Religion and Mythology
3/16/23 Ok riddle me this. Say a powerful alien descended on the planet with superintelligence, extreme amounts of power, and the ability to grant human wishes. Would you worship them if they demanded that you bow down and serve them as a Deity? Is there any real difference between that and the way you, or the people you know, practice religion? Historically speaking, human beings did this to other humans and claimed to be god emperors, and the ones giving them the power were other people. Anyone with enough dedication and sociopathy can learn enough math, astronomy, and sociology to manipulate their way into power via "miracles" and then stay there, hence the existence of god-kings and dictators in history, and now, and history just repeats itself over and over and overandover. 5/1/23 Here's another strange thought. The dominant religions on this planet for most of the past 2,000 years now have been Islam and Christianity. How is that going? Has there been an end to wars, hatred, bigotry, judgmental stupidity, and poverty, as the sacred texts of both of these seem to ask for? How's the environment doing? How are the women and children? How's that working for you, for us? I have no experience reading the Qur'an - though I have (as mentioned in the rest of this) never (not once) in my life been mistreated by a Muslim so I would assume the text has some good stuff in it. I do have experience reading the Bible and Jesus said "Judge a tree by its fruits" (to paraphrase). 3/9/23 Just thinking about the LGBTQ+ furor and the book banning crap and all the other stuff lately has me reminded of that old saying "you can't serve both God and Mammon." Cause really, you can't serve both love and hate. Eventually one or the other is going to win out. And with people playing telephone with the Bible and other holy texts all the way from their inception til now you really gonna claim that a Deity said EXACTLY what is written in there? Who are you? Are YOU a Deity?
My attitude towards religion is an exact match for Religious Bumfucks by Dayglo Abortions. here it is Yep, that includes my own religion. If you are easily offended about your Perfect Fucking Religion, you're really better just fucking off. As you can see, modern-day religions are used and abused by the powerful in order to make people more pliant and willing to blindly obey. Just as converting to 100% renewable energy and off-grid lifestyles is a way to cut off support and funding for dictators and autocrats, giving people worldwide adequate physical pain control for acute and chronic pain and also adequate mental health care esp. as it relates to mental anguish, trauma, PTSD and so on, will cut off support for autocratic or evil religion. Pain changes people; if it breaks them they're easier to enslave, esp. by getting them hooked on a drug be it actual drugs, social media, religion, or some cult. That's its fuel. End the pain, and you solve some of the problem. Call out drug addicts, aka people addicted to their religion, for what they are and you solve more of it. Just because it feels gooooood to commune with the Divine or practice your religion doesn't mean it's not functioning as your drug of choice. 6/22/22 Upon some consideration I want to make it clear I think everyone has the right to practice whatever the hell religion they want. I just don't think it's right to force anyone else to join you. 2/16/23 It's one of the worst truths in life that you can't save everyone, especially from themselves. No matter how much you try to explain that religion is for uplifting people, not pushing down the innocent, improving people, not making them worse; no matter how much you preach love, compassion, mercy, and all that is good to someone, it's going to mostly fall on deaf ears. I hope this section reaches even one person and convinces them to maybe not be so diehard about a religion that realistically speaking, there's no way they can possibly completely understand. If it reaches one then that's worth it. And if you're having to be in the same boat to try to get someone off their high horse also, maybe a lot of someones, then try to remember the "if it only reaches one person it's still worth it" idea. Lest it drive you crazy.
Generally speaking, humans tend to join a religion for several secondary reasons: fear, compassion, a need for mental health care, following the herd, curiosity, insanity or a combination of these. The primary reason is that you are born into a religion, and most religions mandate brainwashing your kids to become part of that religion before they have the ability to consent using their own free will, and this is extremely difficult to break free from in later years. In fact, it's an addiction in many if not most followers. Despite most religions having absolutely no verifiable evidence behind them or a good reason for existing, they perpetuate themselves and either incredible brutality and human rights violations, or loving and compassionate behavior, or insanity, or all three. The single greatest reason why religions can be harmful is probably that people who need mental health assistance may wind up never getting help because the culture of their religion views their particular mental problems as acceptable - schizophrenia, delusions, paranoia, and more can all be covered up too easily as 'passionate faith', and things like depression and anxiety are too often "treated" with religion as a crutch, although most if not all religions do promote mental well-being and have no prohibitions against getting therapy. In the scriptures, that is. It's the culture that is often toxic, claiming things like "faith over fear" and "faith healing will fix everything." In fact, some religious denominations actually encourage mental illness and maladaptive coping mechanisms, fostering the crazy in order to keep people hooked; in other words they encourage addiction. Having spent a lot of time around drug addicts, some around cultists, and too much around fundamentalists from various religions, I can tell you for certain the behavioral patterns between religious nuts, cultists, and drug addicts (let's see here, I've known heroin users, meth addicts, nymphomaniacs, crackheads, alcoholics, weed heads... one LSD overuser, and a buncha shroom lovers) are exactly the same. It is no wonder that so many drug recovery programs revolve around religion; it replaces one addiction with another. I don't even think it's supposed to be that way as originally it looks like a lot of religions were intended to make life better for humans, but it seems that because thinking is hard because it means you have to face the truth, most people just go like "insert religion, delete brain." Instead of actually critically thinking about anything themselves they just give up and let their religion do the thinking for them, which works out about as well as you'd expect. The older I get the more convinced I am that a certain amount of laughing at your own religion, whatever it is, is necessary in order to live a sane and happy life. * 5/11/2021 I added some experiences of mine with the cultures related to their religions. I'm just some random idiot who likes to travel so don't pay too much attention.
Monotheistic religions and polytheistic religions both have their weaknesses and flaws. Monotheism, currently the predominant way of thinking on much of the planet, declares that "this god is the best god and all the others are demons" or something like that. Polytheism has a tendency of declaring that the gods exist to serve the people who worship them, and can be anywhere on the morality map from highly virtuous and ethical to completely nuts. Both have the unfortunate tendency of declaring that "this way is best and all others must be killed." Both also have the tendency of stating that having lots and lots of children is excellent, which explains why the warmongering didn't leave our population at dangerously low levels. Other religions that are neither polytheistic nor monotheistic tend to be the most rare and frankly, the most interesting, because they haven't become memes like the others. Some say that religions and cults are different. The defining features of a cult say otherwise. 10 Signs You Are In A Cult 16 Signs You Are In A Cult - please ignore the bad/tonedeaf looping images; the content is correct Article of someone who grew up in a cult If you are questioning whether your religious or spiritual path is the right one for you, then chances are if you are part of a cult (and most religions are definitely cults) you should probably leave, get your head screwed on straight, and only then decide which one you should pursue, especially if you were too young to properly think it through when you first joined up. Otherwise, you could potentially really hurt someone, including yourself. Even if you decide to rejoin the religion or cult you left, it will be for the right reasons, and not out of blind dogma, fear, or habit - and if indeed the Deity of that religion is infinitely loving, then said Deity would want you to make the decision out of free will, not terror. Generally speaking if your religion discourages critical thinking aka thinking for yourself in order to get as close as possible to the truth, or if it encourages loyalty to any idea or deity which by human standards is evil, it is a cult. Especially - and this is a weird analogy but bear with me - if the religion doesn't follow the rules of sexual consent for conversion attempts, which must be freely given and enthusiastic instead of "no, no, well fine I guess" or worse, converting someone before they are old enough to reason things out for themselves. This is because allowing a religion to affect your mind, soul, and life is just as invasive as sex. Logically speaking a religion that would be moral would encourage humans to strive to be better and do better - if the deity or idea is actually worse, then we got a problem. If you terrorize or seriously harm innocent people or living creatures because your religion sanctions it, and if you are against terrorizing or harming innocent people or living creatures as a matter of principle, then by your own logic you are going against your own ethics. The end-all be-all argument here is that if the only real reason you're in your religion is out of terror, then your religion's foundation is terror. You could even say that your religion itself is terror. Is that desirable? Of course, there is the inevitable question: just how much better off are we with religion instead of without it? Questioning your own religion or spirituality is always, always, always a good idea. Critical examination of it either strengthens your faith with the ironclad strength of truth or helps you find one that is worthy of your efforts.
It has been my experience that the one parable Jesus said about how a good tree does not bear bad fruits and vice versa and to "judge them by their fruits" is incredibly useful and accurate. I've tried using this yardstick to judge religions, organizations, cults, faiths, philosophies, and people, and I've tried going without or using other methods, and this method of Jesus's seems to work quite well. It also is a scientific method, that borne from experience as opposed to lofty reasoning concocted in the Brilliant Human Mind (bah!), wishful thinking, prejudice, or blind belief. I recommend it.
The worst part of any religion ever, take your pick, is those parts of it which rely entirely on lying to yourself, doublethink, or spinning facts to make yourself more comfortable. In other words, allergy to the truth. If you really think the Creator or whatever Divine/s prefer that you avoid thinking for yourself and avoid seeking out the truth, then logically speaking, that Creator is a liar and wants you to believe in lies, and is that really something worth worshipping? Is that really something omnipotent, all-powerful; something perfectly good and just, if it can't stand people knowing the truth? THIS is why people become atheist. THIS is why people don't trust religion. And why I personally decided to worship the essence of Infinite Goodness, Perfection, and Love, even if it doesn't have a name and even if it doesn't exist - it is something worth trying to understand as a virtue alone even if you don't believe in a Deity. If this notion of "who needs truth when you have belief (unproven assertions or outright lies)?" ever bit the dust, it would probably save the planet. The only people who can really combat this problem are already in religions; I really hope they try to fix this because it's gone way too far. Yeah, it feels real nice to believe you're going to be rewarded generously or whatever for your beliefs and it would hurt oh so bad to face facts, but grow the fuck up. I have had it with enabling this. And while you're at it, stop fetishizing suffering and evil. No one knows if it's inherently some necessary part of existence, and regardless, there's no real excuse for feeding into it. No evil done in the name of any supposed omnipotent being (or anything), even to avoid supposed eternal or temporary punishment, is ever morally justifiable. Evil never is. Even allowing evil to exist is in itself evil too. I'm throwing down the gauntlet: if it can't be thoroughly proven through experience (empirical evidence for YOU, not some guy hundreds of years ago) at the absolute minimum and hopefully also rigorous scientific proofs, it is not worthy of being followed as a religion. If it causes needless suffering, it is not worth following as a religion. If it harms the innocent, it is not worth following as a religion. And here's why: firstly, because we are all connected via chains of circumstance and fuck with one and you fuck with us all (including you), and two: I've seen miracles happen, really stack up eyeballs deep, til I had to admit there really was a Deity because this much evidence was statistically significant - this after I demanded out loud "Hey God, prove to me You exist." If you haven't seen it happen for yourself but you're persuading yourself you did, you're only screwing yourself cause nothing I say could possibly prove to you anything about religion, or even matter to you. You have to try this shit for yourself. This doesn't just apply to determining if there is a Deity either. You want the answers to life's persistent questions? Seek them out, but not through blind belief. Through experiment and experience. Try it... you never know.
11/5/23 Redpill on all religions: have you considered the possibility that all evil demigods, evil or bad forces, and gods in many religions are one and the same? If it lies, can't withstand truth, is cruel, harms the innocent, and acts through terror; if it is malicious, hurts and harms and causes grief, WHY WOULD YOU WORSHIP IT
- Internet Sacred Texts Archive
- Skeptic's Annotated Bible and Quran I repeat: if you think your fucking religion is "perfect" then you really shouldn't be reading this anyway, why are you here?
- Talk to a clergyperson of the religion that you are learning about and ask many questions
- If you have been invited to any religious observance, learn at least a minimum baseline of things about it before you attend, so you aren't an ass
- Meet with people of other religions, don't assume anything, ask for permission to ask questions about the religion because you'd like to understand it better, keep an open mind, and gingerly ask questions that are as polite as possible
- Ideally, if you have any friends of other religions, have open and honest discussions with them, and the more politically incorrect the better! Or maybe that's just me and my friends. Dunno. It's more fun that way.
- Be aware that a lot of people's primary motivation for religion is to give them the greatest possible amount of comfort. That is why so many spin the religion they supposedly are a part of into something it's not in order to make it cater to their comfort. Try to stay away from those people and focus on the people who are in their religion out of a serious desire to make something real out of it while putting their egos aside.
- As you are learning, stay away from people with a toxic mindset towards their religion. Anyone who sees themselves as some kind of spiritual hero is generally either brainwashed or a terrible person or both, and could seriously hurt you in the name of "all that is holy," whatever that actually means to them. Ask yourself if their prevailing state of mind is loving and kind or hateful and fearful, and proceed with caution.
1/13/23 You should know that I am coming at this from an Israeli family that has studied the Torah, the original Bible, on both sides of it for probably a total of about 100 years combined. I believe in what I am saying about the translation issues for holy scriptures because I have faith in my family's ability to study things accurately, comprehensively and well - after all, they are my family. You should also know that on one side, the study was in the original Aramaic and Akkadian, and on the other, there was some issue with misunderstanding the original Biblical injunction to "spare the rod and spoil the child" so this person then spent decades trying to atone for taking it too literally. The knowledge that has filtered down to me as a result is as follows: scriptures are not easy to understand, and by taking them literally as if they made complete sense, you can cause serious damage to yourself and to the practice of your faith, so cultivate humility. (As an example, I was actually taught that the Holy Name in the Bible that you're not supposed to say isn't even possible to say with a human mouth! It reads "yhvh," and if I'm remembering correctly sometimes "yhyh," that's right no vowels* you'll trip over your own tongue if you even try it; it's impossible.) Also, the King James Bible is absolute trash as a translation and so completely, utterly different from the original to the point of actually being a completely different religion; no one took as many liberties translating the original meaning into something completely different as good ol' King James. I don't like saying this but I feel it has to be said.
*nikud is the Hebrew term, they usually look like little dots or tiny lines and T's, so it's actually written "yhvh" not "Jehovah"
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all state that the Supreme Deity commands you to bear children. Childbirth is one of the most painful things a human being can endure. Therefore, the Supreme Being of Christianity and Judaism either wants women to suffer, however momentarily, or the Holy Books are mistranslated. In the Bible, the Supreme Being actually curses all women to suffer pain while they give birth, so it is definitely intentional (or again, a mistranslation). I am not sure if Islam contains the same curse in the Quran; it actually has an herbal remedy for birth pains (eat dates). Overpopulation also creates difficulty in finding resources and resultant competition, possibly war, as well as diseases caused by living in a crowded environment. There are so many similarities between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and yet they continually fight one another and sometimes kill each other and people in other religions, usually because something in their Holy Books told them it was right. This Supreme Being is also said to be infinitely merciful and loving. There is a contradiction here. This contradiction is neatly done away with by words to the effect of "don't think about this yourself but allow this Supreme Being to think for you, OR ELSE YOU'RE FOREVER DOOMED, but if you accept this Supreme Being and literally everything else written in this Holy Book, not only are you doing the right thing but you'll live forever in a good place and it is heavily implied you are a fantastically good person." Which is weird. Even weirder? If someone actually existed on Earth and behaved like the Deity of any of these religions, or (to be fair) any of the Greek Deities in modern mythology, they would go to jail for war crimes. And... we're supposed to idolize that kind of behavior? Could explain a lot about why the world is in the shit. Here's George Carlin's version of the condensed 10 Commandments.
