The Blog Section Of The Site, 2025
- 1/6/25 As I mentioned in the Wisdom Teens section, I don't think Trump actually won, since I don't stay in touch with anyone who voted for him and everyone I know well, didn't. That's not normal for an election. Anyhoo, I can guarantee this much. You know how Russia is considered Mordor, its troops Orcs, and its ideology a relic of the same Nazi type worldview from WWII that J.R.R. Tolkien was familiar with? The inauguration speech will be Nothing But Nazgul. Picture a nazgul shrieking for the entirety of it. That's how it's going to be.
- 1/7/25 A whole lot of public school and peer pressure told the entire Millenial generation, and probably others too, that big dreams were just around the corner. You could be whatever you wanted, do whatever you wanted. Lots of us got railroaded into overpriced colleges without being asked what we personally wanted or cared about. I see now that "big dreams" just meant earning a shit ton of money at some white collar job working higher in the American caste system. And what that in turn meant was having legions of people take care of all my more boring and mundane needs for me. People to grow the food, people to purify the water, people to fix my health, people to manufacture everything overseas, people for everything except some hyperspecialized field I would specialize in and live in my pigeonhole. I've never actually been okay with it. To be fair, a fiat currency and Capitalism are necessary so we can even have specialists because it's just not possible to be an expert in literally every human field of endeavor, just passable enough at it, but going too far with it is bad. But guess who's really a huge fan of going too far with it? Both Communists and current Trump supporters. They LOVE the idea of having the world on a silver platter, just so long as they don't have to do the work. This whole situation is changing. You do whatever you want with this information.
- 1/18/25 Ok so I tried to actually track down the contact information of the agents of Aaron McGruder and Mike Judge for this idea. No dice. So here it is, and maybe it will reach them someday. These, the creators of The Boondocks and Beavis and Butthead, I really want them to make a new show together. I don't care if they pick a reboot of one or the other show, if they make something completely new together, if they make more episodes of Black Jesus, whatever. The past eight years have sucked and I want a treat, dammit.
- 1/19/25 It's been a while, but I've finally had it with tolerance for racists of every skin color. Every skin color. And more than that, I've had it with tolerance for people of terrible trash philosophies, for sexists of any gender, for -ists, for people who judge based on appearances at all, and for people who seem to think that being bad people in a large group of other bad people entitles them to behave like dictators. No more benefit of the doubt or tolerance from me. You have no place at the table with me. Not now, not ever, all of my patience for you is gone. I will wait for good people to show up, and they won't judge anyone for how anyone looks.
- 1/20/25 I am fairly sure this fucker Trump didn't win. There is much evidence of tampering with voting thus democracy. I thought this country was stronger than this. I thought the government was stronger, the CIA, and the legal system, and the voting system, and everything else. Apparently not! The bureaucratic red tape is actually choking us. So here's an opportunity. You ever hear the saying about how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Whoever you are and whoever you trust enough to work with on this, take one issue you know you are qualified to handle that's ahem, part of the seriously huge bundle of problems of this country. Tackle that one issue and bust the case wide open, hit the ball out of the park. Know what you are capable of doing, and do that thing to the best of your ability, or even better than you thought you could. Then once you do that, rebuild whatever part of what was broken so it's stronger and less prone to corruption. You know, if you feel like not living in a banana republic where corrupt officials are sold to the highest bidder.
- 1/20/25 Well, I figured something out. Trump and Vance (not Pence anymore, LOL) are symptoms of a much greater problem. The Democrat party's ineffectiveness and outright authoritarian leanings towards forcing people to love far-left propaganda is a symptom of a much greater problem. For much of my life and I suspect even a lot of the U.S.'s history, the worst among us have been the loudest, the ones with the most popularity, the greatest audience for their loud mouths, and the biggest social networks. Meanwhile, actually good decent people haven't been able to find one another in this sea of assholes. I think the only real way forward as a country for the U.S. is for the decent people to finally well, have enough, stand up, find each other, stand together and say loud and clear: "Fuck you. It's our turn." The real question, I think, is how to draw such people together. It will not be on Facebook, that's for damn certain. Here's the thing, I actually have faith that the majority of the country is on my side here, what I'll be calling the "militant middle." Not left wing, not right wing. Just tired and fed up. This bunch of people logically would be silent because seriously, what well-adjusted person spews their crap online or otherwise*? I have memory though, and enough insight into this country to know there's lots of us.
