Hindsight Is... 2022 Edition

Since some really bad people decided to prolong the pandemic in the United States, the musings will continue until the pandemic ends. If you don't like it, blame them.

9/12/22 Boomer Archetypes - and no, this is not referring to the entire Baby Boomer age bracket. "Boomer" is an attitude, not an age, though it was coined based on the large amount of people acting like this within the Baby Boomer age bracket. Included here in the hopes no one innocent will ever have to go through being treated like this again.

Older Stuff On This Page

Versus Communism

Communism is by definition a system where the most unscrupulous, sociopathic people (read: evil people) gain the most benefits from it. Capitalism is by definition a system where the most greedy, money-hungry people for whatever reason gain the most benefits from it; they may or may not be evil. If Capitalism goes unregulated it becomes a de facto oligarchy or monarchy, which is what both the United States and Communism were created to get rid of in the first place. This has been demonstrated in various historic contexts.

2/18/25 Here's an argument for well-regulated Capitalism with monopolies broken up, international corporations destroyed, a net worth cap, and captive consumerism fought. Which do you think would benefit people and communities in resource-poor areas of Africa long term more? Being supplied by charities and missionary outreach, and "helped" by large corporations employing scads of people and children to pick cocoa beans and do things like that? (the uplifting things I think about eating Valentine's candy, right?) Or having road and internet access and being able to sell their own goods online? Which do you think would help you and your community more in your own life if you found yourself completely alone, unemployed and with just the clothes on your back? Begging on the street or having a job that pays well enough for you to have an apartment? Or helped by government so much that people who actually work for a living support YOU, despite you being able to work, and have a worse quality of life? It's the same old argument about which benefits a man more, giving him a fish or teaching him how to fish. Same argument. I don't know about you but I don't want that man to be dependent on me for all that fish. And given that economics is actually about human (and other living beings, but that gets into a whole other ball of wax) relationships, human give and take, that has implications. If you look at it closely enough it's actually an argument of consent. I never consented to having a chunk of my paycheck at any job go to support people gaming the system. People in Africa, in outsourced factories, and undocumented workers in the US never consented to being wage slaves, if you look at the strictest definitions of consent as being uncoerced, freely given, enthusiastic. I don't consent to giving my hard-earned money to some guy on GoFundMe or government benefits who lost his job because he was into being antivaxx. Capitalism, only if well regulated, beats Communism in terms of valuing the principle of consent. Yes, I would like to earn a living. Yes, I would like a job with worker's rights. Yes, I consent to these things. If people focus on "does this qualify as consent" in a Capitalist system, they can straighten out the issues within it. You can't do that with Communism because nowhere does consent enter the picture. You have all your decisions for economics (and therefore everything else material, which directly affects everything else, in your life) made for you and that is that. You want to talk about rape culture? Huh. Want an even better example of people with a history of starvation that you could be forced to provide food to? Russia.

VS Excessive Socialism

Couple random thoughts

VS Feminism, but not women's rights

More Random Thoughts

Notes on Communists and Socialists

Notes on The South 9/2/22, watch as I cancel Southern "culture"

Notes on mental health

8/28/22 A wonderful new definition for the Abortion Debate. You know how no one knows when exactly a fetus gains sentience because of the lack of scientific studies? I like to think of it as Schroedinger's Fetus. YOU ALIVE IN THERE BUDDY? (... I'll see myself out.)

A lot of younger folks are curious as to why on Earth Millenials are so damn angry. Same deal with Gen X and a lot of older people. Well that can be explained. Being Millenial is like this. The Millenial says "Hey, there's a big problem here, you all need to pay attention to this." World says: "Oh look, a whiny millenial. Time to ruin their life! :D :D :D" Millenial: "Okay fuck you." World, at that moment and then 10 years later when it is proven the Millenial was right:

6/10/22 come to think of it, regarding the Millenial nonsense, imagine being told growing up that yours is the generation that's going to save the world and solve all the problems in it, succeed, come out on top, live the American dream and all that. And then being given literally none of the tools required to make that happen. Getting praised all the time for not having done anything (participation trophies etc.) and being taught nothing, then the same generation doing the praising now scolding you for not knowing how to do anything and also beating you into "your place" for not having the tools. And being told to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." What BOOTSTRAPS?! It took me twenty years to find all the stuff on this website! And I paid the price to find all this shit too, learning most of it the hard way, working myself sick countless times, winding up chronically ill partially due to burnout, and almost dying a lot. I can't even imagine what kind of sick twisted mindset would want to make a younger generation go through that. I really can't.

9/5/22 Despite a lot of memory problems, I still remember being super little in this country. Adults were kind to children then. They were tolerant, and I remember a lot of the teens and adults at the time patiently taught me and other little ones about the value of kindness, forbearance, patience, compassion. Really it was like having a bunch of aunties and uncles. I don't know what made the older generations into a new incarnation of sociopathic, heartless zombies. Far right or far left, both the same, both idolizing the destruction of everyone who isn't exactly like them. Even lead poisoning doesn't explain it. All I know for certain is that apparently my family went through something similar when the Nazis took over, several generations ago. Everyone over a certain age who believes in this is so proud of it somehow. So proud to be callous, cruel, even evil. At some point I think they'll try to persuade themselves and everyone else that they were just hoodwinked. I think we all know that they willingly went along with this. Forgive them? Ask the Germans how well that went with their older generations who once believed in Hitler.

Hindsight Is 2023


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