Here's something really bizarre to consider. If you research old Pagan religions, such as the screwed-up ones from Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Sumeria, and to some extent the Maya and Aztec religions, even possibly old European Pagan religion of some sort (if the stories are to be believed), you come across an assortment of barbarities. Number one, ritual human sacrifice. However, how exactly is a holy war, or making a point of killing someone not of your religion, any different from a ritual human sacrifice? Second thing, ritual promiscuous sex. How exactly is this any different in terms of violating human consent boundaries than being forced into marriage? Third thing, enslavement of one's enemies. Look around at the amount of indentured servitude - have we really stopped doing this in general, as a species, no matter how religious or areligious we are? Fourth thing, making suffering into some kind of sacrament, usually through bloodletting of some sort. The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer covers this perfectly and the big three Monotheist religions seem to still have issues with this. Fifth thing, war crimes such as torture, genocide, cannibalism, and other unspeakable things not really fit to print. If modern religion was really so great it would have done away with all of these or at least not encouraged the creeps perpetuating it to become religious leaders or worse, religious political leaders. Sixth thing, hatred and threat narratives. That's been more or less a constant in all religions and major philosophies of large groups of people for millenia and I think it might have more to do with our psychology as a tribal species than with religion or philosophy itself no matter what it is. The only real difference between the Paganism of times past and the modern-day stuff is all of that isn't happening out in plain view in front of us anymore; it happens far away and the privileged few (such as you, and me, if we're reading this) benefit. I don't think we've ever actually progressed beyond barbarism as a species no matter what sort of excuses we provide for our unforgivable actions through religion. How to change this? Probably at an individual level. Then, via brainstorming with good friends.
Proof of the Truthful An argument presented by Avicenna in order to prove that a benevolent God has to exist, which opens up a whole can of worms (see sidebar on the right) of arguments for and against various things in religion, and everything in between. Guaranteed to make your head hurt.
There are dangers to every religion, specifically the ways that you can mess them up instead of use them for good. I've listed a few.
- For the purposes of encountering the tip of the iceberg here, I'll oversimplify the debate of what evil is and isn't down to one thing: causing unnecessary suffering for those who do not deserve it. Or worse, enjoying it; therefore sadistically harming the innocent would be considered evil. Also, I appear to be one of the only people in the world who firmly believes that evil is not necessary and in fact always harmful. Religion, on the other hand, seems to consider that evil is baked right into the structure of the universe and that doing evil to get rid of evil is just fine because the end justifies the means. Oookay.
- 8/17/22 Here's an interesting notion. Why do so many sanctimonious religious text-thumping people have so much obvious faith in evil beings and/or evil forces, and so little faith in their own Deity? And do they really believe their own Deity is perfectly good? Imagine if all the energy people spent on paranoia, fear, and hate went into faith in infinite goodness instead.
- For all the pearl-clutching you see in overly religious types, the reality is that whatever they're calling evil today, be it heavy metal music, punk music, perhaps the novels of George Orwell or even that one novel Catch-22, if you take a closer look at what they're trying to cancel, it's not actually harmful in most cases. Whereas take a good look at the people who are bitching about, for instance, the charmingly named "I'm Going To Wrap Myself In Your Intestines" by Velvet Acid Christ (really wholesome stuff, yes!) and you more often than not find extreme levels of spousal abuse, child abuse, or other kinds of crime. It is not a coincidence. I've seen this kind of hypocrisy a lot and would even hazard a guess at saying this probably happens the majority of the time when someone's trying to "cancel" someone for something harmless. You know what I think? I think in most cases it's a coverup.
- 10/3/22 Okay so now that all the transphobia has really reached a fever pitch, y'all have done it now. Pearl-clutching over this and that... I am now going to give you a list of problems that are worth freaking out about. You get to hear all about it. Bottom of the page in the link. Rights
- 10/16/22 disturbing realization: at some point of hysterical canceling you become what you are canceling. Case in point the current flavor of christo-Fascist that has somehow become really popular. Look a little similar to some other philosophy? One particular flavor of Satanism that I heard of which is kind of like their version of the Branch Davidians (most Satanists in my experience are actually great people, I'm not even kidding; that said for the love of Goddess stop calling Witchcraft Satanism, it is NOT) is a kind which flips Christianity backwards and has its members trying to cause as much harm as possible, especially to the innocent. I'm seeing a lot of that kind of stuff these days. Does it matter what the people who are doing this call themselves?
- Not only is ending suffering, causing happiness, and relieving pain not sufficient moral justification for joining or staying in a religion, it is also the same exact logic whereby drugs are pushed. It's evil. You know what isn't? Seeking religions and spiritualities and philosophies not for their "problem solving" capabilities to fix your sore life, but out of a desire to be and do good only, to understand infinite love, and to figure out what all that means. Period.
- Usually the common method whereby religions commit evil and promote evil is to use a scapegoat. In Christianity, this is a "devil," and in many other cultures it's blaming everything on some minority population that can't fight back and is easy to denigrate. This is really helpful for these religions because their logic is self-contradictory, along the lines of "this religion is perfect but has to make a lot of innocent people suffer but it's somehow right and oh by the way did we mention it's perfectly compassionate and merciful." Also, supposedly the Divine Force or Forces that created and maintain the Universe are so profoundly compassionate and merciful that they will kill anyone who tries to find out the truth about any portion of it. Not to mention cause extreme suffering and pain at the drop of a hat - why? Various bullshit reasons. Since people actually in these religions know deep down that logically speaking whatever they're actually worshipping is doing evil and promoting evil they need to pretend it actually isn't and a scapegoat is the best way of doing that. Neatly does away with thinking too hard about it too. I'd like to point out that this seems to be only used in those religious sects that have diverged so far from their original purpose that they more or less became the opposite of what was originally intended. In fact according to my personal study it seems the entire point of religion in the first place was to bring people closer to goodness. If your religion isn't making you a better person, what even are you doing?
- Realistically speaking, the only people who can purge religions of all evil, as well as themselves, are the people that are in them, and the people reading this. That's you, and also me. I'll do what I can to ensure the good Witchcraft I practice is actually good and that I am a halfway decent human being; I hope you do what you can for your religion, philosophy, or whatever thought-form-construction or lack thereof you use to run your life.
- In biological models, researchers have seen that when a population reaches a point where there are too many individuals of the species and not enough resources, mass death happens one way or another. Guess how we're reaching that point? Religions have convinced their adherents to have as many children as humanly possible. This is going to result in World War III if it's not stopped. Also, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse of war, famine, plague, and death, which we are already seeing to a lesser or greater extent (beware the self-fulfilling prophecy). A worldwide ethical restriction, legally speaking, on having people not have more than one child each, and on forcing them to pay taxes equivalent to the environmental damage done by each subsequent child plus if they have more than two kids throwing them in jail for life, would nip this in the bud. Oh yes and worldwide rights for women, comprehensive sex education for all, and free contraceptives. But I guarantee you that if you agree with me in ten or twenty years' time instead of now, it's probably going to be too late. You heard it here first. And uh, adoption exists? I'm pretty darned pro-life, relatively speaking, but you can't be both pro-life and pro-not-yet-existing-life. It's impossible.
- It is a common observation that the more kids a couple has, the more likely it is that the relationship is toxic or abusive in some way, and that religion is in the mix too. Common, yes, but hardly scientific. I suggest that some social scientist run a large-scale long-term study to see if it's true or not. The results will have serious implications. I think this kind of thing is long overdue and we need some answers.
- I've heard a lot of stuff said about the "barbaric, primitive" practices of certain groups of people when it comes to religion. For instance, the outlawing of the Lakota Sioux Sun Dance on the basis of "ooh there's spooky blood and piercing," (9/9/23 On that particular subject, I wasn't sure how to explain my own feelings, see next NOTE) the stigma attached to tattoos and piercings (which are sacred in my religion), and the "spiritual darkness" of ALL Native American religions, of African religions, of Chinese folk religion, etc. Alright then let's play this little game. You wanna know what's truly barbaric? Convincing a clueless young woman that her Deity wants her to go through pregnancy and labor, which is truly a bloody and horrific process, without any kind of regard for if she wants to go through with that or not. And I know for a fact that it does not say that in the original Hebrew Bible. It says: "And you will be fruitful and multiply," NOT the command "Be fruitful and multiply," and it also says "And you will be sorry when you have boys," NOT "and you will suffer pain in childbirth." Someone, likely many someones, took great liberties with the translation from Hebrew to English. Learn some ancient Hebrew if you like, confirm it for yourself. I doubt you will come up with something different, given both sides of my family studied the Hebrew Bible for more than 50 years on each side. And well, I'll just say it. The practice of circumcision on infants in Jewish culture is quite legal in all 50 states, but it's (oh boy, I hope my family doesn't read this) still a human rights violation. (9/15/22 Have just learned that in most places in the US now this is done in a hospital with local anesthesia, which does change the equation a bit - the traditional Hebrew blessing at a circumcision is similar to the Vulcan Salute in Star Trek and essentially says "May God bless your life with happiness and richness." In the States, circumcision as a general preventive health practice also used to be common for medical reasons, regardless of religion - talk to your parents about this) So if you're going to clutch your pearls about something, maybe think twice. Maybe get angry about what is truly barbaric and primitive, such as human rights violations. A full-grown adult has the right to practice their religion, even if it causes harm to themselves. But not to anyone else. Oh, and on that note, consider the notion of churning out more humans just for the sake of using them as brownie points for a Deity. If you are wondering if such a thing makes those kids feel good about themselves, or their families, I grew up with them, and no, it doesn't. And damn it they were my friends, and I don't appreciate the attitude taken towards them, that they were just "points" racked up, units, disposable expendable cookie-cutter replaceable soldiers of some Deity or other.
- There are two practical purposes for making the adherents of any religion have way too many children. To produce slaves, and to produce soldiers, which are practically speaking still slaves. So really the one and only purpose of having any members of any religion have way too many children, practically, is to produce slaves. You can find this out by playing any given turn-based PC strategy game where cities go to war against one another, or learning history, or both; it's not like these PC games didn't get a lot of ideas from real life. This is even more evident in cultures and religions that are structured in such a way that children have all of the rights of property and are treated and considered as such. (Children should be seen and not heard, all good kids should be obedient, yadayada). You get your tribe to have more members with which to serve the people in charge (historically, the leaders of the religion or the people with the most worldly power and/or wealth), and with which to keep the people in charge, in charge, by killing off all dissenters within the religion and outside of it. Is there more purpose to a human life than that? You tell me.
NOTE: 9/9/23 My personal feelings on the Lakota Sioux Sun Dance are as follows. I apologize for not articulating them earlier but haven't been sure how to say it. Anyway, they're as follows, my personal feelings: 1. They don't matter. Beyond getting a message across I think needs to be said, my "importance" in this issue doesn't go farther than that. 2. I don't know enough about it to judge, and anyone who hasn't been to one doesn't know about it to judge either. 3. What little I have heard about it has been breathtakingly beautiful and pure. I would hate for something like that to be outlawed just on the basis of stigma and prejudice and blind bigotry. I picked this specific religious ceremony as an example because apparently in a lot of places it actually has been outlawed. It makes me wonder how many other Native American religions and religious practices are just plain not allowed to be practiced in the United States. How many other things went wrong. I honestly want a comprehensive list even if it means a series of thousand-page books to read. Constitutional violations over here, and over there, and everywhere... treaties broken... ugh. Christian? Religious? All I see is greed. (inb4 the idiots telling me that Israel colonized the Middle East, learn some history... situation over there is somehow even more complicated and always has been.)
- I'll say this for the Judeo-Christian religions and all other religions that mandate respecting/obeying parents. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Mother And Father or whatever "obey authority figures without question" might-makes-right statement is in any religion does NOT give you carte blanche to treat your own children (and in some cases spouse, and even other people's kids that you are minding at the time, heck even kids in the entire region, country, or world due to extending this kind of power and influence because no one bothered to stop you, but that's another story) as property and abuse them as much as you like in the mistaken belief it is morally defensible. It is not. There is a limit. That Commandment makes good sense in many cases. But it is intended for the kids' moral benefit, not for the parents'. You can't just trot it out like some kind of moral lesson when a child is getting abused to just obey their abuser. An authoritative parenting style intended to teach children that obedience is the same as respect and love and compassion based on mutual trust and understanding is inherently toxic and undesirable. Especially if you're trying to teach them that your love and even treating them like human beings is conditional - and not even conditioned on things like if they are decent human beings but weird superstition-y bullshit unprovable by science or even observation - or worse, a supposedly infinitely, unconditionally loving and merciful Deity that doesn't want them around unless (blah blah blah - and this differs from religion to religion, nice justification for all those holy wars, woooo). If you have ever been treated like something less than a human being and not worthy of even living, that isn't something you forget, but imagine living like that all the time, 24/7, knowing that someone fully believes that you shouldn't exist unless (blah blah blah). You'll screw them up bad, I assume you don't want that. Unless, of course, you do want to see them get into abusive exploitative relationships, workplaces, and situations later on since you groomed them so well. But I am telling you right now from a lifetime of experience and observation: that path leads to drug abuse, prison, and possibly a coffin. I am alive and not addicted to stuff or in prison. A lot of the people I've known from backgrounds like that were not so lucky.
- Just an FYI, my entire lineage has been through being treated as something less than human beings and not worthy of even living, thanks to all being from Israel, and before that (and it's ugly, for those of my family that did survive the Holocaust, and they didn't all do that). I've gone through similar stuff but with a very strange twist. Sure, that kind of discrimination and treatment for being from a Jewish Israeli family, but also for a large array of other, wildly arbitrary bullshit, in many different locations, times, and places. I can tell you from glorious experience that discrimination is the common blood sport of pretty much everyone in ALL religions. And it always looks a little something like "we're the best, everyone who isn't in our team doesn't deserve life." I don't think that this kind of thing is even religious.... it seems to just be tradition and I hope it stops.
- It is uniquely strange that in most religions in the world, be they monotheistic or polytheistic, slavery is not only condoned but actually idolized. The Deity or Deities require blind obedience, OR ELSE, etc., regardless of the actual ethics involved. You'd think that a benevolent presence that is Divine would not want to enslave anyone, hence the existence of free will and even evil. You'd think that such a being would never do serious harm to anyone innocent for any reason. But religions ignore this in favor of supposed "selflessness," and even banning of independent thought in favor of dogma (you can't even think for yourself in some of these, it's not allowed) aka making believers pliant and very easy to convince, control, and persuade to do anything anyone cunning enough wants. Usually the cunning ones are the supposed clergy! Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but it also attracts the worst members of any and every given population of people. Religion has this flaw seemingly baked right into it. Why? Because people want and need answers to the tough questions in life, and sadly a lot of them are gullible. So the ones with dollar signs in their eyes and no conscience find their way up to the top everywhere. Religion, politics, business. Such people call the rest of us "stupid" for not being as devoid of conscience as they are. Such people are sociopaths, and human society has yet to find a way of preventing them from getting power over others. But I have a guess that the real reason why is that religions get founded by pure-hearted people or people who genuinely do make a connection with some Divine Being or Beings, or great ideas, and then over time these religions attract the scum of the earth who slowly corrupt each religion into something it was never originally intended to be. In fact I have a very strong hunch that slavery was not originally a part of pretty much any religion, but that human beings with no conscience get born in every age, find their way up to the top in every profession, and taint everything they touch, particularly religion... and people with no conscience LOVE enslaving other living creatures.
- The death of one is murder. The death of hundreds, thousands, millions, billions? Apparently justifiable if you do it for religious reasons? Get the fuck out of here.
