The Blog Section Of The Site, 2025
- 1/6/25 As I mentioned in the Wisdom Teens section, I don't think Trump actually won, since I don't stay in touch with anyone who voted for him and everyone I know well, didn't. That's not normal for an election. Anyhoo, I can guarantee this much. You know how Russia is considered Mordor, its troops Orcs, and its ideology a relic of the same Nazi type worldview from WWII that J.R.R. Tolkien was familiar with? The inauguration speech will be Nothing But Nazgul. Picture a nazgul shrieking for the entirety of it. That's how it's going to be.
- 1/7/25 A whole lot of public school and peer pressure told the entire Millenial generation, and probably others too, that big dreams were just around the corner. You could be whatever you wanted, do whatever you wanted. Lots of us got railroaded into overpriced colleges without being asked what we personally wanted or cared about. I see now that "big dreams" just meant earning a shit ton of money at some white collar job working higher in the American caste system. And what that in turn meant was having legions of people take care of all my more boring and mundane needs for me. People to grow the food, people to purify the water, people to fix my health, people to manufacture everything overseas, people for everything except some hyperspecialized field I would specialize in and live in my pigeonhole. I've never actually been okay with it. To be fair, a fiat currency and Capitalism are necessary so we can even have specialists because it's just not possible to be an expert in literally every human field of endeavor, just passable enough at it, but going too far with it is bad. But guess who's really a huge fan of going too far with it? Both Communists and current Trump supporters. They LOVE the idea of having the world on a silver platter, just so long as they don't have to do the work. This whole situation is changing. You do whatever you want with this information.
- 1/18/25 Ok so I tried to actually track down the contact information of the agents of Aaron McGruder and Mike Judge for this idea. No dice. So here it is, and maybe it will reach them someday. These, the creators of The Boondocks and Beavis and Butthead, I really want them to make a new show together. I don't care if they pick a reboot of one or the other show, if they make something completely new together, if they make more episodes of Black Jesus, whatever. The past eight years have sucked and I want a treat, dammit.
- 1/19/25 It's been a while, but I've finally had it with tolerance for racists of every skin color. Every skin color. And more than that, I've had it with tolerance for people of terrible trash philosophies, for sexists of any gender, for -ists, for people who judge based on appearances at all, and for people who seem to think that being bad people in a large group of other bad people entitles them to behave like dictators. No more benefit of the doubt or tolerance from me. You have no place at the table with me. Not now, not ever, all of my patience for you is gone. I will wait for good people to show up, and they won't judge anyone for how anyone looks.
- 1/20/25 I am fairly sure this fucker Trump didn't win. There is much evidence of tampering with voting thus democracy. I thought this country was stronger than this. I thought the government was stronger, the CIA, and the legal system, and the voting system, and everything else. Apparently not! The bureaucratic red tape is actually choking us. So here's an opportunity. You ever hear the saying about how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Whoever you are and whoever you trust enough to work with on this, take one issue you know you are qualified to handle that's ahem, part of the seriously huge bundle of problems of this country. Tackle that one issue and bust the case wide open, hit the ball out of the park. Know what you are capable of doing, and do that thing to the best of your ability, or even better than you thought you could. Then once you do that, rebuild whatever part of what was broken so it's stronger and less prone to corruption. You know, if you feel like not living in a banana republic where corrupt officials are sold to the highest bidder.
- 1/20/25 Well, I figured something out. Trump and Vance (not Pence anymore, LOL) are symptoms of a much greater problem. The Democrat party's ineffectiveness and outright authoritarian leanings towards forcing people to love far-left propaganda is a symptom of a much greater problem. For much of my life and I suspect even a lot of the U.S.'s history, the worst among us have been the loudest, the ones with the most popularity, the greatest audience for their loud mouths, and the biggest social networks. Meanwhile, actually good decent people haven't been able to find one another in this sea of assholes. I think the only real way forward as a country for the U.S. is for the decent people to finally well, have enough, stand up, find each other, stand together and say loud and clear: "Fuck you. It's our turn." The real question, I think, is how to draw such people together. It will not be on Facebook, that's for damn certain. Here's the thing, I actually have faith that the majority of the country is on my side here, what I'll be calling the "militant middle." Not left wing, not right wing. Just tired and fed up. This bunch of people logically would be silent because seriously, what well-adjusted person spews their crap online or otherwise*? I have memory though, and enough insight into this country to know there's lots of us.
*Yeah. I know. LOL
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