent, especially with the Craft and with magic - we hold these things to be sacred, never to be perverted.

The number one difference between Witchcraft and unethical (likely inaccurate) interpretations of orthodox religion is the value Witches place on life and on living. The emphasis is on the here and now, and on living life to the fullest, and on respecting sentient living beings' right to exist. There is very little emphasis placed on the afterlife, or what it can provide, or on trying to negate one's life experiences in order to get rewarded in an afterlife. And there is no hierarchy in the Craft; all life is seen as precious... and equal. This respect for life and living as well as the survival instinct seems to be a value system shared by most sentient beings, actually, not just humans. It seems to be partially instinctive, as a biological drive, and partially as a result of one's conscience. Most children share this value system until someone indoctrinates them into some belief system or other. Obviously, this is not just something limited to the Craft. The logical implications of such a belief system include, but are not limited to, being forbidden from taking life unless it is absolutely necessary. What is a conscience, anyway? Well, only experience can really dictate if it's worth listening to one's conscience, so it's worth giving it a try. Tempt yourself into goodness and all, right?

Other differences include the value placed on truth and the value placed on freedom. Oddly enough, these are values that seem to be shared by the oldest versions of large monotheistic religions but were somehow distorted over time.

Some more common misconceptions...

*Zoroastrianism referenced a bogeyman called "Ahriman" which was supposedly the bad guy. Other religions that referenced a "bad guy" with supposed big old powers included Egyptian (Apep), Babylonian (Tiamat), Mithraic (kind of unclear), and various other stuff that originated in Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylonia and the Fertile Crescent. However, historians often fail to realize that the Fertile Crescent, source of White People Beliefs, was not the center of the goddamn universe and that it was not the only source of religion on Planet Earth. Consider: Chinese (Taoist) pantheon, Native American pantheons, Japanese pantheon, African pantheons (Africa being the cradle of civilization as far as we know), Aborigine beliefs. It gets complicated. I don't know if the oldest religions referenced a "bad guy" but as far as it seems, nothing indicates that pre-Neolithic Revolution hunter-gatherers believed in any such thing. It seems to have been an invention of the Neolithic era for some reason. And for the record, no one knows where the Craft came from, just that it has definite rituals, traits, traditions, and beliefs which match up with beliefs older than Christianity, and for the same reasons is probably older than Egyptian religion. Archeologists, ya there?

Cultural Differences Between Witchcraft and Monotheistic Religions

All The Ways People Have Screwed Up Witchcraft

Little-known facts about Witchcraft

I know for certain that the Creatrix/Creator of all life, the Great Mystery, the Divine Being of All Things, is infinitely perfect in all ways, infinitely good, merciful, unconditionally loving, gentle, kind, infinitely wonderful, and above all infinitely loving. Infinite, unconditional love is my Goddess. I KNOW SHE EXISTS. There is no flaw in Her. Because She exists, I do not consent to worshipping anything less perfect than Her perfection. As a Witch oathed to the Lady and Lord (female and male aspects of the Creator/Great Mystery), I say this prayer often: "The Lady and Lord protect me. The Lady and Lord heal me. They help me in all the ways I need help. The Lady and Lord are infinite Love, infinite mercy, infinite goodness, and totally perfect. Therefore, I lay my life in Their capable hands now and forever. So mote it be."

Completely Un-Humble Brags about Good Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neopagan (but ethical) Religion In General

If you read through all this because you have more or less been called to the Craft even before you knew there was a name for it, know that you are loved, you are appreciated, and you are not alone. There are many more of us, in places you would never expect, and many of us are proud of you. Keep your chin up and always be true to yourself.

Why I am a Witch: I never have to lie to myself. There's no cognitive dissonance. If something isn't true, I don't need to pretend it is. I don't need to go for any kind of religion that speaks in terms of love but acts in terms of hatred and human rights violations. I can focus all of my energies on helping people, doing the right thing, and all that is wholesome and precious and good instead of doing mental loop-de-loops. Also it's the most ethical, the gentlest, and the least toxic religion I could find. Here are two books that I recommend: Embracing the Moon by Yasmine Galenorn and Dancing with the Sun by Yasmine Galenorn; they'll tell you everything you need to know about the Craft. Understand: they are textbooks intended to be put to use, not scriptures, but do not do anything from them unless you have studied the Craft for a year and a day and then dedicated yourself to it. Practicing the Craft carries with it extreme responsibility and accountability. IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE.

Nondenominational Spirituality


All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla