That honor goes to Ranma 1/2, except not really.

I'm slowly amassing both a collection of dad jokes and metric tons of stuff in my purse send help. To be honest though, it's really getting old to have people still actually believe, in 2022, that being LGBTQ+ is a kink, or some kind of fetish. Who I am is not a "kink." Also see LGBTQ section for more serious talk. And uh realistically speaking I could be any kind of sexuality and gender identity (I am genderqueer/genderfluid and bisexual) but practically speaking it doesn't matter because I am married and not at all polyamorous, so like, practically speaking it doesn't concern you at all. 4/22/23 Oh and for the record, I was born like this. You may not believe in the existence of the soul, but I do, and I know mine is genderfluid, same way I know there is a good Higher Power watching over all of us, that I don't like gardenia's scent, and that I really detest the taste of hamburgers. Unfortunately for a lot of people who would rather have a borg hivemind army, and are super upset that anyone different from their hivemind even exists, I grew up and I know what I like and who I am and what I stand for. If you want someone else instead of me, then you don't get this website. No me, as I am, no chitchat from me either. You got a problem with that, take it up with your Higher Power. I didn't make me.

7/11/22 Major lightbulb moment, real big brain time here. Okay now picture this: the gays cannot have the babbies. But there are many, many kids that need adoptive parents. If you are pro-life, then.... logically, you'd want someone to take care of the babies once they're out of the womb. Who's going to adopt them? The gays. Problem solved, LOL
