Self-Defense and Guns
- Convict Conditioning by "Coach" Paul Wade
- Sabre Pepper spray and personal safety products
- Training for usage of Sabre products
- Door security bar If your door's a piece of crap made of plywood it probably won't matter much. But if it's made of metal with good hinges you're probably good. It's only like $25 plus shipping for one of these anyway. And best yet they're portable.
- Smith and Wesson It would behoove you to get proper, regular training for this. And long before that to have regular therapy scheduled with a qualified therapist of some sort. And if you honestly think that open carry is somehow a badge of honor, I think you need to go visit Israel and see the 18 year olds carting around semiautomatic rifles and see the look on their faces. Wow, what an easy life (sarcasm)
From Shopping section