New addition 12/13/22 Nothing gives you the right to hurt children or the innocent. Not ignorance. Not tradition. Not fear. Not brainwashing. Not conspiracy theories. Not authoritarian parenting style. Not religion. Not great intentions. NOTHING. And if laws worldwide do not change to follow suit and implement appropriate punishment for those that do these things, we get to see more children and more gentle, kind, special, different in-the-wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time people get hurt. And I'm not willing to have that happen, are you?
New additions 7/4/22 and 12/17/22
A long time ago someone once said "Give me freedom or give me death." In that spirit here are several rights that logically follow from such a premise. They apply to all who have not been convicted of serious crimes (such as terrorism, human trafficking, rape, etc.)
These rights are potentially null and void if your existence provides a threat to others' rights or violates their rights, and requires trial by jury to determine sentencing and punishment
The right to act in accordance with the Universal Laws (see that section on that page) and to ensure everyone else follows the ones at the end of this point or is punished in a fair and reasonable way as determined by a trial by jury of one's peers. WHAT APPLIES IN THE OCCULT APPLIES TO EVERYONE IN MUNDANE LIFE ALSO. Most of these are monitored and enforced by the Universe; the ones that need to be monitored and enforced by living beings are: no black magic is allowed, no harming the innocent is allowed, no harming the undeserving is allowed, no interfering with someone's free will without their explicit and fully informed verbal consent is allowed. "Harm" I will define here as causing a living being suffering, pain, and/or an undeserved unwarranted restriction of their free will.
The right to freedom of action as long as it does not violate the rights of others
The right to the pursuit of happiness, because what is the point of existing if you cannot strive to want to exist?
The right to life, which logically includes clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, access to a bathroom, the right to sleep anywhere, the right to exist anywhere in any condition, the right to travel through public or common areas, 1/2/23 the right to at least try to earn a living in a fair and ethical manner
The right to exist, no matter how much of a minority you are - gay, straight, black, white, Pastafarian, Catholic, just plain weird, you're always a minority somewhere
The right to freedom of religion
The right to freedom from abuse or mistreatment
The right to suicide
The right to reproductive choice, specifically the right to use contraceptives and say 'no' to reproducing, and the right to be fully educated about how humans reproduce. Abortion is another debate which I will not get into here.
The right to choose a consenting, adult human mate or mates
The right to freedom of expression, including speech, dress, mannerisms, appearance, and so on
The right to access to information as long as such information does not interfere with the rights of others (i.e. how to make bombs, the general public does not need to know that)
The right to freedom of movement in the country
The right to live wherever you want, in whatever manner you want, without interfering with the rights of others
The right to privacy
8/15/24 The right to kill one's rapist or someone attempting to rape you; however this is really hard to determine by a court (what's rape versus consensual sex - even rough sex, what's consent when it was poorly understood for so many years) and to make into law in the modern era. With additional research into the vagaries of this problem and additional energy expended to figure each detail out, it could be solvable.
8/15/24 The right to kill anyone who has or who is trying to harm you as much as rape would. This is even more difficult to figure out, legally speaking, but it could be done.
Obtaining any of these things in any way, especially by force, can and often should result in legal consequences, including trial by jury to determine sentencing and punishment
The 'right' to reproduce so much that you and people like you threaten the entire environment and population of Earth
The 'right' to discriminate against people who make you uncomfortable
The 'right' to special privileges which cause harm to others that you did not earn, including special privileges one may feel entitled to as a result of any amount of intersectional oppression
The 'right' to abuse anyone for any reason whatsoever
The 'right' to destroy the environment
The 'right' to censor in the interest of creating a safe space
The 'right' to comfort
The 'right' to not be offended
The 'right' to be safe
The 'right' to free lunches or unearned benefits
The 'right' to preferential treatment
The 'right' to treat any human being, no matter how young or legally disempowered, like property
The 'right' to harm someone else in the name of exercising so-called rights
The 'right' to force others, who aren't criminals, to behave in a certain way
Practically speaking, none of the aforementioned rights will ever be obtained by most on Earth if we do not imprison or kill those who would take those rights from the innocent, and there is a very good chance we will never see an end to wars either if we do not institute the death penalty for the following:
Child abusers
War criminals
Those who willingly, seriously egregiously harm innocent human beings and possibly also any other sentient being
Those who willingly, seriously egregiously harm innocent human beings and possibly also any other sentient being, including via severe environmental destruction, pollution, poisoning water through industrial runoff, poisoning air via industrial emissions, causing global warming and covering up the harms of the fossil fuel industry, etc.
