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"I Am A Golden God!"

Well this is an important skill to have. If you're into conspiracy theories, this will definitely make you no longer into conspiracy theories. If you learn the following you’ll never fall for a con like ‘masks are bad’ and kill people with your ignorance:

*There is a common belief in a lowest common denominator. In my opinion and experience this is absolutely untrue because each and every individual I met had incredible talent, potential, and smarts, but in different ways and often ways not understood or appreciated by society. However, the belief in a lowest common denominator has actually created a lowest common denominator by unscrupulous individuals trying to dumb down a population and by blindly-believing individuals teaching classes of students, and for the most part succeeding. What a waste.

Specific conspiracy theory stuff: Additional section added 11/10/24

Additional section added 10/7/24 specifically for conspiracy theorists and those who deal with them. Also for people who truly believe in something, such as for instance that women are dumb as fuck, or that their religion is the best one, and everyone human has bias like that. Reminiscing a little bit about the Jews (my family is Jewish, I was raised Jewish, am good Witch/Pagan now) who were "helped to see the Light of Jesus" by people torturing them in the Spanish Inquisition, which in itself was a bunch of people supporting a cult with conspiracy theory-like ideas.

Specifically for the people who have to deal with conspiracy theorists or zealots usually getting high on their own supply:

Big Brain Time


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