- Monotheistic religions in particular are very, very guilty of this. I say this to you if you are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim: you personally have a moral imperative to learn the other monotheistic religions and their sacred texts. I'd also say you have the same imperative to learn Zoroastrianism, which is too similar to all of these to ignore. "Ooh these religions are so different" yeah no they aren't. But that hasn't stopped people from going to holy wars over them. Maybe if you do this well enough people will stop the nonsense in the Middle East and focus on actually being civilized instead of barbarians. And I am referring to the entire region, including Israel, which is where my family is from. And before you even start, yes, I know Israel has been the scapegoat for a long time and isn't the "bad guy" everyone these days says it is. Nonetheless it's still in the thick of it. (Obviously, I am not a diplomat, and thank goodness I'm not)
- For those of you in monotheistic religions going "ugh religion boring, I don't have the time to study the sacred texts of my own let alone other religions" how's this: the likelihood that you - yes you - will someday save at least one innocent life by doing exactly this is extremely high. In fact the likelihood that you and others like you will someday save hundreds, thousands, even billions of innocent lives down the line by doing this is extremely high. Indeed anyone of any religion or lack thereof can study as many religions in as much depth as they want and thereby help prevent needless death and suffering for the innocent. And if you really think about it saving just one innocent life is worth all effort. How's that for incentive?
- We have separation of church and state for a reason. See: book banning issue If your politics resemble that of the Taliban, you deserve every bit of pushback you get because let's face it, not everyone is the same religion as you and you wouldn't like it if someone else was forcing their religion on you.
- Religion mixed with politics is destroying the environment. It's causing human rights violations and wars. It's making it so if you're unlucky enough to be born in the wrong place, you can't practice your religion without being tortured or killed. IT IS CAUSING LITERALLY NO POSITIVE RESULTS TO HAVE RELIGION MIXED WITH POLITICS. I am including my own religion here (Goddess worship/Green Witchcraft), and also including Judaism as it relates to Israel's government because these are what I know best from my background. The only positive results it has are emotional ones. Not a single damn practical benefit. Not a single one. Just drawbacks. "But God" - are you sure? You must be some kind of prophet, huh? Or maybe you are literally pretending to be God and know what God wants. Or maybe you are either schizophrenic, or a medium of some sort hearing heaven knows who from the other side. "But the scriptures" - which ones?! The original ones, that were probably lost thousands of years ago? One of thousands of translations and revisions, most of which completely contradict one another? "But the clergyperson says blah blah blah" - ah, now we're getting somewhere, so you admit to being led by a con man - how much money are they making and how much power and influence do they have and how much sex are they getting? And if they're not getting it now, how much were they getting when they were alive? What about the person or people who founded your religion, how big was their take from the religion/possible swindle? I swear, the only thing religions have in common is hubris. Why mix that with a government? Maybe it has more to do with bullying other people, animals, and the environment so you can exploit them than it does with anything "holy."
- You know, after a certain point of trying to cancel people for doing harmless things, you start to cancel yourself. I've seen it so much, especially in small towns where people abuse the shit out of their kids in the name of "protecting them in the name of Jesus" - right. Case in point, the Parent's Music Resource Center aka the group that tried to cancel and censor the entirety of American music and heavy metal because it was "Satanic," and all that other excessive bullshit instead of concentrating on killing off all convicted pedos and human traffickers, beefing up the justice system so victims are no longer scared to seek justice, improving human rights (I could go on and on). Start writing religion into law and/or calling people "evil" for being different and you get atheism, disillusionment, agnostics, skeptics, really angry and rebellious people, and also something like LaVeyan Satanism... the first few pages of his infamous book (that I could get through, I had to stop after that few pages) explained that he saw hypocritical Christian preachers and decided to toss all that out the window and create his own thing. That's one kind of rebellion, and other kinds of it are an increase in crime, mental health problems, drug use, and however else the younger generations decide to rebel today. Forcing people to be one way is a pretty good way of convincing some of them to do the opposite and the rest of them to go like "wtf." Every metalhead and free thinker on the planet understands this hypocrisy and the literal need to troll it, disrespect it, and fight it. Because it's the real evil here, this hysterical Boomer paranoia, not some nebulous pie-in-the-sky thing you want to blame all your problems on so you get to avoid personal accountability. So generally speaking if you're into a conspiracy theory, a religion, a philosophy, or anything else that can almost be called an obsession, you better ask yourself if your threat narrative has any actual proof behind it or if you... YOU... are being the bad guy because supposedly the "end justifies the means." Are you really thinking that clearly? Heck, are you even thinking at all or letting someone else do it for you? I mean, how much do you resemble the Spanish Inquisition? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
- Religion is an invasive intrusion into the mind, soul, heart, and body of a person. It requires a person to have extreme vulnerability. It is even more of an invasion of personal space than sex. So having people say "try it, you'll like it," or trying to convince or coerce a person to convert is exactly the same as somebody trying to convince or coerce a person into having sex. And if you can't explain to yourself why conversion attempts are so ugly but just feel icky about it, here's why: a lot of them are thinly disguised attempts to rape your mind. Drugs are the same way, which is why they are also such an insidious evil. A direct side-to-side comparison of a drug pusher, a pushy guy sexually harassing a woman to try to get in her pants, and a religious zealot trying to convert someone uninterested reveals far too many similarities. This is incidentally why I am totally against converting anyone under the age of 18 or raising them in any religion. You wouldn't allow someone to marry your kid if they were under the age of consent, and therefore you shouldn't allow someone to convince your kid to be of any religion before then either. Even, and especially, if that someone is you.
- Marketing with a hard-sell approach is much like the previous three examples. Just who are modern-day marketers trying to interest with this "5 things about _ you'll love!" crap? Could it be they're interested only in people who have such Stockholm Syndrome for the abusive belief systems of modern times that said people have turned off their ability to think critically? Probably.
- This is the most common religion in the world, no matter what its outward trappings are. It exists to make people more comfortable, supposedly, no matter how much suffering it causes. This is why when a lot of people are faced with the truth they behave like drug addicts denied their fix.
- Does your religion look like this? Punishment for good behavior. Punishment for bad behavior. Punishment delivered totally arbitrarily out of the blue and in such horrible ways it seems like it was devised by some Lovecraftian horror. All independent thought discouraged. All punishment said by the one punishing you to be good for you in the end, so "just accept it, it'll be good for you in the long run and you'll thank me for it." All life bearing resemblance to living under the thumb of some narcissistic, sadistic power-obsessed Boomer. Doublespeak and doublethink encouraged. Originality and imagination and nonconformity are utterly forbidden. In fact much of what makes life worth living is forbidden. Forced into conformity with everyone else under the Boomer. Slavery to something or other with even the option to think about why and how utterly denied to you. Does it? And if so, how exactly is the creature running said religion more just, nicer, more merciful, ethical, kind and loving than your average dictator, like Putin or Winnie the Pooh (Xi Jinping, see the photoshops, oh bother)? I can't help but think of that episode in Star Trek where Q says "I am your God" and Picard just laughs in his face. Which you should see btw.
- In short if your religion looks like an abusive relationship, or your relationship looks like an abusive religion, in either case you need to get out before horrible things happen.
- No one likes anyone who tells the truth. They usually know that the truth sets you free, but they'd rather be comfortable. They don't realize that when you refuse the truth you get neither freedom nor comfort and swiftly you start to lose quality of life, slowly spiraling downwards. I've seen it hundreds of times.
- Right after scheming to attain as much pleasure as any drug seeker does, which is what most religion is ("make me happy at any cost!" -religion: "okay!"), the deliberate seeking out of someone or something to hate is the other most common core value of religions. And this is horrible because hatred is the worst drug to push and the worst drug to peddle. Hatred kills the innocent. Hatred causes blind revenge, terrorism, and ruins lives even more than say, heroin. It deludes the hate addict into thinking that they are a champion when in reality they have just lost their goddamn mind.
- Of all the forms of hatred, blind hatred is the worst and the most currently pushed. It is human nature to hate abominations such as pedos and war criminals, sure. But to hate someone or something you don't even know and have never met? Unforgivable. In fact, evil. Yet that's the most common kind of hatred today. And how would you know which was which unless you knew what you were talking about? That's the thing, very few people want to actually go to the effort to know their enemy. So they give into laziness, indulge in their hatred, and wind up killing or seriously harming someone innocent. Great.
- Semi-blind hatred is still blind hatred. Any kind of doctrine where you go "honor demands that I hate you" based on something that someone else told you which is NOT that the hated one has committed serious crimes or is just about to commit one, is utter garbage! That's as far from honor as a human being can get and in my experience observing people it'll ruin your personality faster than just about anything else.
- Any and all philosophies or religions that use hatred or a threat narrative to drive their point across are ...hmm, suspect. Usually this is some sort of addiction in itself because bullying and power tripping over others is usually mankind's drug of choice. A lot of the time people fighting against injustice look like they have the same kind of intentions but it really varies on a case by case basis and is sometimes hard to judge.
- The ugly truth is that hatred is such an attractive doctrine because mankind has such a history of bullying and abuse. A person who has suffered the pain of bullying, abuse, and torment is so often more than eager enough to turn right around and do the same to another innocent victim, given any chance to do so. What makes you, or anyone, better than the people who made you miserable? In many cases it's really a question of did you have the strength to break the cycle?
- Self-hatred is another major thing pimped by religion, cults, and other drug dealers. From Buddhism to Islam to Christianity to certain kinds of Paganism, the repeated message in one way or another is "You suck, you're not good enough, you need to swallow this wholesale or you are absolutely worthless." One of the oldest swindles in the book, and nowadays used by several hard-sell unscrupulous marketers too. A lot of the hardcore dieting and anorexia caused by the twig-thin fashion movement was due to this kind of thing peddled by people selling stuff. Same deal with a lot of sexist marketing for makeup targeted towards women years ago, saying stuff like "wear this or you won't be good enough for a guy" etc.
- Really the only way to let hatred go is through a firm decision to be done with it and therapy. Lots, and lots of therapy.
- 8/18/22 An unsettling realization about the human condition. Our conspiracy theories, the ones hashed out and rehashed, recycled and spat onto a new gullible generation; and our religions (which are just as trustworthy and scientifically verifiable) seem to always revolve around creating some kind of scapegoat or bad guy that sure looks a lot like us. Case in point, alien abductions. You taken a look at the meat industry lately?
- 2/5/23 At what point does mercy, compassion and kindness look a little too much like a mixture of cowardice, laziness, and using charity as a prop for feeling good about yourself instead of helping anyone?
- There seems to be, alas, a contingent in every religion of people who take unholy pleasure in causing other innocent beings and creatures to suffer. It's not originally IN most of these religions, if any, but bullies are bullies are bullies. It doesn't matter if they call themselves a label. It just gets really ugly with religion because they attempt to use the religion as an excuse for their bullyiing, when if you look closely and carefully at the original source texts and scriptures of said religions, it usually specifically says not to do that
- Countless religions and New Age philosophies all say the same thing: you suffer because you brought it on yourself. This bears too much resemblance to an abusive relationship in which the abuser says "you brought all this abuse on yourself." Yeah, really? I say we all suffer because these shit religions are thinly disguised con jobs designed to make a certain few grifters (usually the ones who started the religion or continue to profit from it) super rich and powerful, and their followers also richer and more powerful, at the expense and suffering of everyone else. "But I want to believe!" Yeah I know. That's why this is so popular and so lucrative.
- They say crime does not pay. Spiritually, sure. It will ruin your spiritual life in a heartbeat. But the number one way that people gain obscene amounts of power, wealth, and prestige is usually betrayal. And no one is easier to betray than someone who is a good person. Or an innocent person who isn't evil enough to cook up all the ways you can use and abuse someone else. The goodie goodies get their asses kicked by the bad guys, who then pretend to be the good guys and really throw all their efforts into appearing good. Throw a religion in there as justification, and you have yourself a sure way to earn a living. A steady career.
- Section added because of a set of realizations I just had. Now don't get me wrong I am not a Feminist. Here's the mega rant I made about it two years ago. I am however in a Goddess worshipping religion. So here's what I don't get. Supposedly the big 3 religions, and to a certain extent Buddhism, value masculinity and the male side of Deity more than the feminine. Father God or Gods, male God or Gods, male and masculine superiority. Well if that's the case then why do all of these have such a huge emphasis on water rituals and the Moon, when in Western Occultism, folklore, and casual observation of women's connections to these things both Water and the Moon are considered feminine? Why do all of these supposedly have one central parental figure that's repeatedly stated to be compassionate and merciful that nurtures and cares for the devotees which is only a Father and not a Mother? I know in Judaism that isn't the case; in the Hebrew Bible there is a male and a female (and a plural!) title for Deity. Could the others be mistranslated? What if this is a case of poor historic records being perpetuated over the years by "might makes right" philosophies that no one has ever questioned?
- There is a profound lack on this planet of understanding what is truly important. Religions have people myopically focusing on ridiculous bullshit: magical powers, killing everyone who's too different, EteRNaL liFe, paradise (which kind you want? there are several different kinds, each more ridiculous than the other), destroying lives of people you don't understand, privileges and perks granted to you from the Divine, good luck, getting everything you want right now, avoiding the consequences of your actions, everything good for you, everything bad for the people you don't like. And to make it even weirder, an insane preoccupation with GAY PEOPLE, with forcing yourself and everyone to convert to (insert any religion here) as the Best Way Ever That Is Perfect, with forcing children to convert to a religion of choice, with making women feel inferior, and exploiting the environment. Sure I suppose you could do all that if you wanted to if you had a lot of extra free time and resources on your hands and if there was a peaceful, restful environment to talk it over til we get to the truth and some sort of understanding together. BUT THERE ARE SOME MORE IMPORTANT THINGS GOING ON AND NO ONE IS FOCUSING ON THOSE BECAUSE RELIGION IS MAKING THEM FOCUS ON ... WHAT? FAIRY TALES? AND HERE IS A SHORT LIST
- Women/immigrants/people of color/Gay/trans people/poor people/Jewish people/scapegoat-of-choice people bad. Oh, is this really the hill you want to die on? Okay then you know what? Let me make you a deal. How about when we ensure every starving child no longer goes hungry, widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, the unlucky and legions of other innocents stop getting victimized by cruel and unusual punishment (and killed), when we ensure the overloaded foster care system has all the kids in it safely and happily placed in loving households, when we ensure people who are falling through the cracks of a system that is supposed to help them at least don't get hurt by said system on top of it failing to help them, when we put an end to wars over resources and an end to wanton rape, murder, war crimes and torture, an end to undemocratic dictatorsips, and an end to child abuse, THEN we can discuss how you would like it if the people you don't like didn't exist. But until that day, anyone focusing on the former at the expense of the latter... why? I mean, realistically, logically, morally, ethically... why? And if all the reasoning you got boils down to "might makes right," then logically speaking what makes you any morally, physically, or evolutionarily better than a dinosaur?
- ME RELIGION RIGHT! YOUR RELIGION WRONG! UGGHA UGGHA UGGHA UGGHA! But what exactly makes your religion right? Define "right and wrong" as per each religion please. Does it really just boil down to "other side bad" with all the religions doing basically the same thing - spawning more soldiers to fight the other religions, and then killing everyone in the other religions as much as possible? And uh, isn't that by definition a sacrificial death cult? A bunch of them? And if you tell me "but it's right because the book says it's right" then that isn't logical reasoning at all, just an emotion. If the only thing propping up your religion is instinct, you are a glorified moth. l a m p
- Child abuse! Can't we take that religious zeal and turn it into protecting children instead?