Since the death penalty is serious business, it is critical to avoid it for cases that only rely on circumstantial evidence and for cases that define "egregious harm to the innocent" or "war criminals" without scientific backing, such as religious anything (*facepalm*). Without good evidence, and a coherent reason why, it's wrong.
End the statute of limitations at the federal level
2/14/23 Put laws on the books that adequately protect informants and witnesses of crimes. Particularly with anonymity. As it stands now if I am not mistaken, the accused has a right to know who accused them, which means in practice that the instant someone reports a crime, they're now on the top of the criminal's shit list, and you can imagine how well that works out.
2/20/23 Mandate body cams that are as tamper-proof as possible and live streamed to a police station, on all people in charge of watching kids, including babysitters, teachers, child psychologists, all people working at a school, and day care workers. If a child, minor, or dependent calls CPS on their legal guardian/s, then on their legal guardian from then on until they get out from under their roof. Same deal with any adult requiring a caretaker, such as someone who is mentally ill, disabled, or in a retirement home, but of course in their case it would be calling 911 not CPS. What is not seen is not believed by the legal system, and realistically those who are helpless can't just "bootstrap it" and defend themselves.
2/20/23 Make bounty hunting legal in all 50 states, US territories, Washington DC, and internationally also in collaboration with Interpol and local governments. This also includes reservations which technically speaking are their own countries, if I am not mistaken. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
2/20/23 Specific legal penalties for hurting nature and the environment. At the very least an enormous tax on CO2 emissions and destruction of natural habitat.
2/20/23 Put the legal right to privacy in the Constitution as another Amendment. Because with data about users sold to the highest bidder that gives rich criminals one heck of an edge. In fact it gives all criminals one heck of an edge. You have any idea how easy it is to find out a lot more information about a total stranger than you reasonably should? It's very easy.
2/20/23 Emancipate all minors automatically at the age of 12, 14 maximum, (edit 3/12/23 Age 13 seems fair.) at the federal level and mandate a federal minimum wage for folks 12 (or 14) and up that makes it so if they get a couple part time or one full time job they can afford to move out. Otherwise legally speaking they are the property of their parents or guardian or whoever is overseeing them at school or daycare or wherever and have all the "rights" thereof namely none.
3/3/23 Mandatory education covering as much of the legal system and laws as possible in schools, with respect to the local, state, and national laws and legal system. If you don't know how it works, then you logically speaking can't have any idea who is the best person to vote for, or how to vote on ballot measures
3/3/23 Speed up the legal system such that its response time and lag time is as minimal as possible. Honestly, at this point I am really curious how many crimes Trump and his family have committed in the time since the January 6 insurrection and since the seizure of the classified documents he stole from the White House up until now. If nothing else convinces the US to tighten up its response time to minimize the time between crime and punishment, I think this should do the trick.
3/3/23 Federal funding for the legal system so that rich people no longer have any sort of an edge. Everyone gets public defenders and public employees for their justice system. That's it. Oh yes, and prisons federally funded too, no more privatization. No more separate laws for the rich and the poor. That isn't a justice system, it's a caste system. In fact it also means that if you get rich enough you can get away with anything, as abundantly proven by certain folks in our political system.
3/3/23 End Citizens United
3/3/23 Federal funding for the political cycle at local, state, and national levels. Every political candidate gets the same amount of dough and bankrolling. With the internet it's now doable. Also private and anonymous funding and lobbying for same completely illegal. To hell with the Democrat and Republican parties both. Oh yes, end those too, make them obsolete! Two party system is worthless.