*Yeah. I know. LOL
February 2025
- 2/2/25 We don't need a few good men. Someone like Trump doesn't get fake elected on their own. No, we need a few good Jack Skellingtons. To step on the threads holding Trump together, shove them in the ceiling eggbeater thing and listen as Trump unravels and screeches "My bugs! My bugs!"
- 2/3/25 Ok so since it's evident most religious people don't bother reading the Bible, I'd like to suggest to anyone who does to consider how most religious people only follow the Ten Commandments when it suits them and also to ponder the mystery of how no one's mentioned that Donald Trump is a dead ringer for the Whore of Babylon. Is he really her? Who cares? He sure acts like it. Perhaps the real intention of most religion nowadays is to give people social acceptance and money. And let's talk some more about that "thou shalt have no other Gods before Me" Commandment. Which God, exactly, do these people follow? One that's cruel and kills and harms the innocent and pretends to be nice? That's no God. That's pure human. In a lot of cases what they think of as God is a principle - hypocrisy and evil. That isn't the God of the churches and synagogues and Muslim homes (never visited a mosque before, gotta do that) I grew up with and it shouldn't be now.
- 2/18/25 If you've ever seen that episode of Star Trek: The Original Series where Apollo tries to enslave the crew of the Enterprise, where Captain Kirk explains that as humans we are tied together beyond any untying, adrift in a universe without end, and the only thing that's truly ours is each other, you might get the feeling that he was on to something. Now here's the thing, I'm not against being completely alone as a concept and in practice. And there's a pretty good chance some or a lot of other people aren't against it either. But if you actually love even one other human, or some other humans, that's a heritage and a rich treasure trove of good things in life. You get to keep that heritage even if you commit some pretty heinous crimes - murder, exploitation, abuse - hey, you'd be in good company, this is the human race we're talking about. You should know there are some things you can do above and beyond that which will divorce you from the rest of humanity for forever and always. Some people these days have done them. Think about it.
- 2/18/25 Here's an argument for well-regulated Capitalism with monopolies broken up, international corporations destroyed, a net worth cap, and captive consumerism fought. Which do you think would benefit people and communities in resource-poor areas of Africa long term more? Being supplied by charities and missionary outreach, and "helped" by large corporations employing scads of people and children to pick cocoa beans and do things like that? (the uplifting things I think about eating Valentine's candy, right?) Or having road and internet access and being able to sell their own goods online? Which do you think would help you and your community more in your own life if you found yourself completely alone, unemployed and with just the clothes on your back? Begging on the street or having a job that pays well enough for you to have an apartment? Or helped by government so much that people who actually work for a living support YOU, despite you being able to work, and have a worse quality of life? It's the same old argument about which benefits a man more, giving him a fish or teaching him how to fish. Same argument. I don't know about you but I don't want that man to be dependent on me for all that fish. And given that economics is actually about human (and other living beings, but that gets into a whole other ball of wax) relationships, human give and take, that has implications. If you look at it closely enough it's actually an argument of consent. I never consented to having a chunk of my paycheck at any job go to support people gaming the system. People in Africa, in outsourced factories, and undocumented workers in the US never consented to being wage slaves, if you look at the strictest definitions of consent as being uncoerced, freely given, enthusiastic. I don't consent to giving my hard-earned money to some guy on GoFundMe or government benefits who lost his job because he was into being antivaxx. Capitalism, only if well regulated, beats Communism in terms of valuing the principle of consent. Yes, I would like to earn a living. Yes, I would like a job with worker's rights. Yes, I consent to these things. If people focus on "does this qualify as consent" in a Capitalist system, they can straighten out the issues within it. You can't do that with Communism because nowhere does consent enter the picture. You have all your decisions for economics (and therefore everything else material, which directly affects everything else, in your life) made for you and that is that. You want to talk about rape culture? Huh.
- 2/18/25 Want an even better example of people with a history of starvation that you could be forced to provide food to? Russia.