- The four horsemen are upon various sections of the planet, innocent people and kids and creatures: war, famine, plague, death. So much energy and zeal is spent on solving these problems, right? Because we have our priorities in order?
- The planet is, as Bill Nye said, on fucking fire
- Humility? Who needs stinkin humility? We're human beings and therefore know what God/the Gods want.
- Orphans, widows, the poor, the sick, the weak, the disadvantaged, people are falling through the cracks of the system right and left
- Bullying on a widespread scale for people who really don't deserve it, while the people who need to be brought to justice are both neither brought to justice nor even spoken against. In fact, actual criminals are being praised, and actual heroes... bullied
- Potential World War III with Russia being a stupid and everything else dumb going on
- Russia part II: uh, it's a problem
- A whole lot of war crimes
- A whole lot of crimes committed right and left that no one is bothering to bring to light and bring perpetrators to justice and restitution to the victims
- Trying to be a good person? Improving, learning from your mistakes, becoming more mature and wise? Apparently out of fashion?
- For mostly religious and bigot and bullying reasons, it is now no longer a wise choice or a good idea for many people to promote kindness and goodness in the public arena. Given that altruism these days is either punished or just taken for granted, you're a sucker to help anyone else at this point and now it's every person for themselves. Thus, bettering yourself and others and the community and encouraging everyone to be kinder, gentler, more pure, more wholesome right along with yourself? Yeah that's not happening anymore. It's honestly too dangerous. 2/6/23 and upon further consideration to be frank? I'm not okay with it at all. I don't want to be okay with it. The one guiding principle of the United States almost since its inception is compassion. It's the ONE thing that all Americans in all of their diversity at least aspire to. Religious or not religious, philosophy of any sort, it's the one principle that any American can look at and go "that's ours." Even the love of freedom derives from compassion. The one thing we all agree on, or so I thought. And it's the religious people that are getting rid of that? WTF?
- Most of the United States doesn't actually have access to reliable or helpful health care, or mental health care. Unless they are extremely rich or lucky or both. For those of you in other countries wondering what, pray tell, the US medical system is like, here is an informative Video
- A lot of people in the country and worldwide are poor as fuck and not due to lack of work ethic or merit. Indeed, we seem to be in something swiftly approaching the opposite of a meritocracy, everywhere. The more you suck at your job, the more likely it is you will get promoted?
- Innocent civilians getting exploited, hurt, sickened and killed; coronavirus, ebola, an assortment of illnesses (take your pick) that we kinda have to deal with
- We exist on Earth and it can most assuredly be a paradise... all the effort expended with such religious zeal in attaining an afterlife paradise is fine and dandy, but with none expended on creating an Earthly one, there are a few problems. What if you reincarnate? Also, what about kids and subsequent generations? Possibly most importantly if there is a Deity or Deities then isn't refusing to make life even worth living, let alone enjoy it as much as you can, a slap to their face?
- And here is a short list of some of the most stupid things people are prioritizing RIGHT NOW in the name of religion:
- Transgender children. See: child abuse. Using children as propaganda tools for some sort of religious agenda? You ever hear of the children's Crusade? The Crusade staffed entirely by children? Go look it up, I'll wait.
- The Transgender Bathroom Debate. Tell me you haven't traveled outside the country without telling me you haven't traveled outside the country. In a lot of other countries, idiot, there are bathrooms that have small rooms which contain the toilet, and these rooms are single occupancy and lock. Sometimes the sinks are communal and sometimes they aren't, and the sink area is usually visible from the outside. OH what an amazing solution, who could have ever thought of it. (every kindergartener ever)
- Skin color. To be honest, I take great delight in breaking this news to you: every major monotheistic and quite a few of the polytheistic ones have their entire pantheon consisting of Deities and Holy People with dark skin. Especially Jesus and the Holy Family. Yeah they were at the very least very tan, possibly Black, no one really knows, but they weren't white that's for damn certain. Being white and unable to tan in the Middle East prior to modern medical treatment, sunscreen and so on... likely would kill you quick, isn't exactly a survival advantage over there. Even if Jesus was a redhead, that would mean his family would be covered in many freckles. The Greek Deities? Many originally were introduced to Greece from Africa; do the math. Islam and Judaism originated in the Middle East, do the math. The Human Race and all of its original belief systems originated in Africa, do the math. Isis? Originally African and often called the Black Madonna. In fact there's a lot of stuff indicating that the Egyptian pantheon got assimilated into the Greek and Roman ones in one way or another. Enjoy your new knowledge.
- Abortion debate. Far right, far left, in the middle, no fucking logic or scientific reasoning in any of it. Just babbling, incoherent screeching and "OTHER SIDE BAD"
- Let's make sure nothing ever changes, in fact let's go back to the way things were. The good old days. (hear the faint sound of historians everywhere laughing)
- Look good. Be courteous. Be nice. Seem perfect. Be kind and compassionate to all, even those who should be taken down. If you don't do these things, someone will swiftly be along to cancel you.
- Your religion? Is it looking like Mean Girls these days? No, you can't sit with us unless you follow these rules, no, we hate you and will bully you unless you're one of us. I mean, if your religion shrinks and hardens your heart, and causes you to be more negative, hateful, and full of spite, there's no excuse. There is just no excuse. And it's not healthy for you or anyone around you. Especially if you say with one part of it that your religion encourages you to be nicer and more full of compassion, love, and mercy, but only for "your own." Well, just don't be surprised when the lust for power and control gets so strong it deprives you of all human companionship, whether that's due to you jockeying for top dog or encouraging that kind of behavior with a toxic attitude towards your nearest and dearest. That's what being a Sith Lord will do to you.
- While mulling over the conflict in the Middle East, I decided you know what? Fuck it, let's take the running-joke religion my family and I have about coffee and caffeine and make it into an actual religion. Can't be much worse than whatever else there is, right?
- here is the page where I'll add more updates as I see fit
- The Holy Sacrament is COFFEE. Or, heretical sects prefer tea, soda, or (heresy of heresies) yerba mate.
- Problems in your life? Feeling depresso? Feeling anxious? Want a higher wage? Can't see your way out of this mess? COFFEE TIME. The only answer there is.
- Want new friends/converts? Give them COFFEE.
- Want to socialize in a place with others like you? COFFEE SHOP. It is now your place of worship, you're welcome.
- Would you like an area with which to socialize in your workplace? Install a COFFEE POT. Brew the holy Sacrament daily.
- Feel like sleeping anytime soon? Forbidden! Nyet! Have more COFFEE
- There are three logical possibilities here. One is that all ancient Pagan religions were evil, or whatever religion you think is evil actually is, to some extent and this information has filtered down to us throughout the ages because it is the truth. The second is that one or more modern religions were/are extremely good at lying, obfuscating the truth, propaganda, and so on in order to further some sort of goal either for the benefit of the founders and followers of that religion or for some other purpose. The third is that it could be a lot more complicated than that. I lean toward the third interpretation after learning a lot of history. You? Good luck figuring it out. See Detecting B.S. for some help in determining good sources of information. Don't blindly believe anything, stay skeptical, keep a cool head, seek the truth. Or your gut instinct will lead you around like a puppet on a string and that, my friend, is slavery.
- The least toxic religion in existence. Frankly, I hope a lot of people convert.
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Kiwi Pastafarianism, Reformed
- Dangers of Pastafarianism: constipation, too much alcohol, impaired vision due to religious headgear (pasta colander), incinerated in beer volcano, asphyxiated by strippers in a dog pile, that one sacrilegious video of Filthy Frank making human ramen, not enough Pastafarian parades, there is only so much marinara sauce a person can eat
- One can be a Pastafarian while being a member of any other religion.
- Sacred Texts Hinduism Section The Bhaghavad Gita, the Mahabharata, the Rig Veda, and way more can all be found here
- The Little Book of Hindu Deities by Sanjay Patel
- Dangers of Hinduism: as far as I can tell, not many if you do it right
- Personal experience with Hindus: They take their vegetarianism really seriously. Other than that, it is worth noting that the stereotype that they engage in worshipping lifeless idols is wrong. The idols represent a Deity, which Him/Herself represents a specific Divine version of something, such as wisdom and learning (Saraswati), or total death of the ego and enlightenment (Shiva), or infinite mercy and love (Krishna). I am oversimplifying to make a point. That being said having met Hindus from India, it appears they take karma really serious, too seriously. Justification for a caste system and all kinds of human rights violations, although if you look really closely at the notion of karma, I'm not sure that makes sense. Also the treatment of women in India is absolutely terrible... infamous even. I am not familiar enough with the religion to determine if it comes from that.
- The Asatru Community
- Hrafnar
- Dangers of Asatru: too much mead, distinct possibility of needing to bash in some Nazi skulls
- Personal experience with Asatru folks: They're just living their lives. Not sure what else I can say. There is currently an enormous problem with Nazis and white supremacists trying to co-opt the Asatru ways and claiming that only those of Norse descent can join in, and a vocal minority of Asatru people are protesting. The Valknut and Thor's Hammer have been culturally appropriated by the scum who claim their ancestral blood, which they have not earned or had any part in obtaining, is more important than their own deeds, achievements, and efforts; in fact that it is even of much importance at all; and they claim that Odin and Thor are okay with this. Knowing what I do about the Norse Gods, I question their judgment.
- 5/13/23 case in point LOL coopting the symbols of Valkyries (Algiz rune) and Odin (all the runes) to be a fuckin Nazi may - just might - be hazardous to your health. And I'm not actually talking about due to other human beings. You think the Norse Gods and Powers are... lenient?
- 9/10/24 a tidbit: I would recommend that if you decide to get into Paganism with the Norse Gods, it's often mixed in with white supremacists and racists, and the reason this is bad (besides societal disproval) is that it's kind of a risk to you from the Norse Deities Themselves. Look, if we're talking about a religion that has Deities who are so just and so focused on self-determination and doing your absolute best as a person and in life, and the least ethical of Them, Loki, is still extremely bent on honorable behavior to the point of insisting on that among all modern devotees... and we're talking about a Deity here who betrayed all the other Norse Deities, had "adventures" with various creatures, is chaos incarnate (literally, and that's - if you believe in Norse Paganism - a major reason why we have say, weather that changes and any change at all), in Norse lore destroys the universe by turning evil because He goes crazy by Ragnarok, and developed a sort of infamy that will probably never go away for good reason, you really think that all the others are somehow more tolerant of an evil doctrine like racism? I'm just gonna say it, you probably already know the answer conscience-wise as to if Asatru and Norse religion actually is mixed in with racism, but if you don't believe me or your conscience ask the Norse Deities Themselves.
- Quick introduction to Zoroastrianism, youtube video
- Article from a Zoroastrian about Zoroastrianism
- Zoroastrianism subreddit
- Zoroastrian sacred texts
- An interesting article decrying dissuading would-be converts from converting to Zoroastrianism
- Apparently, Freddie Mercury put a lot of Zoroastrian ideas into his songs. Listen to Queen and listen close.
- No experience with any Zoroastrians IRL, sadly. However, learning about it is weird! It's like seeing all the JudeoChristian stuff, in fact stuff from all the religions, I read about growing up chopped up in a blender, fermented, and then repainted in day-glo rainbow colors! The three tenets of "good thoughts, good words, and good deeds" sound a little freaky to me cause of how much toxic positivity I've seen practiced in the name of religion, but apparently this one encourages independent and original thought so perhaps that helps. In theory it should work because the human has to reason out what is "good" at every moment through their best efforts. What's really neat about those three tenets is that anyone can use them as the road out of whatever self-imposed or externally-imposed hell one happens to be living through at the time.
- ASMR 10 Hours of Quran and Rain Just found this Youtube video while searching for 10 hrs of nature noises/visuals. It's sooo cool!!! Tbh kind of like waking up to the Muezzin in some parts of Israel. It was one of my favorite things when I was visiting.
- Some mad lad posted the entire Quran on Reddit
- Quran
- Quran
- Reddit thread of Muslims answering how Ramadan is going for them
- WeHalal blog Look at this, a blog about Islam and its interpretations especially as it relates to food
- Dietary restrictions: No alcohol, no pork, halal code. Might just be me but it seems that halal food tastes amazing for some reason. Halal is very similar to kosher.
- If you are Muslim and do not speak Arabic, I highly suggest following the same method for asking someone to translate a verse or a few for you as mentioned under the Christianity heading.
- Dangers of Islam: depends on which translation of the Quran you're going with. Kind of like there's a King James Bible and a properly translated Bible (no, I am not taking that back - source: grandparents study the Bible in the original Hebrew and have been doing so for more than 40 years; also have family friends who are Muslim), there are assorted translations of the Qur'an, some totally messed up.
- Personal experience with people who practice Islam: I have never met people so honorable, hardworking, and charitable. Also being hosted by someone who is Muslim means you don't walk out the door. You roll. I always thought it was weird how Muslims have such a bad reputation when I have never, ever, in my life been mistreated by a Muslim. Not once. However, this is my experience in the United States. I would not be caught dead in a Muslim country. The religion is absolutely abhorrent in its treatment of women (minus of course those who willingly are a part of it) and when it's the state religion, things get bad fast. No jobs, no rights, human rights violations... pick a Muslim country, any Muslim country, and learn about it. Few things scare me but that absolutely terrifies me to the core. (NOTE 1/20/22: To clarify, I am singling out those Muslim countries where the religion is the law of the land. Also note: how individual Muslims in those countries treat women is unknown to me.) NOTE 3/2/22: Actually, within the United States I have noticed something rather counterintuitive according to pop culture and perception: Muslim women here that I have met were full of joy. Yes, joy. My apologies to my readers for not mentioning this before, my memory is... really bad. Also I don't think I've been fair here because in all honesty if any religion becomes the state religion you don't want to be caught dead there (for context, I live in Texas, and yes, it really is that bad). Unless it's Pastafarianism, R'amen. So to be perfectly clear, the religion itself is scary to me because I am (kind of) female. Not my cup of tea, and I don't want to be forced to be Muslim. But individual Muslims are, in my experience, cool.
- Family experience with people who are Muslims, and this is relevant because they are all from Israel and all Jewish: unless they are literally in whatever armed forces are fighting against Israel and/or Jews, they get along just fine with Muslims. In fact the culture and cultural traditions are so similar they're almost identical in many ways. These cultures are brothers. These religions are brothers. I wish they'd get along.
- Bible Gateway
- 4/3/23 A message to Christians. I am not Christian. I don't hate Christians. I fear Christians. In my experience it's a coin toss whether any given Christian I meet will be kind and understanding or cruel, bigoted, and hateful, and I also know from experience that the bigotry, fear and hate often only come out years down the line. I have no problem with this Jesus, or His family, or the forces of the Universe that are infinitely good and perfect that Christians call God (or pretend to). But Christianity as a religion gives me the horrors because so much good is mixed with so much evil. It needs a very thorough rethink in everyone who is Christian; a remix so to speak, so that Christianity stops being a force for harming the planet, harming children, harming women and harming the innocent. I'll be honest if you are Christian then it starts with you. 6/2/23 come to think of it, this being Pride Month and all, why would anybody ever think that Jesus, literally the physical embodiment of Unconditional Love, would ever not love anyone for existing differently if they aren't hurting anyone? We are talking about the guy that hung out with prostitutes and thieves and fishermen, right? The guy that forgave every one of his own friends (disciples) for literally betraying him? That dude? You think that person would flinch at people just for being different? Furthermore if you are happily married or ever want that, picture this. Can you imagine finding the love of your life and then being forced to never associate with your spouse because of societal prejudice? Think about it. And if you aren't getting the picture, maybe you've never really loved or been loved before. In your entire life.