3/3/23 As I've said before, over a certain amount of money you have been "voted for" without being actually voted for, and have a ton of money and power. This creates a de facto worldwide oligarchy/monarchy. So - I suggest, heavily, a personal net worth cap. Any extra automatically given to the government specifically to preserve and remediate wilderness areas. 3/10/23 Actually this will also nicely take care of a large chunk of the national budget deficit, and help fund several desperately needed programs to ensure this country is rather civilized instead of lookin' like a slum next to a mansion in every town, such as a public option for health care, better large-scale infrastructure maintenance so utilities and the grid don't get uh, issues anymore, and reliable public infrastructure projects - planes, trains, buses, subways. That arrive on time and are clean, dammit. Ancient civilizations in history, such as China, Rome, and ancient Ireland as several examples, often prospered because of abundant and efficient trade routes, and there's a reason it's important, okay. Other countries have them, we don't, vehicle-based society is keeping our economy stifled and stagnant and our social lives and even national culture stifled too. The Interstate highway system and the roads and railroads that criss-cross the United States were created more than seventy years ago. Heck, even the ports and the river trade infrastructure is super old. They're archaic. We need to modernize interstate travel and make it far more efficient and accessible. As for privatizing these things, see how well that worked for the Texas electrical grid! Ha ha ha! (cries) 11/12/24 Another reason for a net worth cap is that Capitalism has its limitations. The old saying "every man has his price" doesn't apply to everybody but it applies to a whole lot of people, therefore promises to pay for all lawyer fees and recompense a person for their whole lives and/or that of their families' lives (or even whole bloodlines) could be potent enticement for a large amount of corruption, and a good enough enticement to commit a felony offense. It also can give an entire family legal funding for representation, when the rest of the population has none, plus health care taken care of, enough food, safe housing, and no exploitative businesses to work for, and that's a hell of an advantage in this country.
3/3/23 Taxes paid only once a year, even if you have a business or invest or whatever else. Oh yeah and also: total transparency of the IRS. Where's the money go? How do they calculate taxes? They are as opaque and obtuse as it is possible to get.
3/3/23 Drastically reduce Social Security and Unemployment benefits. ***3/16/23 Eliminate all government retirement benefits and Social Security benefits. These are full grown-ass adults, and if they want people the age of their existing or would-be grandkids to pay for their existence through taxes, that is THEFT. They're welcome to set up a GoFundMe or to perhaps ask for help on the street, not take it from total strangers without their consent. They had their chance to earn a living. In fact in most cases they still have it. This is a Communist policy. Out it should go. Also, unemployment benefits should last two months and absolutely no more. What, rewarding people for not working?! Also, watch and learn to see who will be complaining about these formerly hardline Republican ideas: it will be the Boomers and the Republicans, just fucking watch*** Instead, reform the disability process such that anyone who legitimately needs it can get it easily, and create a public option for healthcare and mental health care - no, this will not make private healthcare obsolete or redundant; you can have both. Also raise the minimum wage to something that is a living wage. If it is roughly as expensive to work as it is to just sit on your ass at home, something is seriously wrong.
3/3/23 Burn through and cut through as much red tape as possible at the local, state, and national level to make starting and running any business from micro to macro as easy, cheap, accessible, and streamlined as possible. I once heard that Hong Kong used to have business laws like that, making its economy boom. It's also a pretty huge deal for ensuring that the US remains any kind of relevant in today's global economy.
3/10/23 Revoke US citizenship for people above a personal net worth cap and do not allow them to visit here or live here either. Unless they donate the excess above the personal net worth cap to the government specifically to protect wilderness areas and to help reduce and get rid of our budget deficit. Those are oligarchs, or in some cases just parasites on the system - in all cases un-voted-for de facto monarchy. And the United States does not like or pander to dictators or kings and queens. Right? This is in essence a tax on the richest. But in my opinion better. 3/10/23 Have now heard the only logical argument for this kind of wealth: apparently it gives you one option via you can pour a lot of money into a futuristic project such as creating technological breakthroughs, space colonies, etc. There are several issues with this. 1. That money in and of itself is so often an excuse for intellectual sloth. Money is a medium of exchange. It does not magically create ideas or cause the underlings to dance like puppets on a string like vehement libertarians think it does. No, that requires drive, passion, and inspiration - none of which require money or even an external incentive from someone trying to get you to do something. I should hope this website has at least somewhat proved that point. 2. What makes you think that anyone rich enough to buy just about anything will spend it on something innovative, let alone ethical? What possible reasoning from the past do you have? Even if you look at industry tycoons known for philanthropic efforts, you often notice they made massive business empires using a multitude of people who were massively overworked and underpaid and had little to no human rights, plus no unions, and on the side - oh look, a charity project. Take with one hand, give with the other? It's just a cycle of shit. 3. No seriously ask yourself how many people you've talked to about what they'd do if they had some obscene amount of money, like won the lottery or something. Now imagine if that actually happened. I bet a lot of the time people think to themselves "oh they're just joking around, they wouldn't actually make a Dr. Evil lair in a volcano." Are you sure? After all, money is power. Ask yourself what power and influence has done to the people you've known. 4. You don't even have to look that hard to see people getting corrupted by money and power. Look at local businesses. How many of these business owners actually pay people a living wage, as opposed to making them ruin their bodies through indentured servitude that costs them more in the long run than if they'd just stayed at home and not gone to work? Greed all over the place.