- 2/23/25 Conspiracy theorists are still around. You know how I see you, if you are a conspiracy theorist? You're someone who wants to be a superhero without putting in any of the requisite work, and resultantly goes off and kills and harms innocent people with your stupidity and negligence. I don't see any conspiracy theorists rescuing kidnapped children. I don't see any conspiracy theorists bringing the KKK or modern-day cult leaders to justice, and I'm not even talking about the orange cheeto. I don't see any conspiracy theorists murdering convicted pedophiles. I don't see any conspiracy theorists stemming the flow of human trafficking. I don't see any conspiracy theorists helping with the war in Ukraine, where many women and children were murdered by Russia in cold blood and war crimes committed besides (and I have good sources for this information that I can't reveal, because I know them personally). I don't see any of these things. You know what I see? People feeling entitled to a glorious tickertape parade for being heroes, while spreading misinformation, various new ways to harm and hurt women and children, and suffering-laden diseases and feeling like this makes them "equal" to soldiers and cops and detectives who DO rescue children, bring cults to justice, help battered spouses, find and detain and incarcerate (or kill) international criminals and terrorists, and put themselves in the line of fire so conspiracy theorists can hide behind that meat shield and go "pew pew!"
- 2/23/25 There are words indicating trouble. I've learned through experience to avoid people who use those words for reason of on far right it means they're a Fascist, a Nazi, a racist, evil, downright insane, a MAGAt or some combination thereof. And on far left it means they're a Communist, a censor, a sexist, a racist, a tankie, or some even worse version of the far right but that currently is better at presenting it, some other toxic shit, and so on. Some buzzwords that are dog whistles, rallying cries, or whatever you want to call them on the far right wing: anti-Communist, Libertarian (it is not Libertarian anymore, it is Fascist), Patriot. Some on the far left include TERF, radical, Social Justice, using the term "Capitalist" or "Capitalism" in a negative context or in a way directly implying that these are horrible or bad, same deal with "Israel awful and everyone there's evil" stuff or putting up Palestinian flags on their profile (only if they aren't actually FROM Palestine or the surrounding areas, which is fine unless they're over-radicalized and totally evangelizing about killing everyone in Israel), anti-Semitism in what they're saying which is - oh joy - now part of both far right and far left chat, Social Justice Warrior, intersectionality, intersection of _. Upon noticing these things I avoid. I go far away. I suggest you also do the same for a far better quality of life, or shut that shit down, depending on what you gotta do and want to do. I will be adding to this list as I think of things. New additions, 2/26/25
- 2/25/25 The U.S. is way different from an immigrant's or the child of an immigrant's perspective. Yeah people in this country think they get this country. They think they get Israel. They don't get it. Get this, my parents moved here because when they visited, they thought everyone here was like a bunch of grown-up kids. So much less bitterness, hate, bigotry, grudges, pessimism. Israel's been so war-torn and so cynical for so long that all the grudges and bitterness and resentments have stagnated into a pointless and seemingly unsolvable swamp. Everyone there has always been just gritting it out through life from the get go. It is not a pleasant place to live, and before Israel got high on its own supply it really didn't have a choice in whether or not to fight all these wars (yes it's had more of a choice lately, but they elected - or were "gifted" with - shit leadership lately). It wasn't like that here when my parents moved here, but it's been getting worse lately. And I know I'm not the only Millenial to remember when this place's biggest focus in pop culture was "how do we have fun and make friends?" People here have been so quick to just throw that away and even bring that pointless war in the Middle East right fucking here. Well all I can say is this. Y'all didn't know what you were throwing away, but you're gonna find out. If you see what I mean, maybe don't drink the Kool-Aid.
