Review Websites And Sites That Have Lists Like Macrev's
- R/BuyItForLife Kind of the number one guideline for stuff I like to buy anyway and is helpful for this.
- Environmental Working Group Can in theory help you avoid buying stuff that's bad for you, toxic, etc.
- Bambu Batu Reviews basically everything bamboo from clothing to paper products. Since bamboo is really versatile and a renewable resource, there is a bewildering amount of information here.
- Walmart - what? Well, here's the thing. It supported ending democracy. So I don't shop there unless I have no other choice. *9/17/22 Have now realized I have no choice but to shop there. My family sat me down and told me that "you can debate ethics and morals all day long but at the end of the day you've got to eat." I can't afford to shop anywhere else for many things, because everywhere else the products are 5x the price and not reliable, and when you are poor and trying not to be poor, you can't afford products that aren't reliable. I've more or less boycotted them for 10 years, but my quality of life has been terrible (not enough clothing, for instance, or cleaning products, or footwear, or blankets, or dishes to eat off of) - and being sick as well as poor is a bad combination. As a good example, I haven't had a toaster for ten years - frivolous luxury? Maybe, but I also can't move much. Alas, there are absolutely no Walmart competitors that also provide goods as opposed to bads - that I can afford - or I'd shop there instead. And stuff from the dollar stores is not reliable either. You could however say I do go to thrift stores like Goodwill a lot* But, its website has an amazing feature. You can search for anything you want in the search bar and pre-screened products show up that are as good as possible, while being as cheap as possible. Then you can use a search engine to find the website of the product itself and buy it directly from the manufacturer. Because despite how evil it is, and oh, it is, Walmart has one asset: it finds the best of everything at the best possible price. (If you're wondering about Target btw, their main draw is "we're not Walmart," and their products are pretty iffy quality-wise, unless said product is also being sold at Walmart in which case yeah by all means get it from Target LOL) Amazon's website used to be like this too but it seems to have gotten rid of its product vetting process. Thusly everything on Amazon is 4.5 stars and a large amount of it is junkyard trash. Come to think of it, that's not fair to the junkyard trash considering upcycling. 9/21/22 Interestingly, my family piped up regarding the kind of locally-owned general stores that used to exist, think like 80s-00s, before Walmart majorly took over. I quote: "dirty, expensive, racist, the products were not quality or reliable." Also, there would be one or two really high quality expensive items that never got sold until they were rusty, dusty, or both, due to the expense. So yes, a lot of people call Walmart evil these days, but to say it's evil because it took over the businesses like this? Well...
- Natural Grocers Product Finder You can do the same with this as with the Walmart site, or head to a local Natural Grocers, but they are less plentiful than Walmarts and way more expensive.
- Ethical Shopping Guide From Australia, but does seem to have done its homework.
- Cruelty Free Reviews Reviews vegan and unexpectedly vegan foods
- Cruelty Free Guide Reviews vegan other stuff, like clothing and beauty products
- Startpage Use the search "indeed employee reviews _" with _ being whatever company or business you're looking into, and you can see things from the employees' perspective
- Trustpilot for reviews. Very comprehensive.
- Better Business Bureau If a customer is seriously pissed, they often go here and complain.
- Google Maps Generally, the reviews tend to be reliable
- Vitals for doctors
- Healthgrades for doctors
- Snopes For supposedly seeing what is and isn't true in news. Take it with a grain of salt.
- Consumer Affairs More reliable than Amazon reviews.
- Most other review websites are affiliate marketing and absolutely full of shit.
- Leafscore The first articles written about electric vehicles under $40,000 and eco-friendly auto tech. Shocked I only found this today, 7/6/22, check it out. Note: the rest of the site seems to be the same old affiliate marketing for whatever seems green but may or may not actually be green.
- Treehugger Has articles for picking energy-efficient but effective AC units, dehumidifiers, e-bike conversion kits, space heaters, portable cell phone chargers made of solar panels, water test kits, and so on. Notably, their "recommendations" seem to not be worthless b.s. affiliate marketing but actually helpful.
- Vegnews Whatever reviews you find about vegan anything, you'll find them here first. Warning: totally over-optimistic about vegan products that realistically speaking have a pretty good chance of tasting like cardboard... let the buyer beware. I like to review vegan food products after trying them myself and subjecting my Texan husband to them here.
- ID Me Verifies your ID as a nurse, a first responder, military personnel, educator, government employee, or student, and compiles all the offers for you. Even if you are not one of these mentioned in the list, take a look at the website to see if you can comb it for any discounts for you or someone you care about. In fact you can still sign up and get discount offers targeted to the general public. It apparently was founded by a veteran and states it cares about protecting privacy, and upon a cursory glance it seems to do that. Legally, businesses are allowed to sell your data, so if this one doesn't, good. But that legal problem is a problem that can only be solved at the voting booth, eh.
- Shop ID Me Take a look at all this.
From Shopping section