3/10/23 Minimum wage you can live on. There's no justification for not providing this. If you can earn more by flying a sign on the street, like $20/hr (I have actually seen people manage this, more often than you'd expect; folks are generous), and not working at all, or by getting unemployment benefits, Social Security benefits, or even disability benefits (and I've heard this is pretty pitiful), than by actually working your butt off, something's not right. 5/23/23 thanks to some insight I explain in Hindsight Is 2023 section, federally investigate everyone who pays under $11/hr or an otherwise unlivable wage, work schedule, benefits, etc. really anything that'd make you almost have to have a death wish to work that job (employers can get away with so much bullshit these days) to see if they employ illegal immigrants and institute a minimum punishment for doing so at the federal level of 20 years in prison, all assets money and capital seized and converted to cash which then gets used for the benefit of the community (requires transparency so certain governors don't pocket half and use the other half for "public" expensive golf courses or something), a felony charge, and extremely high fines. But if that isn't enforceable at the federal level, then I think border states would do themselves a favor here. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
3/10/23 Speaking of being able to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and all that, hey government, how about making it possible for people who want to work but can't do the usual work due to various kinds of hindrances (i.e. disability, discrimination, mental illness) by creating a website for finding work that actually... uh... works? Elsewise you can expect to see a whole lot more GoFundMes and OnlyFans. Honest, it should not be required for you to go to college just to figure out how to get a steady job you can handle if you aren't "normal," whatever that means. As for anyone diehard about government interference in whatever, perhaps state and local governments and local agencies and charities can do this work too. Y'all are slacking.
3/10/23 Deadbeat parenting? Not up to snuff on child support payments? Now a felony offense. Goodbye voting rights. It is only fair.
3/17/23 Make disability benefits livable. Also, make minimum wage for everyone, including the disabled and those under 18, the same wage. This is not rocket science, people gotta eat.
Automatically enroll all eligible voters to be registered to vote, and make voting only done by mailed-out ballots with an effective, efficient postal service
Also see the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have diverged greatly from these documents legally speaking and that is not good at all.
7/4/22 Make all convicted child molesters and male rapists eunuchs and give them vasectomies also. Hey, if we abolished Roe vs. Wade, it's only fair. At the very least vasectomies for these folks must be mandated by the state. Thusly we will get fewer people seeking abortions in the first place? Duh?
3/10/23 Oh on that note with regards to the abolishment of Roe vs. Wade: the men responsible for the unwanted pregnancy should get a felony charge for causing it. Problem? (world's tiniest violin plays, also players out there: consider getting a vasectomy so as to spare yourself legal headaches)
3/10/23 Some more logical corrolaries if the unborn now have rights: animals have rights. Plants have rights. Crystals have rights. Nature Herself has rights, and land has rights. Even heavenly bodies like Earth and the Moon have rights. Sooner or later science will discover that literally all of these have sentience and can feel pain. You can call it animist, New Age or whatever you want. It happens to be the truth. Not everyone can sense these things but a lot of folks can, and honestly, a lot of them are NOT in Pagan religions or Witchcraft. I understand this is a pretty bold claim and can't back it up with proof, but have faith science will back it up, perhaps in a couple hundred years.