- 2/28/25 On the topic of reparations for existing, aka a free handout because you were born into something, I think that's fine for infants and children. That's what free school lunch programs are for. I think that free stuff for infants and children should absolutely be a thing too because some parents are just absolute shit, and I'd like the littles to survive, thanks. But if you are a grown-ass adult asking for such things, wanting to have other people work so you don't have to, I think that everyone disabled who is on disability benefits would like to have a word with you. Not to mention the elderly who did work for a living through some serious deprivation. It's not right to live off the sweat of another's brow if you are capable of working. It just isn't. Do I think that the U.S. workforce needs a total overhaul, with worker's rights, super easy to open businesses, and minimum wage and all that? Do I think that college needs to be accessible and affordable to all no matter what? Yes. That's worth fighting for, throw open those doors of opportunity. Do I think that giving yourself a cheap college education online and with cheap textbooks is worth it? Yes, absolutely. But my family did not work so damn hard immigrating over here to now have to pay for people who game the system. Now let me talk about the flip side of that. Given we don't want to make another trust fund baby like Trump, and this country should be all about merit and not royalty or Communism, this country needs to consider inherited wealth as part of the tax paradigm and really tax the shit out of everything to do with inheritances above a survival amount. Let's make that amount 5 million dollars (arbitrary and flexible based on the true definition of "survival amount" and the age and condition of the recipient of the gift; if they are capable of working for another 20 years, reduce that to 1 million dollars), summed up not just with money but with total value of resources a person has access to, including land, homes, equity, net worth, all foreign assets, and all other stuff that could be held as collateral for any loan you take out at a bank. So if your net worth (with all that stuff tallied up) is over a certain amount, 30 million dollars, just take the rest of it into Uncle Sam's coffers. You will notice my definition of "survival amount" is generous indeed so if this doesn't get serious consideration you'll know people are just being greedy. The numbers are high, but can you imagine if this became law? No more oligarchs, no more super rich people being de facto royalty in what should not be a Royalist country? It's a start. If you are giving your kids an inheritance equivalent to over a survival amount of dollars and equivalent wealth, take the rest out of that right into Uncle Sam's coffers. Rip those ultra-rich people's pedestals right out from under them. Fine by me! I didn't vote for them but they have too much power with all that wealth. And above all, there really needs to be a net worth cap of 30 million dollars. Humans do not need more, the ultra-rich are ruining the damn environment and screwing with everything else. My biggest reason for these ideas is the knowledge of psychologically what happens when a person never has to really work for anything a day in their life - they start to resemble Trump and/or your average foodservice employee-tormenting Karen. And lest we forget, money is one of the biggest reasons Trump is still in office (trace where it's going and coming from!). Not cool, let's end it.
- 2/28/25 While I'm on the topic of money can you imagine how much better life would be here if the IRS went after the rich instead of everyone else and made its tax code completely comprehensible for anyone at a 6th grade reading level, with a maximum of 1 days' worth of reading up on it, and that includes the state and local tax codes? How many more new businesses would open up and how much the economy would boom? I'd actually say the #1 dampener of our economy and of everything wealthwise in the U.S. is the IRS and each state and county tax office. It all needs a complete overhaul and far better employees. If you read this website you probably know I'm good at research. If I'm telling you the IRS is incomprehensible, and state and local tax offices too, believe it.
- 2/28/25 Just to be completelly clear, the second most important dampener of our economy, in my opinion, is the incomprehensibility of opening a business legally, keeping it kosher with national, state, and local laws, without having a business degree and a lawyer on call. That's about $25,000-100,000 for the degree and each year $3000-7000 or so for the lawyer. Do you see the problem?
March 2025
- 3/5/25 Thinking about how Israel and the whole Middle East needs a bunch of libraries, big ones and famous ones, everywhere, has me convinced that they need to be everywhere. I think if anyone is truly interested in world peace or at least better quality of life anywhere, they need to set one up. You can do this anywhere, and every reader certainly can. Make one for your family and dear friends. Make one for yourself. Make one for your workplace or wherever you and your friends hang out. Donate to your local library if you have one, all the books you don't read that just sit on your shelves for more than a year at a time. Set up a LibraryThing account for your ideal library and fill it with all the books you wish you had permanent access to, make a library you think is ideal, perhaps collaborate with family and friends to make a LibraryThing wishlist for you all. Support your local library, support your state library. Support Project Gutenberg and anything like it so anyone can legally read whatever they want that's copyright-free online. If libraries are bootstraps, build them bootstraps, then you can pull yourself up by them and help other people do the same. Any or all of these things.
- 3/5/25 On the topic of libraries, you should be aware that a curated collection of books truly worth reading, the best in every subject, is more valuable than books packed together willy-nilly so it's nearly impossible to find quality books. (This is why we need librarians good at their jobs, and also librarians online who can recommend books like that.) Even bookstores do that these days too, which is ridiculous. I've heard the flimsy excuse that libraries and bookstores just stock their shelves with what patrons demand and that's why so many of the books suck, but if you think about it, that's a self-perpetuating cycle of shit. Could be an "onward and upward" cycle instead
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