- If you are a Christian and super humble because you know you are well, only human, and trying to be good but failing a lot, skip the rest of this. You already understand. But please try to help the rest of us stay away from Y'all Qaeda. I live in Howdy Arabia, what can I say.
- Direct quote from the Christian in my household (my husband): "To harm one's body is to harm the body of God, or a token made in His image, and to harm another is to do the same thing." As I (the writer) understand it, you can't hurt anyone "in the name of Jesus" and be Christian. Ever. If you find yourself becoming somehow more judgmental, hurtful, or vindictive while still calling yourself Christian, you're probably doing something wrong.
- Every pastor and good Christian I met has told me that Jesus is a being of infinite, unconditional love, and that he was/is the example people are supposed to follow the footsteps of. And oh, I have an opinion. Check this out Welcome To The Black Parade this song by My Chemical Romance in my opinion is more Christian than all the phony pastors, preachers, and assholes who said I was going to Hell when I was growing up. (And it's not even overtly Christian and I don't know if it has that idea in mind.) The "Black Parade" idea might refer to the living btw, because all are born to slowly die and go through a lot. 9/2/22 as I was watching the video today that's when it hit me. None of it's real. This passive-aggressive judgmental, arrogant, toxic supposed Christianity everyone shoves down your throat and makes it clear your existence is unacceptable unless you, too, are "Christian" is all just performative. It's not real. It doesn't mean anything. Just a bunch of people wearing Christian masks to get in good with the other Christians and make a living in Christian towns where everyone pretends not to be in on the secret - that no one actually believes this shit. It's a cult of power tripping and enslaving your inferiors masquerading as love for Jesus. Of course it's like that; people pretend to be like that just to be left alone by the other cultists. Just like all the other truth I see in my life, when I know, I know, and I know you know. No real Christian is so full of hate that your existence isn't valuable and cherished even if you aren't "perfect" like them; it's all a front for their hypocrisy. They're empty inside, there's nothing there, let alone religion I tell you this, every real Christian I've ever met has been a knight in filthy armor, right down there in the muck and hell of everyday life with me or other people in the shit, but the rest of them and that's most of them like to pretend Christianity is somehow something that makes you "better" because you're a knight in shining armor. Right. Yeah, that armor of God is real shiny because you never actually got out of your house and church in order to make it do something other than be decorative. Come down here and join us less-privileged folks and you'll see how shiny you'll be and how "perfect" you truly are. Three words can sum up the genuine Christians I met: with, not at 6/6/23 here is a good example of what I'm talking about Link is for the YMCA website. I have not screened these resources and am not aware if they actually help kids or don't, or even accidentally cause harm to kids. But my point is that the YMCA is making an attempt to protect kids.
- 2/15/23 This needs to be said. Whenever I see someone who for whatever reason thinks that Christianity is what they believe in and then wind up treating literally anyone else as less than human - is a horrible bigot to them - thanks to them being a different religion, or gay, or far younger, or more poor, etc. etc. I can't help but think "Do you really think that the Jesus that hung out with prostitutes, thieves, criminals (like St. Paul the Apostle), and twelve Apostles - all of who betrayed Him - and treated them as literal equals to Him, the literal Son of God (even if you don't believe in the religion and just as a story/myth), would want this?" I mean, if you aren't reading between the lines through what the guy said which essentially all boils down to "humility, mercy, kindness" what are you even doing?!
- For most of my life, I've gone through a lot of horrible stuff. Somewhere at the back of my mind, there's a deep-seated belief instilled in me by so-called Christians that all the suffering I go through is my fault because I am not Christian. I know it is not rational. It's not even ethical, and no loving God would want me to go through this. Nonetheless I struggle with it daily because of the cooooonnnnstant brainwashing. It started when I was Jewish and just got worse when I converted to Wicca. A lot of people who grew up in backwaters in the US have issues like this. I'm sure that most of these so-called Christians will nod like bobbleheads and go "uh huh! That's because you're doing the wrong thing, you're a bad person because you are not Christian so all of your suffering is your fault!" Guys. I was told this stuff since before I have conscious memories of it, like, think age 6 or so. It's reached the point far past church hurt, where the only way I can become Christian is if I am traumatized thoroughly enough to do so, triggered enough to be completely out of my mind and have a break with reality. And people continue to try to convert me. It's a trigger for my PTSD. They genuinely think they're doing the right thing for "my soul," and for "God," whatever they think that is, by emotional blackmail, trying to break me, and trying to make me into a completely different person by force. Or I suppose they might start up another Inquisition. If you think this is actually a good thing, telling an innocent kid that they are worthless and going to go to Hell since they're not Christian, then you're the terrible person. Gooooo do your toxicity thing somewhere else. I somehow doubt you'd appreciate it if I tried to raise your kids for you as Green Wiccans, Muslims, or some other religion. No, my parents weren't okay with any of this toxic Christianity leaking into my public schools or being shoved down my throat at every opportunity but it's not like they could have stopped it. Besides, such people would have told Jesus the same thing. He was Jewish. A Rabbi no less.
- You might find it interesting to note that Jesus had some extremely Socialist ideas. He literally said, "Give up your wealth and follow Me" to a rich man, and there is also that story of a poor woman giving more, relatively speaking, in charity than that from richer people because she had less to begin with. And for the record, the likelihood that he was anything other than a really deeply tanned mahogany color or darker is basically nil. Have you even been to Israel? Cause I have. You will become so tanned there you'll look like you've been deep fried unless you're albino, the end.
- There are several things about Christianity that so-called Christians often get wrong. Firstly, they often don't know that Jesus and His family were Jewish and that their whole religion is based on Judaism. "I have come not to do away with the law but to fulfill it," said Jesus. Some translations of the Bible have His disciples refer to him as "Rabbi." Secondly, for some reason if someone is a professed Christian, it is supposedly important to always give them the benefit of the doubt and turn the other cheek to every last one of their misdeeds and forgive, forgive, forgive no matter how much they continue to run amok or how many crimes they commit, but if they aren't, or if they are something 'demonic' like Pagan, it is perfectly okay to mistreat them as much and as intensely as you want. Study Christianity enough and you'll see none of this makes sense but a lot of people still believe it's a part of the religion. It isn't. Christianity is all about love... but there is more than just one kind of love, and sometimes mercy is the least loving thing you could do. Thirdly, a whole lot of them claim to be Christian yet think it is okay to use Jesus as their excuse for all kinds of abominable behavior, and anyone telling them off is "of the dark forces" or something. I'm sorry, but if you really think that's okay, you clearly don't understand Jesus and your whole life is ruled by fear. Get a grip. Finally, a whole bunch of them think that by going to church every week it will teach them morality and guarantee them a spot in heaven, despite nothing in the Bible actually saying you have to go to church every Sunday. Literally nothing in there tells you to go. In fact there is at least one line in there against it. Matthew 6-1. There is also this common notion that if a whole bunch of Christians pray for something, that'll be more effective than just one person praying for it, even if it's absolutely necessary and ethical and justified. That is a Witches' idea, not a Christian one. It's why we have covens. And Christians are not trained to work Witchcraft, so they often get it wrong, and pray for something to happen really hard that shouldn't happen, and then sometimes it does, and things get all kinds of messed up. Again, there's a line in the Bible against it. Matthew 6-5 to 6-14 Y'all haven't been trained or initiated, what the heck are you doing? Finally, the worst part of some Christian denominations is the belief that there is a big spooky bad called the Devil that causes literally everything bad in the world. If you really think about it, it is incredibly insulting to the Creator to have even the slightest shred of faith in the power of a so-called Devil. And it is also insulting to the Creator to spend more than a passing thought on such a thing, let alone obsess about it and make it a scapegoat for everything that is actually your own fault. And it breaks a commandment to say that anyone else is "of the Devil," specifically "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Ugly.
- Of all the religions, Catholicism is the worst in terms of human rights, although you could make a pretty good case for Islam's extremist sects. It is an institution that has made millions of people absolutely miserable for millenia by condoning religious extremism and extreme amounts of discrimination to people of other religions (and lifestyles), committed genocide, committed child abuse (that child abuse scandal where many priests were absolutely guilty of pedophilia? they were never fully brought to justice), condoned rape and enforced births in arranged marriages, denied people medical care from the herbs that grew freely around them because it was “witchcraft,” demonized hygiene and owning cats because that too was “witchcraft” and the heck with the resultant plagues from rat and flea proliferation (clearly also witchcraft), condoned putting up with extreme spousal abuse despite damage to the children and even injury or death at the hands of one's spouse, demonized and even outlawed contraception and sex education and caused resultant outbreaks of HIV and other STDs, in some cases idolized creation of misery in nonconsenting others as a shorter path to God, hoarded extreme amounts of wealth and power and literally called wars and inquisitions “holy” while supposedly working for Jesus, and created a deadly stigma against everyone who wasn't exactly like them. They killed, tortured, and stole from so many people. I will mention none of this "accumulate riches for the Church" business is in the original Bible. It's all about marketing. The Catholic Church has created its own Holocausts for years. And they're still around, in their own tax haven, where they make their own laws. They have directly and indirectly caused the deaths of - hmm, at this point, probably millions (combined total) - of Roma, Pagans, Jews, Indigenous peoples, Witches, herbalists, midwives, women, and Muslims. Some from Crusades, some from government policy, some from unique efforts such as the Malleus Maleficarum and the Witch burnings, some from the Inquisition, some from social pressures to marry young and unwillingly, and a lot from hysteria and seeking scapegoats as a result of plague. Back in the day, before it became gentler as a Church, the "Catholicism is the only true religion and is superior" attitude caused moral justification for seeing Catholics as superior, and everyone else as inferior, which resulted in... bad things. They've committed war crimes and there needs to be an international tribunal. It can possibly be saved, but it has to be cleaned up. My goodness, it's wasting all of its potential; with all of the support behind it you'd think it would have ended or significantly decreased world poverty, sickness, lack of education, environmental destruction, and misery by now. Where the hell is that money going? With that said, individual modern-day Catholics in my experience have tended to do amazing things, be amazing people, and generally be kind, so there's got to be a lot of good in the religion. It is fascinating and worth the look into, especially the legacy of Pope John Paul II and the stories of the Saints.
- Whenever I meet a Catholic person who is kind of of the "precious smol bean" type of kind person, I always want to ask them "do you have any idea about the evil history of the Church that was not taught to you by said Church, because everything they tell their believers about their history is a lie?" but a. that would be rude and b. I don't really know if they could handle the truth. But if you're reading this, and you're Catholic, and you are like "but no, wait, argh, it's good!" I hate to break it to you but good grief you need to do some hitting the books about the history of the Catholic Church from sources not written by it. Hit up a library and a University library or a few. Read whatever you can find from whatever source, compare and contrast. It's ugly stuff, and if you're a part of it, I'll be frank, it's your duty to help clean it up.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Catholic Online
- The Chronicles of Narnia series is actually a Biblical allegory meant to teach children about Christ. C.S. Lewis also wrote several other books, which might help explain the whole shebang to an outsider.
- My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year by John Henry Jowett This is a good example of old-fashioned Christianity that speaks of love, mercy, and kindness.
- I've Been To The Mountaintop Speech by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. I'm not Christian and it still made me tear up.
- Vesica Pisces Article that brings up interesting connections between the fish in all the stories about Jesus and femininity, or mother's love. He certainly seems to be a bit of a parental figure in a lot of the Bible stories and lore. Also, fish have long symbolized compassion, and even the relationship between a parent and child.
- Dan Pearce's books and writings are spectacular works and in my opinion some of the best examples of nonjudgmental Christianity. Yes, Dan Pearce of Single Dad Laughing.
- There are many denominations of Christianity, and frankly, to an outsider it seems really weird that there are so many different ways of dealing with the same religion, but whatever I guess. It would appear that if one church is toxic, another denomination might be less toxic; to the best of my knowledge the least judgmental sects of Christianity appear to be Methodist, Quaker, Shaker, super small churches, Episcopalian, some individuals who are born-Again (and they're usually not those who consider themselves part of any denomination), and - believe it or not - some (a rare few) Catholic churches. The most judgmental sects seem to be Southern Baptist, Baptist, Calvinist, Protestant, most Catholic churches (alas), Seventh Day Adventist, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
- A careful study of the Bible, various versions of it and particularly what Jesus actually said, seems to indicate that hatred and fear have absolutely no place in Christianity and indeed that turning the other cheek is important. This makes it an even harder religion to truly follow than Witchcraft, which requires immense self-discipline but not necessarily unconditional love, forgiveness, and mercy. Therefore those who truly practice this kind of Christianity are truly deserving of the utmost respect.
- If you are Christian, I very much suggest the following experiment: find someone from Israel good at translation and devoid of dogma, and have them translate a favorite Old Testament Bible verse or a few, of yours, for you, from Hebrew to English. Be very clear that you just want what the words mean, and not any playing telephone, translating the way they want to, or translating what they think you want to hear. Just the direct meaning of each and every word and sentence. Now compare and contrast what they have translated with the NIV and KJV versions of that same verse. You will be astonished at the difference, I promise.
- This same method can be applied with people who are humble native speakers of Greek, for the New Testament.
- Christianity is the only religion known to be seriously obnoxious, because its adherents are encouraged to convert others, unlike most other religions. So if you're not Christian, you can look forward to a more or less intermittent stream of supposed Christians (they aren't really) entering your life only to say "JESUS saves, repent and sin no more!" unless you convert. And they don't even usually have good intentions of actually saving your soul; they just want to be accumulating more brownie points as a good Christian for themselves. Obviously. Because if they really cared about your soul, they wouldn't just spew platitudes at you about their God, but they'd sit down and have a respectful conversation about it with you and you know, listen. I've seen a Jehovah's Witness do this once actually, it was a pleasant change from the usual "you're going to hell" speech. Nope, these assholes don't care about you at all, unless you're part of their cult. And they either directly imply that you're damned to hell or say so outright no matter how virtuous and kind you are, because you're not one of them - and their justification is that the Bible says so, and the Bible is the exact, perfectly translated word of God. So they claim they can speak for God using this mistranslated text despite the real risk they break the "thou shalt not use the name of the Lord in vain" commandment by doing so. So really, God loves you, but you're going to hell unless you too have an abusive relationship with Him, is the essential argument they present. Worse, if you're not Christian you can expect to see this assholish attitude literally everywhere you go and when you least expect it too, usually in tandem with hatred and discrimination. Man, that's really appealing and makes everyone want to join. Again, I've seen the opposite of this a couple times, such as giving out free hot cocoa on the street with a sign saying "God loves you no matter what." The "Free Hugs" sign movement can also be seen as a truly Christian one despite being affiliated with no religion.
- Christianity seems to tell you, "No good deed goes unpunished, but do it anyway." The literal founder of the religion, who essentially told people "be nice to one another," and introduced the whole notion of not throwing pearls before swine, did as a matter of fact throw pearls before swine and was crucified! And people expect being a good person or being a Christian or both to be easy? Who knows. Maybe The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny was right and Mr. Rogers's ideas are the ones that are stronger than all else. Does goodness really prevail? Does being a good person really matter that much? I think in your heart you might just know the answer, religion or no religion
- What a lot of folks these days don't realize is that Christianity began as a slave revolt. It was and is a religion of the slave, the poor, the miserable, the downtrodden, and the unlucky. It was never intended to glorify wealth, fame, power, and might. "The meek shall inherit the Earth," if I'm quoting that correctly. So all the people espousing some kind of might makes right philosophy of hatred and oppression and calling it Christian are milking it for all it's worth. But I'm telling you. They'll lose.