3/10/23 So speaking of notions currently considered ridiculous, here's one for the cheap seats. Children are living beings too and thus should have rights. All this hoopla about the unborn, okay great, but til you're 18 you are considered property of your parent or legal guardian under the law, and when they're not around, you're the slave of whoever is teaching you at school or supervising you or whatever, and you can't leave the building. And this is somehow "pro-life." Sure, pro-life for the slave owners, aka the parents. It will improve THEIR quality of life, sure. If you really think that all people have kids in order to be loving good parents, and not to be selfish or because they kind of went "whatever" in all their life decisions, then you are an idiot. Therefore, these rights (at the very least) have to be written into law: 1. Full legal emancipation from legal guardian or parent at the age of 13, not 18, meaning that is the age when folks can move out, get a job, live on their own, have their own bank account, their right to make their own personal medical decisions, to pursue GED and higher education, indeed all rights granted to US citizens (except for drinking (21), tobacco use (21), age of consent (18), bearing firearms (18, or 21 in some places), voting (16), and marriage (18)), and not have their parents potentially controlling everything. 2. Lower the voting age to 16. 3. Just in case it's not illegal in all states and US territories already, make all arranged marriage before the age of 18 strictly illegal. Duh. Oh, and of course raise the age of consent to 18 everywhere also. 4. Minimum wage for adults the same minimum wage as for minors. 5. Children that call CPS on their parent or guardian must then have said parent or guardian put on a list of potential child abusers, as a sort of red flag for future incidents for law enforcement to look at. And they must have a police officer then place a body cam on said parent or guardian such that their every move is monitored, all the time. I really don't care about violations of privacy in this sort of situation. 6. Body cams on all teachers and people who aren't parents of those exact kids, by default, in all situations where they are in charge of watching youth and kids. Yes this includes day care personnel and babysitters. 7. Allow anyone to get a GED at any age and then proceed to higher education, and put the entire contents of K-12 school online such that anyone can learn it at a public library or any computer terminal at any school, get the GED, and get on with life. Speaking of, put GED tests at every library and school in the country so as to make this feasible, and make it a felony offense for all school personnel to deny a student their right to study for this GED and take this GED test, even if it means "neglecting their other schoolwork" (whatever, studying for the GED is definitely schoolwork) (and of course to tamper with the results - these guys do have a vested interest in keeping their jobs after all). 8. Maybe put more safeguards in all these systems, like CPS, the foster care system, and the school system, such that the worst possible people are not actually anywhere near it and so they're not actively attracted to these things? Because it's basically entirely made of shitty people in all of these right now? You could start by mandating that teachers get paid more and also that they all have a Master's degree or higher in the field of study they are supposed to be teaching. Oh, and also by getting rid of the entire Board of Education, Teacher's Unions, and principal/board of directors structure then rebuilding everything from scratch such that it is literally only teachers who are running the whole thing from top to bottom and the bottom up. None of this "degree in teaching administration" running everything crap. That would be a slightly less stupid system. Maybe then they'd actually read the textbooks before using them /s 9. Deliberately exposing your kids to something like coronavirus and withholding the vaccine from them? Or some other medical malpractice or really any practice done to kids for any reason whatsoever that actually puts them at serious, significant risk of permanent disability or death? Automatic emancipation of the minors under the law. Don't worry, if they love you they'll stick around. If. 10. Any medical professional that saves a child's life or a minor's life against the wishes of their parent or guardian should still retain their license. I've heard at least one story where the opposite happened. Never again. Yes, that is a Holocaust reference, and yes, I have the right to bring that up! 11. 3/12/23 Seeing as how apparently some states (how?!) actually a. want to try to put kids in the foster care system despite having loving parents due to for instance being transgender, or really anything else, and b. still allow child marriage with parental consent, uh, shut that shit down. Now. Ban child marriage of any sort at the federal level, regardless of circumstances, no marriage licenses granted under the age of 18 period. And also, disincentivize traumatization of families torn apart by unwise separation by making it so if children have been taken into foster care unjustly as determined by an assembled court, the guilty parties get the death penalty. It's not just an insidious form of kidnapping, it is also a form of child torture given the shit state of the foster care system.
3/16/23 Make taxes and business regulations and law clear and easy to understand for just about everyone, and for those that can't understand it due to lack of education or disability, provide folks to help explain it. Why? Well, because this situation with lack of clarity about taxes and business law is killing the economy. I only know this much about it because I have a lot of free time. You really think people trying to start a business or work for a living have as much free time as I do? WTF. It gets weirder because the more you work and the harder you work the more complicated the taxes and the business regulations get, and the more you get punished for working hard.
3/16/23 Federalize business law so they no longer vary from county to county and state to state. Incorporate knowledge of this into the public school system so people who want to start their own businesses can.
3/17/23 Make it legal to bring all little ones to work with you. Not everyone can afford a babysitter, and it's not even safe to do so in a lot of cases. You abolish Roe vs. Wade? Fine, take being pro-life to its logical conclusion.
4/11/23 As long as employers continue to hire people for peanuts wages and crazy hours, we will continue to have a problem with illegal immigration and outsourcing. Crack down on the employers for exploitative work practices like this and we revitalize the American economy. It is that simple. Therefore, make it a felony to hire anyone who is an illegal immigrant, with all assets, monetary and capital assets both, from the business and all who own and manage it, for all businesses that hire illegal folks. Also shut it down. Apply the same penalties to all businesses that buy, knowingly or unknowingly, items made with indentured servitude or slave labor. Have government inspectors visit outsourced factories at random times, to see if they are complying with American labor laws, and also make all outsourced factories subject to American laws, to the greatest extent possible while in tandem with local legal systems. Make company HR entirely redundant by making government HR (state, local, and federal levels) the place you can actually bring up grievances against a workplace for; otherwise workplaces never get legal consequences for mistreating workers. Ever. As for people searching for good jobs, have you ever considered that working in the wrong place, for the wrong people, for an amount of money that is insulting, and in a way that wrecks your life and your body, is actually you being a scab? (someone who breaks a union strike, or in this case a common-law nation-wide agreement that work should be beneficial to both boss and employee) Not working for such shitheads is a form of protest. Indeed, working for their competitors if you can might be very worthwhile.
4/22/23 Tax all places of worship that are "nonprofit" - right. And yes, that includes every religious congregation.
5/18/23 Put a bunch of pro-life legislation into law. No, no, not what is called "pro-life." Specifically this: organic, well-balanced school breakfasts, lunches, and after-school meals and after-school recreational programs free for all kids up til the age of 18. Free homeless shelters for everyone up til the age of 18 that anyone can go to at any age if they feel they need to, up til the age of 18 (and stay there til then), if they feel threatened at home. Free treatment for suicidal ideation at a health care center attached to any hospital, and free ongoing counseling and mental health care thereafter. Free health care, reproductive health care, and mental health care for kids up til the age of 18 (last day thereof, day before they turn 19). Free job counseling for everyone up til the age of 18, as well as job placement agencies, mentorships and internships and apprenticeships in high school, and access to an online set of libraries free with US citizenship. None of this contingent on membership in any given religion, which is something I saw a lot in a wide variety of "charitable" organizations that would withhold (or grudgingly bestow minimum amounts of) the goodies unless you at least outwardly conformed to their religion. And all this subsidized by local, state, and national governments (and they get to define how much they pay so we can see how pro-life they really are) and by taxes paid by all religious organizations (same).
5/18/23 Speaking of "pro-life," a public option for health care is by its very definition pro-life. Or at least anti-death. So is a minimum wage that protects the poorest from poverty ($15/hr is fair, at least $11/hr); realistically someone has to work those jobs, and if you do not want to be that someone due to inhumane living conditions that result, then that's actually indentured servitude. So is legislation cracking down on people profiting from indentured servitude from illegal immigrants. You can't be against these things and also call yourself pro-life. That would be self-contradictory.*
5/23/23 Mandate, at the federal level, a maximum of five pages of legal terms and conditions. Single spaced, MLA format, 12 point font, at a fourth grade reading level. If it can't be summarized in five pages and understandable by people who are poor thus not likely to have had the luck of having a good education, the lawyers don't know how to summarize or rephrase and that isn't exactly flattering.
5/27/23 Institute a parenting license. Have an exam people need to pass. If they don't pass it and renew it every year, they get no tax breaks and significantly increased taxes to pay for their inevitable serious damage to society. Have all those taxes pay for one thing only: food for kids. And if/when we get a public health care option, then health care and mental health care for kids also. This licensing and exam will have to be completely transparent, and will have to be at the bare minimum standards for raising a child in a healthy and safe environment (and given what I've seen, that's pretty rock bottom, and honestly many parents I've known haven't even met those standards). Most "objections" at that point would be thinly disguised belief that a child is one's property, one's slave, and not a sovereign living being protected under the provisions of the Geneva Convention and are therefore invalid and inhumane arguments. I have a feeling any other objections to this will quickly pass when people see just how egregiously some folks will fail these exams. Also, deadbeat parents fail the exams by default.