- Dangers of Christianity: Either you get it or you really, really don't. There is (at its heart at least) neither hatred nor fear in it, but infinite compassionate love, infinite mercy, infinite tolerance for everything done badly by others and zero tolerance for anything done badly within yourself. It really seems that the deeper you go into it, the more you are forced to become a better person, and it has that in common with the Craft.
- 5/16/22 something just clicked. Christians in the United States, Canada, or Europe claiming "persecution" when they're the dominant majority and all the laws are made, more or less, with Christianity as the default morality - so much so it's almost like Sharia law - and getting major side eye from people going "what in the actual F-UCK are you on about?!" are the kin of white people claiming that they are So Oppressed because of their skin color...
- 10/21/22 would like to point something out. In the Pagan and Neopagan communities, also the New Age community, and a lot of other creative communities such as among musicians, you see a lot of people who "saw the light" and converted to Christianity. I'll be blunt here. That would be fine if they didn't shove it down everyone else's throats, often for money and/or because they just got tired of being discriminated against and want an easier life. It's their business. It's not right to tell other people "I converted and my soul is saved now, and you should do it too." Because realistically speaking even with the best intentions that makes vulnerable people who are listening to that lecture get catapulted into emotional crisis. Discrimination is real, it's bad, and instead of being understanding and patient, you turn on the community that once nurtured you and protected you? Wow.
- 5/9/23 Regarding evangelizing and trying to convert people: here's a strange thought. What if you're pushing away the people you are trying to convert, the harder you try to convert them? And how many of these people that you did convert actually were converted out of their own free will? How many actually believe it? In fact, if you are Christian, how were you converted? Is it a conscious choice you made? Is it what you originally wanted out of life? Do you even believe in it yourself, or are you just going through the motions? I'd hazard a guess here and say that maybe, if all Christians just stopped trying to convert everyone, cold turkey, and put all that energy and effort into actually helping people instead without judgment or discrimination, they'd get more converts than ever before within about ten years. Probably more importantly, the number of conversions would cease to matter as much and these Christians would start to see the value in ALL of the Creator's creations and not just the "chosen Christian heroes," but that's another story I guess.
- 5/12/23 Regarding making your kids attend Christian services with you: I think there's a right way and a wrong way to do this. As you know if you read this page, I do not think it's ethical to make anyone under the age of 18 attend religious services. That's all there is to it. Here's what I think can be done instead: you can embody the unconditional love and mercy and broad-mindedness of Christ and be meek, humble, nonjudgmental to them and loving to them. You can try to understand your religion from the ground up and provide them the best possible example of a Christian you can. And if they choose to walk away from the faith, and you still love them and cherish and support them, then I see absolutely no way that contradicts the love of Jesus. And if you do things that way, then if your little ones decide to join Christianity when they come of age you will know it was out of a free will decision and real, from the heart, and well considered, not performative or instinctive. But that's just my opinion.
- Personal experiences with people who are Christian: It depends on if they say they're Christian or if they actually ARE Christian. For the former, the rap sheet just keeps growing. For the latter, they went the extra mile to feed me, clothe me, and save my life multiple times and they will always be dear to my heart. Christians are currently getting a bad rap thanks to the actions of the former, unfortunately. It appears there's an enormous difference between those who have the true goodness of Christianity in their hearts and those who merely want to get all the unearned benefits from the religion with none of the work. In fact in my experience there might be a common belief that just being Christian solves all of your problems and makes you a good person so you get to coast, but those I have met who have actually been born again, or baptised, or seriously dedicated themselves to the religion have ALL said absolutely not, it actually makes your life more difficult. Better, but not easier.
- One big overlooked problem in Christianity is people claiming to speak for God. God's word, God wants this, God wants that, this is what God says. And they're all so sure of themselves, but in most cases don't even know the Bible has been translated and that a lot was lost in translation. It's such hubris.
- Personal experiences with people who are Catholic: either seemingly mentally ill jerks content to mistreat everyone within and outside of their religion, or like the nuns in Sister Act or The Blues Brothers and every bit as cool and kind, and basically nothing in between. I don't know why it is that way.
- Family experience with people who are Mormon: Frankly they just don't seem to bring it up much and are pretty chill. I've noticed lately too that several Mormon bloggers have out-DIY'd me. They have skills!
- 10/16/24 because I can't resist. I know this might be unexpected but Christianity is not actually about bullying people. Shocker.
- Yes, Karen, there IS a Jewish conspiracy, and it goes a little something like this: EAT, EAT, you're so skinny, bubaleh, put some meat on those bones!!! (cheek pinching) which sounds funny unless you have experienced it in person. In which case you know this is equal parts amusing and terrifying. 2/5/23 Just realized I did not make this clear: having grown up Jewish, I can tell you with authority the worst thing about Judaism, ethically speaking, is circumcision, which I covered in the introductory section of this page. Everything else is so boring, wholesome, and mundane that I've honestly forgotten most of it; filed it away for accessing the required memory if needed; unless someone brings something up. No offense to Judaism.
- 8/15/24 I'll tell you something about the Anti-Semitic people I knew growing up. They, surprisingly, weren't evil, and I knew truly evil people back then. Nope, not them. They were confused. And the only place they were getting their anti-Semitism was from their parents. Frankly, if there really was a Jewish conspiracy to do evil or something, the Jewish youngsters themselves would be the ones making it, and their friends who visited synagogues. Younger generations would be coming up with this kind of stuff by themselves. But they're not. You want a conspiracy? That's one: older generations are out to brainwash you. And that carries over to just about everything, y'all. Think for yourselves for pete's sake.
- There is no hell, devil, or concept of sin in Judaism. 8/15/24 Interestingly, magic is also forbidden as is everything in the Occult, unless you are in Kabbalah and it's arguable whether that's even Judaism at all (I assert is is not, having grown up Jewish, and think the notion of "Jewitch" disrespects all related religions - pick one, dammit). The Old Testament is the same basic book in Judaism and in Christianity, although the Hebrew version has a very different meaning than the mistranslated English versions. Yes. ALL versions of the Bible that are English are mistranslated; using connotation instead of denotation, and now you know, you're welcome. Here are several examples. In the Hebrew Bible, God is referred to in both female and male terms, 'you shall suffer pain in childbirth' doesn't actually say that but 'you will be sorry when you have boys,' and 'thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live' actually literally translates as 'you shall not bring a Witch back to life' as in from the dead. Pretty egregious errors.
- If you think you know what being canceled is, or what fake news is, and you don't have family that's Jewish or Native American or Black and American, or similarly mistreated for literal centuries, chances are you don't have any idea. People have hunted down Jews and spread all kinds of ridiculous lies, published books and pamphlets, smeared the reputation of the religion, mistranslated the Bible, and done many more worse things (no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!). And why? Bullying. No other reason. It's pretty easy to find arbitrary reasons to exclude people for not being part of your herd. You can justify it later, while you're enjoying the spoils of waging war on the defenseless. Guess my ancestors got kind of tired of that, moved to what was then Palestine, and created a place to exist. No Israel? No me. I wouldn't exist. Neither would my parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents. And it's all labeled as evil. Well, I wish they put it (Israel) in a different place but that's another story. On that note, any Jew that supports Trump or other kinds of Fascism is definitely fifty kinds of screwed up in trying to do unto others what has been done to the Jews. Same deal with super-right-wing Israelis right now, 5/12/22, fuck them all.
- Some say that Kabbalah (or however the fuck you spell it) is part of Judaism. I would give that a hard "no." At the very least the Western Esoteric tradition of cannibalizing and twisting Kabbalah into some way of working magic (which is explicitly forbidden in Judaism) is definitely, definitely not Jewish. For starters, all the kinds of Kabbalah don't allow you to start learning it til you're 45 years old. Also, apparently the kind of Kabbalah practiced by some folks in Israel, as I understand it, are actually intended to help you to understand God better, not to develop FlAsHy maGiCaL PoWeRS!!!!
- Leviticus is taken really seriously in Judaism, and good personal hygiene is the result. Physical, emotional, and even spiritual hygiene are covered in the Old Testament, or at least it says you should care about these things. This personal hygiene has also historically resulted in people getting angry at Jews for avoiding the effects of assorted plagues, and then people blaming the plagues on said Jews. There is also a history of such discrimination that the only allowable jobs Jews could have in most places was banking (nowhere else would hire), and people insisted that Jews were perpetually rich.... hmmhm. No. (Popes though? But that's another story.) There is a very big emphasis in Jewish culture on getting an education and getting lots of it, and this, plus the banking thing, PLUS the cultural emphasis on being good parents and spouses (see: rights in a Jewish wedding ceremony), is probably where the "Jewish people rich" rumor comes from. Well, that and the fact that the Jewish community supports itself mainly because outsiders have an unholy delight in hurting Jews, so "united we stand divided we fall" is pretty darned clear to anyone Jewish. Anyone in any other marginalized community understands this.
- I'd say that the x-factor that drives success in Jewish culture is actually less obvious: it is a devotion to the truth. There is a very long and very strange tradition of actually arguing about the Bible, the Talmud, and the Rabbinic commentaries in an attempt to try to understand the Jewish way of life. Yes, arguing. No blindly obeyed dogma that is wrong or bad should really last that long even in the ultra-orthodox Jewish community. An old Jewish proverb is that two knives can be sharpened against one another, and therefore debate is encouraged. From a really young age, at that. This seems to be a major reason why there's more brutal honesty in Jewish culture than politeness.
- Judaism seems to have gone from being a religion where the traditional writings and cultural traditions indicate it is at least partially Matriarchal and may have originated as a matriarchal religion, and became more and more patriarchal through the years. Some good examples of this include calling God "Shekinah" which is a female name, the fact that the religion is passed down from mother and not father to child, the lighting of Shabbat candles done only by women, and the rights given to women at a traditional Jewish wedding. Also, married Jewish women are afforded many rights under Jewish law.
- 3/20/22 after more thought on the matter there appear to be 9/23/22 just learned there are four different kinds of Judaism: Reform, Orthodox, Conservative, and Ultra-Orthodox. Reform and Orthodox tend to be pretty chill. Ultra-Orthodox is more or less the Jewish equivalent of Evangelicals or Born-Agains in Christianity - they are kind of hardcore about the religion. And Conservative Judaism focuses on keeping the traditions, above all the holidays, Shabbat, and of all the holidays Yom Kippur is the most important one to follow. It also is more hardcore about physical hygiene and the cultural tradition of promoting lots of education. Conservative Judaism also has an emphasis on using the original Hebrew Bible and on either the texts of Rambam or Caro, both also in Hebrew, to help clarify said Hebrew Bible. Ultra-Orthodox Jews follow the Bible and also the texts of either Rambam or Caro basically verbatim, but Conservative Jews follow the original Hebrew Bible and whatever rules from Rambam or Caro make the most sense to them. 2/12/25 To the best of my knowledge there is one commonality between all of the kinds of Judaism. The idea that God (what we humans call God, anyway) is essentially unknowable and not understandable by us mere mortals. If you think about it, this makes a lot more sense than claiming to understand how the universe works, all the big questions of life and death, and all that other hubris. It has this in common with some other religions and subsets of religions.
- Ten Commandments
- Bible Gateway
- Talmud
- Mishna
- Mitzvot Same thing different website 613 things that apparently Orthodox Jews are supposed to do. In here are also the roots of a lot of religious discrimination and abuse done in Judaism and in Christianity - and before you get out the old blood libel of "the Jews are behind everything bad!!!" bear in mind that this is the exact same religious dogma that is in Christianity so read it carefully, fool. Reform Jews tend to not pay attention to these, and Orthodox Jews tend to think through these Mitzvahs before blindly following them. Ultra-Orthodox Jews might blindly follow these and that is probably a big reason why culturally they're very, very different from most of Israel and most Jews.
- Dangers of Judaism: being wayyyy too hard on yourself. Then again it helps you not be a judgmental prick to other people so there is that. There are a lot of really weird rumors going around about Judaism, particularly in Catholicism and among people who think the King James Bible is "great," and among some sects of Islam and in most of the world actually. Whenever I hear one, as a former Jew it just makes me just go like "wha?!!!" Here is why: Judaism is boring. Judaism is boring. Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox, Reform, the whole shebang. It's wholesome, but it's boring! Nothing happens! On the plus side it's really peaceful, but on the minus side, there's nothing to combat the rumors with because really, there's nothing exciting to combat them with. Unless you happen to think that reading Torah and commentaries and then having debates about it is exciting? Having a brutal hangover on the day after Purim I suppose is as exciting as Judaism gets. That and eating the burnt hamentaschen because "the good ones are for the guests." I am honestly still bitter about that but that's a personal problem, LOL
- A couple facts that kill conspiracy theories dead about Judaism: 1. If anyone actually does commit an act of war or some kind of human rights violation, if it's something that the Ten Commandments commands you not to do and you do it anyway, you are not Jewish. The Ten Commandments to a Jew are just as important as the statement of faith in Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior is to a Christian. Oh and there's also all the other stuff in the Old Testament which Jews have to listen to, some of it contradictory, but none of it is worse than Christianity because Jesus Himself said "I have come not to do away with the Law but to fulfill it" and the Old Testament is part of Christianity too. Heck, there's an old story about a Rabbi saying that he could stand on one leg and speak the entirety of Judaism, so he did and said the Golden Rule. So any of the more bloodcurdling stories about "oh, the Jews did this, the Jews did that"? If they really did, they weren't Jewish, not when they did the thing and certainly not afterwards. 2. Some people who are in the religion of Judaism may disagree here, but I have to say it: Jewish is NOT an ethnicity. It's not a "race." It is a religion. Saying anything else is both degrading and technically incorrect, because of the multitude of lines in the Old Testament that say if you do so-and-so you will be "cut off from your people" and anyone else (minus several technical rare exceptions if I'm not mistaken; you'd have to talk to a Rabbi) can join "the people" if they convert to Judaism. This does not apply if you are below the age of bar or bat mitzvah and your mother is Jewish, since you can run around and not actually really practice the religion at that age and still be considered part of the religion of Judaism, but if you are over that age and have decided not to have a bar or bat mitzvah or consider yourself Jewish at all? Yeah you are no longer Jewish. And in Judaism what the Bible actually says will always trump what a person says or people say, end of story. Yes, you can call yourself "ethnically Jewish" and get things like scholarships and other benefits from society because you're a minority, but a. that's degrading and b. if you're not in the religion it's not technically true. 3. There is a large chunk of Judaism based on attempting to decipher the true meaning of the often contradictory Old Testament. So instead of blind belief, debate and even straight-up rudeness in an effort to find the truth is baked into the culture from the religion on up. With such an emphasis on truth, precious little bullshit can survive in a Jewish congregation. What little there is left will by necessity be just the usual human gripes. and 4. Frankly, use your brain here. I am writing this website, and I would have known about a conspiracy if there was one. You think I'm evil? Want me canceled? Shit, you don't know me. Hello? Israeli family, Jewish parents, Jewish friends, Jewish upbringing? Stop chasing windmills and if you really think there are bad actors on the world stage, I think you'd better stop underestimating the potential of your friends, neighbors and self for doing abundant amounts of evil. Don't look for conspiracies when human nature provides all the explanations for evil you will ever need. Human nature is awful. Don't add to the problems by instigating witch hunts when you don't know how to do detective work and have not been trained by say, the FBI or Interpol. Make a difference by not calling people evil based on dumb assumptions but calling them evil based on real proof. Also see Detecting BS.