8/23/23 Enforce a federal ruling that any parent without any kind of criminal record can visit any classroom in their child's school at any time, for as long as they want. Also, put body cams on all teachers and personnel in schools and in the whole education system. This won't prevent all of the gross civil and human rights violations that happen in school, but it's a start.
9/9/22 Here's an interesting notion. If black magic is a crime punishable by death, and I do believe it is, then this raises a couple of points. Firstly, it is true that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. So this means that anything in the world that has the same effect as any kind of black magic is also therefore punishable by death. Secondly, this begs the question what is black magic, exactly? Speaking as a Witch, it is any magic that causes extreme harm to the innocent, and harm includes deliberately affecting someone innocent's free will without their explicitly given consent. It is also any magic that causes a deliberate extreme negative change without a justifiable reason (i.e. protect the innocent by causing harm). When it comes to black as opposed to grey or "morally ambiguous" magic, you KNOW what it is when you see it (and I hope you never do, it's awful). Quite literally black magic is the magical equivalent of a war crime. So in practical, non-magical terms, what does this mean "in the nonmagical world"? I can think of several examples. Child abuse. Horrendous medical malpractice. Violent rape. Genocide. You get my point? There are a wide variety of crimes that one can commit and never walk back from, never be salvageable as a human being. We have to kill such people in order for innocent and weak beings to be made safe. There is no other way. So in other words I am saying the death penalty must be looked at more seriously. I'm sure a lot of soft-hearted people would disagree but they have not seen what I have. Have not met the monsters that I have. And all of these monsters wear big, charming human smiles, and look like humans. I tell you once anyone commits a crime at that level of severity there is NO turning back. Putin as a good example.
9/9/22 Consider another couple of examples of real world actions that create the same effects as black magic. Consider that deliberately changing another person's belief systems in such a way that it causes harm to them is effectively the same as black magic. A few real world examples include Chinese reeducation camps, religious brainwashing for kids at summer camps, the Native American boarding schools, all other brainwashing for political or social gain, and even some political or business pitches, such as some advertising, if used with psychological approaches such as hypnosis. In order to determine if any major psychological negative impact happens from a certain institution it is necessary to observe people going in to the place, and then people coming out of the place a few years later; major studies must be run on for instance the public education system. I saw kids full of hope and happiness go into school and emerge from it 12 years later, crushed in spirit, all happiness and ambition gone, all independent thought gone. Is that effectively the same as black magic? You tell me; requires much analysis and observation in my opinion and body cams on the teachers and administrative personnel. A more definite example is QAnon. It's a great example; the people behind that certainly do deserve death. It can be done, brainwashing for negative purposes. And alas, it often is.
9/9/22 Using that notion as a starting point, consider this. Our systems of crime, law, order, government, and punishment are archaic! You wanna know why? Because they allow evil. They even in some cases condone it. People often point to my religion as a good Witch and say "oh you worship an evil being, the devil," which is completely untrue (technical reasons here and here, also thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.) But you know what a lot of religions do? They adore evil. They will gladly cause immense harm to innocent beings because their supposedly sacred texts told them it was necessary or worse, that the universe needs evil in it in order to function. "Can't appreciate the good without the bad," they'll say. "Can't enjoy yourself if you don't suffer first." Wrong! Evil must be destroyed! And causing harm to the innocent deliberately is evil. Forgiving people who have committed war crimes and allowing them to get off scot-free so they can go do more of the same is evil. Is it evil to allow evil to continue to exist? Well, I haven't figured that one out yet. But I do know it's wrong to just let it fester.
10/3/22 A brief list of things that need to permanently stop. Included thanks to the pompous scapegoating of innocent people such as transgender ones and pregnant women. Which really isn't righteous if you look closely at it but is bullying convenient victims, plain and simple. This is not pleasant to talk about or think about but you know what? If you're clutching your pearls about something inconsequential that does not cause harm to anyone innocent, and causing harm to the innocent, you are the bad guy.
As you can see, a large array of depraved atrocities get committed daily, by a large amount of human beings. But "oooh skin color, gender, religion, and gender identity are so all important." Blame others so you get to blame all the problems in your life on someone else. Sure, and if you really need a scapegoat that badly I think the rest of us need to take a closer look at you.
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*inb4 "you're a liberal democrat" ok tell me you haven't read this site without telling me you haven't read this site
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