- Personal experiences with people who are Jewish: Well, I grew up Jewish in an Israeli family. Of all the cults this one is in my experience one of the least worst (though ultra-Orthodox Judaism is right up there with evangelical Christianity, Traditional Satanic Witchcraft^TM, and militant Islam in terms of being seriously annoying and yes I did just lump all of those religions into one category: toxic). It's a religion that promotes humility (oh so very much humility, I'd even say it contains a hefty dose of beating up on yourself so you don't screw things up) and above all truth - this culturally clashes with many things because truth often winds up being brutal honesty whether or not anyone wants to hear it. Culturally, it's very self-deprecating, arguments/debates are valued as a fantastic method of reaching the truth, and children are absolutely cherished. I have been called a Jewish grandma not because of my religion but because of my tendency to be a loving overly-protective worrywart and feed people. Food is a very valued part of the culture and the celebrations, and if you attend one of them, you'll come away from it full and happy. Generally speaking the Jews I've met tended to keep to themselves. Considering the current political climate, it's not hard to see why. However, there is a major difference between Reform Judaism and Orthodox flavors of it. I grew up Reform, which is a lot simpler and more modern in terms of ethics and tradition. Ultra-Orthodox (altered from "Orthodox" 3/20/22 due to more thought on the matter) Judaism is where you run into human rights violations and weird stuff like mistreatment of women, not accepting LGBTQ+ anything, the archaic practice of still sacrificing animals as scapegoats, justification of unethical things because it's in the Bible, etc. in short it didn't modernize and takes a lot of stuff from the Bible verbatim. Yes I said the Bible, the same one that's in Christianity, you shits. I might add that the Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel are not well liked by much of the rest of Israel, in no small part because they rigged the system so they don't have to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. I can still remember my mom speaking of them with serious dislike, and she rarely disliked anyone. In the United States the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community has been nothing but good to me though. Israel? Not so much, had some unpleasant experiences there. However, I can speak from experience attending all kinds of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish ceremonies and being in Ultra-Orthodox Jewish synagogues: they are just as boring and mundane as the Reform ones.
- 1/16/23 Another insight into Jewish culture: you're taught young about the intrinsic unity of the human race. I'm not sure if this is cultural, from the religion itself, or both, but it is a very strong message. Maybe it has something to do with all the humility (to the point of even being self-effacing in Judaism, trust me, this is not a religion to get into in order to bolster your self-esteem).
- Interesting note: Jewish culture, with its emphasis on debate and brutal honesty, is pretty much the polar opposite of Chinese culture, with its emphasis on 'saving face.'
- Dietary restrictions: many. No pork, don't mix dairy with meat, don't eat shellfish, there are a lot of rules to keeping kosher. Similar to halal.
- 3/5/23 out of recent curiosity have looked up some Yiddish MyJewishLearning article, Infoplease article (latter article is seriously inaccurate in several places; for instance a shtetl was actually a certain crap part of town or small hamlet that Jews had to live in, more akin to a shantytown or a leper colony than a "village" and often subject to negging and even war crimes by the local populations hence emigration to other places, kibitzing means arguing not meddling, also I've never actually heard a Jew IRL ever refer to a "goy" or "goyim," or see someone hire a "Shabbas goy," because that's uh, tacky, and finally no the Jews don't delight in remembering the Holocaust in gory detail every single year as a point of honor... why would that be the case) Anyway it drove home a point that in the Jewish diaspora a lot of things aren't exactly the same from country to country, because since I had Israeli parents we spoke very little Yiddish. Hebrew aplenty however, so Yiddish sounds like strangely distorted Hebrew to me, which is actually what it is. Other things are significantly different also, culturally as well as practically. I've heard it's very similar for Jewish people in other countries as well, such as in Ethiopia, Russia, or almost any other country. Incidentally there are a whole lot of Russian and Ethiopian Jewish expats in Israel.
- 5/7/23 Okay a memory has been unlocked. I'd like to suggest to every single Jew on the planet that you should go and attend a public powwow. Why? Because despite all the different Tribal Nations, powwows, dances, and traditions, the shocking part to someone who grew up or is Jewish is not the difference between powwows and Jewish traditions. It's the similarities. That's been my experience but if you are respectful and curious, please go see for yourself. And if you are part of a Tribal Nation yourself? You are absolutely welcome at any synagogue on Friday night. Ask any Rabbi after the services if you don't believe me, or any Jew. It's tradition; everyone is welcome to attend the services. Usually they start at about 7 pm for convenience depending on the place but most synagogues have websites with hours on them.
- 1/16/23 tl;dr for the religion I grew up in and am no longer part of: it's not for everyone but it is probably one of the least toxic ones out there
- 9/1/24 I'm not the only Witch who feels this way now: Satanists need to get the fuck out of our business. Our holidays are not Satanist holidays. Our rituals are not Satanist rituals. It's bad enough having the Catholic Church and a lot of fundies coopt our shit on the one hand and insult it on the other, but to have the Satanists doing the same thing is fucked up. It's your pseudo-Christian religion, don't drag holidays like Beltaine and Mabon into it*, or Pagan Deities like Cernunnos and Pan into it. Witchcraft is Pagan. Satanists are not part of Paganism. They're another flavor of Christianity and that's the way it goes. And let me make this clear: Wicca is not Satanist either. Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente may have been into some dodgy shit and they got famous for rebooting older Pagan mystery traditions, but they did not create those traditions. Nor did they get them from Satanism.
- * 9/4/24 edit: Technically, Mabon and Beltaine are seasonal holidays so gatekeeping the secular parts of these is like trying to gatekeep full moons. So I'd like to amend this to focus strictly on the religious bits of these. They're not Satanist. Don't use that as part of your religion if you ain't Pagan.
- Let's not do this toxic kind of crap please
- It must be said: there are no indications of a "big evil bad" demigod in existence prior to Fertile Crescent religions that predated Egyptian religion, Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Witchcraft is much, MUCH older. And so if people really have decided to do some dumb shit like what stereotypical Satanists do, where do you think they got that cartload of bad ideas? Look no further than Catholicism and Christianity and the hysterical "Witch hunts" for most of it. It covered supposed "Satanism" before Satanism even existed, and in enough detail for people to create a whole anti-religion out of it. Was it intentional on the part of the Christians? Dunno. I don't think it matters. That's fucked up.
- This community does have some serious problems though, and some real shitheads. I once sent some grateful fan mail to a very famous Witch with some criticisms of her work, but as respectfully as I could (I did not grovel and agree with everything she said). She responded by threatening to hex my entire family line and generation with her coven of old Witches. Which obviously is black magic. So a lot of people are in this religion who you wouldn't know are "bad Witches" until you interact with them. Be careful. Honestly, I've seen more bad Witches popping out of the woodwork during this pandemic than any other time, for some reason, maybe it's just like when it rains all kinds of bugs come out? Beats me. Actual screenshot from that lovely conversation, which did absolutely no favors for my PTSD since it went exactly the same as most of the conversations I had, starting when I was around 4 years old (female; when I was 4 I was not thinking about gender identity or sexuality let alone who I was but I definitely had a hard time cuz the boys wouldn't let me play with them at recess and oh, I hated Barbie dolls) and just starting to receive the "benefits" of sexism from both genders; no magic mentioned in those but similar excessive threats:
- 6/3/23 Image removed. It was bad, okay.
- I feel it is important to note that my diatribes against Feminism here were written after receiving this message. Before it, I was on the fence about it and willing to learn about it, read all the books, give it a fair shot. After? No way, Jose. I'm still for women's rights and equality, but Feminism seems to have gone full throttle into human rights violations. They aren't the same thing anymore.
- It is also important to mention that the Burning Times and the various persecutions of Pagans and Witches throughout the years really did happen, though no one knows the full extent of the damage nor the implications. That is a job for historians. I will say though that the kind of behavior embodied in the screenshot shown puts us all at risk of another Burning Times. I will break it down: 1. If you think that magic is actually real, then logically threatening legions, and mostly magically inept legions, with a big old curse is equivalent to threatening to nuke someone who cannot defend themselves. 2. When the world actually did believe in black magic, they put legions of innocent and maybe one or two not-innocent people to death out of fear of it. 3. QAnon, certain sects of cultish Christianity, many Occultists, and a large chunk of the population now DOES believe in black magic. Put these all together and we have a problem. So essentially anyone engaging in this kind of fucked up behavior is trying to put all Occultists and much of the world back in the Dark Ages. Good job.
- Since such morsels as the person above actually exist in the Craft and in the Occult world, it is primarily the responsibility of those also in the Craft and the Occult world to protect the rest of the world from their bullshit. And for that, all of us have to enact a zero tolerance policy for this kind of thing before it gets out of hand, lest we let crazies like that define us like they've defined Asatru as a Neo-Nazi religion (because too many following the Norse religion did not speak up enough, did not put a stop to it).
- Another negative example of how not to do Witchcraft: Putin's Witches Uhhhhhhhmmm.... yeah.
- Witchcraft seems like an open tradition, but I would say it is not. Dabbling in it is dangerous, because you don't know wtf you're doing. Unless you truly want to join the Craft after having studied it for a year and a day as per tradition and have a serious desire to make this your life's work and your life's path, you can't join. It's not a cool kids' club, it's a job, and it's hard work. Plus in most countries your life would be at risk for practicing the Craft so uh... it's not a good idea to try it as a trend or something
- I would however say that if you are genuinely interested, have a good heart, and want to learn more about the Craft but do not want to join it, by all means. It can and will add richness and meaning to your own religion if you come at it from the perspective of someone more familiar with Witchcraft. Attend open ceremonies, read books, mesh Witchcraft with your own religion, jailbreak it. You are welcome as long as you don't misuse it. I would however caution you very strongly against working magic yourself unless you are absolutely certain of what you are doing, that you will take responsibility for the consequences, and also that it is "right," and you will know when if/when it feels right. I also very heavily suggest that you find a mentor, a friend, or even someone in a New Age shop to give you guidance before you try anything, and throughout. Also: this is dangerous!!! Don't fuck around!
- Only two books properly introduce the subject that I am aware of, and I have been in this religion for 10 years. Embracing The Moon by Yasmine Galenorn and Dancing With the Sun by Yasmine Galenorn. I must emphasize: it is not for everyone, it is not easily accessible, and it is HARD. I wouldn't have put this in here if not for the fact that it's nearly impossible to find 101 books/other info on the Craft that isn't completely misleading. Such as TikTok. Please, PLEASE don't learn Witchcraft from TikTok. The vast majority of people who don't like most religion and think the Craft is 'just what I need to make a change' as opposed to 'this is my one and only calling in life and I want to commit to it forever because it's perfect for me' might benefit from Nondenominational spirituality instead.
- 3/23/23 After putting various books to the test for my ten years in good Witchcraft, I can now recommend one author without hesitation. Patricia Telesco. There are several cringe moments reading her work due to lack of knowledge about cultural appropriation when many of these books were written, but it is pretty obvious that this was not done out of any intention to steal from others, but to honor their knowledge. She did what she could and it is not perfect, but all of these are fundamentally good. She leans very heavily Wiccan but is more folk magic and Paganism-heavy in her writings.
- Personal experiences with Wiccans and Witches: Oh boy, they run the gamut. When they're good, they're really really good. And when they're bad, they're probably mentally ill. Most, but not all, put the treehugging hippies of the 60s to shame with their reverence of the Earth. Unfortunately, since it's so hard to find good information on it, there is a tendency in modern practitioners of the Craft to simply go along with whatever trend is most prevalent at the time. It used to be "join a Gardnerian Wiccan coven" or get into Wicca (or Satanism masquerading as Witchcraft - certain so-called "traditional witchcraft" practitioners often claim that this is the Right and Old Way, fuck them) despite not being fully comfortable with it, now it is "be politically correct and do everything everyone else is doing on TikTok, Twitter, and Tumblr." Not good.
- The difference between Witchcraft and Wicca is that Witchcraft does not have the "an it harm none, do as ye will" rule. It does, however, come under the scrutiny of the Powers That Be, meaning that those who attempt to misuse it pay, and pay through the nose, with karma and other sorts of unpleasant things. This sounds like a joke until you see it in person, which I have. The reasoning behind the justification of not 'harming none' is usually self-defense, justice, and causing harm in order to protect the innocent. Since I specialize in healing magic, I know for a certainty that there are some diseases that just will not die with your average run-of-the-mill healing spell and require things like hexing the illness itself. There are other reasons for causing harm with magic, mostly along the lines of refusing to lay down and be a victim. It's a very dangerous path and requires a lot of maturity to do this without fucking up, which is why Wicca is generally more suitable for people interested in the Craft, at least until they become more experienced.
- Dangers of Witchcraft: getting power-hungry and ruining your life while making life harder for every other Witch by living down to the harmful stereotype
- A bajillion misconceptions of the Craft are here
- Information for people who are already Witches is here. Please also read as many books recommended in the Mental health section as you can if you are considering, or are in, this religion.
- 8/1/24 There actually is a Pagan Deity called Cernunnos that has either ties to the Green Man and the Horned God or actually IS the Green Man and the Horned God. This Deity bears a strong resemblance to what some Christians believe is their "devil." He's not, but He's tied to death itself, to nature, to sex and birth, and the cycles of life. This really terrifies some people. Frankly, it probably should, given the instinct to survive is a thing for a reason, but not to the extent that you fear death so much you in essence start to fear actually living too. I'd say that Christianity got distorted for a while and still is for some people as some kind of victory-over-death religion, but the irony is that Christianity isn't actually about that either. That's a holdover from Pagan religions such as the cult of Attis and Cybele, or of Osiris and Isis. Christianity is about "maybe we can be nice to one another?" while worship of Cernunnos is about humility. Actually they're both about humility. Not what you expected, huh?
- 4/28/23 Just an FYI, if you were curious. Why am I in the religion and practice of good Witchcraft? I am a born psychic. Empath. That's the long and short of it. I highly doubt I would be alive today if I hadn't gotten into this religion when I did. Being a psychic is not something "fun," it's fucking brutal. It's also incredibly rare and often mimicked... I'd say anyone who is airy and light and joyful and also claims to be psychic (or is selling you something, lol) is suspect! This gave me the tools I needed to cope. Please consider these things before passing judgment on me or anyone else under this umbrella of religions, spiritualities and/or practices.
- Let's not do this toxic kind of crap please.
- All Wicca is Witchcraft, but Witchcraft is not Wicca. However, Wicca has a guideline that states, "An it harm none, do as ye will," meaning you can work magic, but you cannot do harm with it at all. And you can't harm yourself or anyone else unless you're looking to minimize inevitable harm. Tough rule if you think about it.
- The Celtic Connection Provides an introduction.
- Supposedly Wicca can play nice with other religions. I have heard of Christian Wiccans, and even Catholic Wiccans (really). I don't quite know how that works out but apparently it works for them. It seems to be something you have to personally figure out if that is something you think you need to do.
- On the difference between Wicca and ethical/good Witchcraft: are you sure that your adherence to "harm none" is not just a cop-out so you can run away from protecting yourself and/or the innocent? Because realistically speaking, how effective are you with protection type work? That's my major concern, and ultimately the reason I switched from Wicca to Non-Wicca Witchcraft. If you're going to be doing "harm none" type protections, bindings, and so on, how far do you go with it? And perhaps most importantly, how broad do you want the scope of your influence to be? How effective do you want to be, even? Because with great power comes great responsibility, and only you know how far you should go with that. There's also the question of are you not comfortable with actually causing changes with magic and would you rather just be religious as a Pagan? "Harm none," I've noticed, sometimes means "I don't actually do anything, but I like to be comfortable and a New Age hippie who pretends to care about others instead of just myself." These are questions you have to ask yourself. Realistically though the vast majority of Wiccans I've spoken to have been great people though. Just raising a point here.
- Dangers of Wicca: becoming a New Age piece of shit that believes life is perfectly fair, you bear no personal responsibility for doing anything aside from sitting around and having "good vibes and positive thoughts," and everyone deserves everything they get
- Everything written by Scott Cunningham is a good introduction to Wicca. Please also read as many books recommended in the Mental health section as you can if you are considering, or are in, this religion.
- Tsubaki Grand Shrine
- Personal experiences with people practicing Shinto: it is so far out of my cultural awareness zone that I don't know what to make of this. One thing's for sure, anyone who practices Shinto will keep a house so clean you can eat off the floor.
- I have a funny feeling Shinto is going to explode in popularity in the US over the next couple of decades
- There are many, many, many Druid denominations, each of which do different things.
- The Druidry Handbook by John Michael Greer
- Since this is a closed tradition, I could not find much information on it and I don't know if this source is good and proper or not. Take it with a grain of salt.
- Erzulie's Voodoo
- I have experience with people who practiced Voodoo and I still don't understand it, or them, and that is probably as it should be. Again, it is a closed tradition.
- Native American religions and spiritual beliefs are closed traditions, to the best of my knowledge, and each tribe has a different religion/spirituality/way of life. If you have ever learned anything about them from someone in such a tradition, consider yourself both honored and lucky. Fortunately the old stereotypes that Native American religion is somehow wrong or bad have mostly died out with older generations of White People. Unfortunately younger generations tend to idolize Native American everything and then do offensive things like wear feather headdresses as Halloween costumes. I may not know much about Native American anything but guys... the headdress is as sacred as a priest's vestments in at least one tribe. And yeah I learned this face-to-face. There are many, many books on the market claiming to explain Native American traditions but most of them were made by white people and are thus not reliable sources. If you don't grow up in a culture, much of the value of any religion in that culture is lost on you and you're kind of adrift. Also, as far as I'm aware most Native American religion, much like Druidry, comes from an oral tradition of storytelling and careful in-person teaching. One thing I know for certain: no, it's not Satanism, no, it's not demonic, people who claim those things see enemies everywhere and run from their own shadow side. To experience a little bit of Native American traditions attend a powwow. You will never forget it.
- Introduction to Buddhism
- Shin Buddhism
- Hardcore Buddhism by Brad Lancaster
- The Dude and the Zen Master by Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman
- New 7/30/22 A Year of Zen Mindfulness by Alex Kakuyo - highly, highly recommended. I recommend it because this is very similar to how my mother approached life and no matter what, she had a way of enjoying herself and rolling with the punches. She had no formal or informal training in Zen Buddhism, though.
- Honestly, Buddhism (at least in the United States) seems to be about breaking people. There is a direct link between it and Communism and this is not an accident. In fact, it might be intentional. No other religion on Earth is more effective at forcing a human being to comply with everything and accept everything. And the ways via which it does this are via the most effective batch of brainwashing on Earth. You want to know where modern psychology got its toxicity? Its notions about "forgive everything, toss out your brain, hate yourself, love everyone and everything but you, idolize suffering, mortify the flesh, ignore everything in life as you seek so-called enlightenment and somehow this will end suffering"? Here. And regarding the toxicity this is just the tip of the iceberg. If there are better versions of Buddhism out there, I haven't heard of them and boy have I ever seen many kinds. All I've seen is the same shit at the center. However there is a very good chance this is just because I've been in the US for most of my life and haven't seen what Buddhism looks like in other countries, and I am fairly certain a lot must be lost in translation.
- Buddhism is not all bad, obviously. Meditation and mindfulness carry great benefits, and reducing attachment and desires is not always bad. There's a lot of good in it, and indeed much of modern psychology is built on Buddhism as the framework. However, it's not the cure-all people seem to think it is.
- Note on two rather dangerous tendencies of Buddhism, which probably wasn't even espoused by Buddha in the first place: 1. blind belief in ANYTHING, 2. belief in the absence of self, the absence of ego, the oneness of all of the Universe, the belief that you are me and I am you, etc. (it's the WE-ARE-ALL-ONE belief). I say these are dangerous because believing them both will make you rather pliable, gullible, and easy to rule over. After all, if you have no self, there's no one there to provide consent. Dig? Also, the second belief has no evidence behind it whatsoever, unless you blindly believe what the Buddha said (which, if I'm not mistaken, he specifically said NOT to do). You can certainly meditate a lot to see for yourself if it's true, but to blindly believe in it would be.... possibly against what Buddhism originally was.
- Dietary restrictions: Usually vegetarian or vegan
- Personal experiences with Buddhists: They tend to keep to themselves. They are also usually vegetarian, and meditate often.
- Scientology is not a fucking religion, it's a scam. It also straight up kills people because it has similar issues to treating people for medical problems that certain evangelical groups do. Troll it.
- 4/3/23 Nazis. Because I think it's time to unpack this a little. Of all the cowardly, Norse religion corrupting things. I think it's so attractive to people because it makes them feel superior, and/or because they really want to rid the world of evil and do so without looking too closely at the truth. Also because they want to be an edgelord, and all that, and get a bunch of new friends-of-convenience. You'd think that a world war would be enough to make people realize that this is a toxic, poisonous philosophy as bad for you as meth. Apparently you would be wrong. The bullshit mill's a-spinning and it does not seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon. Watch or expose yourself to the same programming long enough and apparently you will believe literally anything. I think that is what is happening here. Another source of their new recruits is probably people with serious mental issues that don't present themselves as such, things like serious trauma in early childhood. I don't know if or when any of them are going to realize that this particular cult is one of the best at presentation and making itself look good, but that doing a lot of good to cover up a little bit of pure evil still makes a philosophy, person, or ideology evil. Especially if the particular ideology actually does all the things it says that "Jews" in this case or "convenient scapegoat" in another is actually the one doing the "real" evil and doing evil to prevent evil is somehow good. Fucking morons. But that seems to be only one part of them these days. Because the world's already learned all that and I think the majority of Nazis nowadays straight up want to be evil. This is just them showing you their true colors now, so unless you can yank your nazi-adjacent or full blown Nazi family members and/or friends out of there fast, you've lost them. (I am assuming the gentle reader is a good person)
- Juggalos. You know what? It's pretty good as a cult. Cool people, too. Maybe ten different kinds of fucked up, but not outright evil unless actually dealing with mental illness. In which case it makes you wonder if said subset of Juggalos can be called evil at all. Contrast this with all the blatantly evil other cultists (I mean, religious nuts) in the world and it ain't so bad. Also, I'd like to go on record about that song/meme "magnets, how do they work?" It involves general relativity and I'm not sure anyone fully knows how they work despite our entire world's electrical systems more or less running on electromagnetism - and thus magnets. You're fucking welcome.
- Ayn Rand Lovers: Uh, that's not what she meant. Re-read her novels and stop getting synopses of them spoon-fed to you by a horde of Others. What the fuck are you even doing? "Thinking for yourself"? Yeah okay.
- TV Watchers that believe everything they see on TV: ugh.
- Facebook Believers of Everything They Read: ugh.
- Youtube Algorithm-Fed Zombie Horde That Believes Every Video And Sends Them To Convert Others: ugh.
- Communism: ugh.
- Third- or Fourth-Wave Feminism/worship of the self: ugh.
- Satanism: I would say it's a cult but in person and talking to actual Satanists I'd have to say not really. It's way, way too diverse and every Satanist I've talked to has believed something completely different. On the whole they tend to be chill people, though I confess to a serious distate and prejudice for what people always assume is my religion (big fucking hint: it's NOT, STOP IT). It's not the Satanists' fault, actually, except for the rare few that live down to the harmful stereotype (which I hope the other Satanists seriously consider bringing to justice), that's a personal issue that requires me to go to therapy. Which isn't gonna happen now that the system has been so overrun with mental health crises that basically every shrink is booked out more than a year in advance. That said, I have to point out a couple of things. Firstly, that atheist Satanists should probably pick a different name, and secondly, that I don't think it is wise or advisable to have that kind of negative energy in your religion or your life. Negative energy? Well yeah, words carry power, and guess who's been feeding all their suppressed negative emotions into this Christian idea called Satan for centuries? (it did not exist prior to the Catholic Church's invention of "him;" Cernunnos and Pan did, as did several Pagan "bad deities" and it's arguable whether "evil gods" are even Deities at all; they are certainly not worth worshipping! Loki being a notable grey area.) Devout, misguided Christians. To make things even worse, an unknown number of innocent people died as a result of claims that they were "in league with the deval" blah blah blah, and anything that has had blood shed due to it will retain the imprint of that energy; this is why battlefields are spooky places to visit. In fact it seems that this whole creation of an egregore might have been completely intentional.
- Other People Know More Than I Do, Especially If There Are Many Of Them Doing/Saying The Same Thing: probably the biggest unofficial cult in the world and the most damaging one
- North Korea: it really says something that absolutely none of the news coming from there is even remotely good
- Russia: you want a place where apparently maybe a majority of the population thinks about as critically as QAnon, which itself was created by Russia? Yes? Okay, move here.
- China: Probably even worse than Russia, but everything behind their Great Firewall is inaccessible to us. A lack of transparency sure says a lot about how trustworthy a government is.
- "Science" cult: Science good! Listen to these experts and never ever question what they say or run your own experiments! Woo hoo! Questioning other scientists and experts bad! Everything not in line with mainstream scientific community is "dangerous unscientific thinking!" Science cultists may also be subconsciously classist and may also believe themselves to be far smarter than they actually are.
- Hardcore punk: I am seriously starting to question if anyone in the scene even likes the music or is just really into fighting and freedom
- Goth: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac covered this in unflattering form, but in reality, the goth scene seems to be pretty chill
- Communism
- Nationalism
- Fascism
- The Other Guys Are All Bad, Let's Kill Them All
- Set up your own? It's easy enough, just come up with adequate brainwashing, get a horde of idiots to believe in it, push your product, get fifty wives, and you're golden.
* Guys, I hate to break it to you, but faith healing is magic and culturally appropriated from real folk magical practice, but without any of the religion any of that came from and completely devoid of the traditions created to make said healing ethical and spiritual (unless you're doing Hoodoo or maybe one of the flavors of Southern Baptist, in which case you already know what I mean about ethics). True faith healing takes years of work and humble devotion to the Powers That Be to get it right and to demand that God fix your problem because you have great enough "faith" and not enough willpower to take yourself to the doctor or learn the ropes of how to become a competent healer (anyone can be a crappy healer) - is that not extremely disrespectful to God when you were given the tools, the gifts, the ability to get it done? Believe it or not miracles do not come cheap and if they are too easy, we screw everything up because we ask for too much all at once or the wrong things; there's a reason we have to learn the ropes when asking for miracles/working magic/faith healing - it's to learn wisdom so we don't hurt ourselves and sometimes the wisdom gained is that we cannot ask for or work miracles; the gift/responsibility/duty/job is not for us to have because it's too much of a burden or would cause serious problems. Worse, sometimes untrained people, often so-called Christians, manage to work magic because they're naturally gifted but it is actually black magic, things like psychic attacks towards their enemies and malocchio (envy causing extreme physical symptoms in the target) for someone who has a job they want because they "prayed enough for it," or they healed from coronavirus because they "prayed and were granted a miracle" and then infected and killed dozens of other people, etc. "Willing yourself healthy" is one way of doing this. Wishing someone dead really really hard is another. The placebo effect is another. Uncontrolled emotions and madness add fuel to this fire, creating a monstrous energy that is sent to someone as bad vibes - otherwise known as black magic. This isn't just about passing thoughts or even full-on obsession with a person, place or thing, so this isn't about having nasty thoughts. That doesn't do much, if anything; doesn't actually affect anything. No, you have to have a full-on obsession, PLUS a ton of negativity and personal energy being added to the obsession, PLUS consciously willing the thing to happen; you have to intentionally will it to happen of your own free will, and under duress such as if you're insane or having intrusive thoughts or something won't do shit. Usually you have to convince yourself that you're the victim and therefore the intended target "deserves" whatever you're sending their way. Karma will return to you threefold at least for all of these if you target the innocent, whether you realize you're doing it or not; note that you're only doing this if you intentionally, consciously, of your own free will are sending this kind of crap to people in something like Prayer Warrior prayer sessions or whatever. This is the reason I stuck Hoodoo in my nondemoninational spirituality section; for the self-defense stuff. These are the reasons that magic working is forbidden in most religions besides serious incompatibility with their practices and belief systems; if that is your path, you really shouldn't be doing magic and you'll be far happier without the extreme responsibility and high workload - so drop the faith healing and drop the 'If I pray hard enough for anything it will happen' bravado. If you pray for something and working magic is not your path, ask, do not demand, or will it to happen, or it may cost you dearly. The Divine knows better than you what you need. In fact, the Divine is the only one behind all good magic, whether the worker realizes it or not. Faith healing or any other kind of magic will either lead you down the path of willingly becoming as devoted and disciplined as clergy in your religion or it won't work at all and it will result in you treating God like your servant plus creating really bad vibes around you, which is a kind of bad magic, congratulations. There is always the logic of "Can't God work through a doctor as well?" which many doctors subscribe to because they see their work as a spiritual life's calling and a way to serve their Divine mission in life. And people who work magic don't even use magic on its own - they go to the damn doctor.
6/21/24 Additional thoughts
- You could simplify my overall thoughts on religion as follows. I don't believe in using religion to harm the innocent or the good. To define "harm," I'll simplify it down to if I can see an innocent or good and therefore undeserving-of-punishment person, a child, or someone who is naive and gullible absolutely miserable due to religion, crying over it, and otherwise suffering, then I don't think it should be followed. If it just sucks all the joy out of life and makes a person commit to not only keeping themselves joyless but others too, and causing suffering, that's pointless as well. As you can probably imagine, this narrows down my options to following any sort of religion to a very small pool of them and I'm not even sure about those.
- 8/20/24 You know the notion of a Good Samaritan? It's boggled my mind for a while that a lot of people who are Christian will go to church for a few hours every single Sunday and sometimes Wednesday, Bible-thump all the time and generally try to be Christian by essentially going with whatever the crowd does, instead of skipping all of that and being a Good Samaritan every chance possible. There's also the fact that Islam mandates charity, and Muslims do that really, really well. Judaism mandates Tikkun Olam, which means fixing and healing a broken world. And I don't know a single other religion that doesn't promote trying to do your part to create positive change like that; this idea of being someone who helps people who need help when they need it, in the way they need it, it's in all of them. You just don't see a lot of people actually doing it because it's "hard" and "requires too much effort." But does it really? I suspect it takes exponentially more effort to clean up the mess if you don't do that in the first place.
All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla.