Texas Musings

10/7/23 Now adding to this section my picks for Texas and National elections and issues for 2024 and 2025, and 2026, with reasoning. Will be adding to this. 6/18/24 Reorganized somewhat. Also adding a growing list of ways to help Texas that are more helpful than just sending money to poor people

2024 Section, created 12/9/23

2024 National Elections

National 2024 Elections

2024 State Elections for Texas

1/10/24 Texas Judicial System 2024 Elections

1/10/24 Texas Railroad Commissioner 2024 Election, Not Just About Railroads, LOL

6/18/24 A growing list of things that will help poor people in Texas more than throwing money at them

Bear in mind that if people in Texas actually do any of this, both the Texas GOP and Texas Democrat Party will take credit for all the good stuff. Fuck them both.

Part 1: the obvious things

Part 3: More transportation and logistics, and maybe some other stuff

Part 4: More less obvious stuff

Part 5: Even More Stuff

Part 6: More Stuff

Part 7: Additional Texas Ideas

Older material

10/9/23 November 7, 2023 Constitutional Amendment Election for the state of Texas: if you live in another state check the equivalent pages for your state because it's likely they're doing something similar now given the state of yellow journalism in the US and how news agencies are asking for more funds while steadfastly refusing to report news in a nonbiased professional manner covering all sides of a story and wondering why they're going under, gee whiz, wonder how that happened. Anyway it turns out you can attempt to railroad a lot of really corrupt and crazy stuff through last-minute elections on a local and state level if the news isn't properly covering anything

State 2026 Elections

7/7/22 Please check out the Shopping and the cope with heat sections, since they now have resources for buying the best AC units, solar panels, electric vehicles, and off-grid eco-friendly tech. Because fuck ERCOT.

3/13/23 Here's a musing you might find amusing. Most days I wake up and ask myself "hey what the fuck am I doing in Texas?!" And the answer is weird. Yes, it's got so much bullshit. Yes, it is odd, outlandish, and makes you feel like you are living on Mars. Yes, it's bible-thumping, bigoted, white supremacist, and annoying overall. But straight up there are some really good people here. Obviously not the white supremacist ones or the other shitlords (but frankly those are everywhere, I hate to tell you...). The land is beautiful too even if it'll kill you in a heartbeat if you aren't careful. Oh also the wildlife likes to kill other harmful wildlife. Mosquitohawks kill mosquitoes, fire ants kill basically every harmful bug that'd otherwise invade (including termites), our wasps and rattlesnakes apparently have done a number on the murder hornets, etc. - um, it's basically another country here. But the most endearing thing here is the fact that Texas culture advocates for defending yourself. Multiple articles have (for decades) cited the Texas tendency to defend oneself and loved ones with weapons versus attempted crimes and succeeding, and judges not punishing you for doing that. Good.

3/19/23 Uh, there are a lot of things about Texas that native Texans don't notice. I think it's important that I point some of them out.

My choices for the October 2022 election with quick blurb reasons; I hope you research the candidates yourself also in great detail:

Governor: Michael Cooper - education emphasis, details not platitudes/empty promises, better qualified than beto. But Democrats being idiots we are apparently getting Beto as the airhead pretty boy choice. Okay, whatever, I guarantee he's better than whatever creepoid the Republicans shit out of their ranks.

Lt. Governor: Mike Collier - despite his being paid by oil and gas interests, Carla Brailey, the honest choice, was frankly unelectable due to supporting universal prek, and the other other choices are either meritless hacks or have stupid ideas. Still would rather have this guy than anyone Republican in Texas.

TX Attorney General: My choice was Joe Jaworski - popular, an actual attorney with a lot of experience that is current, ex-mayor of galveston, seems ok and at least not a shithead like the other republican guy, also, electable, as opposed to the relative unknowns also running. However, Democrats being idiots (again), Rochelle Garza and her hardline left-wing ideas won the runoff. After some weighing of the options, including Mike Ash, who doesn't have that much info on him online, I decided on Rochelle Garza as who I will be voting for. Because expanding healthcare access and protecting kids' safety in school is on the whole more pro-life than Ken Paxton. Ironic, considering she's hardline pro-choice. I'm not all that happy about this choice but it'd save more lives than Paxton's policies would take. her website Probably most importantly, her campaign promises to investigate the grid failure and ensure it never happens again. I think she's actually the linchpin of ensuring Texas stays safe to live in as opposed to being a danger to life and limb.

Agricultural Commissioner: Susan Hays - an actual farmer plus supports hemp farming in rural texas done ethically. Uh, for those of you who didn't know, hemp is not psychoactive; it's used to make rope, paper, and industrial lubricants.

Railroad Commissioner: Luke Warford - the best choice! if you are a Democrat, literally the only choice! also not a problem with him

Comptroller: Janet Dudding - don't really have a problem with her

Land Commissioner: Jay Kleberg, seems to be okay overall

If in doubt I plan to vote blue up and down the ballot this coming election in October, 2022. I ain't touching the Fascist KKK ideology of today's "Republican" party with a ten foot pole, esp. not in Texas. Next year and in 2024, however, I'm sure the Democrat party will double down on sending literal Communists and corrupt yes-men (who don't solve a single problem but plaster band-aid feel good "solutions" on the massive issues) up and down the ballot so will look at both parties' candidates then.

For 2024 I support Biden for re-election. Why? We need someone boring. You can even make that an unofficial campaign slogan for the guy if you want, I don't care who gets the credit. Besides that it's pretty nice that the guy and the administration has somehow managed the Russia crisis, which has been nicely hushed up by most major media sources as a potential nuclear armageddon, so we kind of owe him one. However. I want to get rid of the two-party system by voting for individuals, not parties, and plan to vote almost entirely third-party besides Biden in 2024. Please join me and tell everyone you know because honestly, the two-party system of blind partisan voting by red vs blue instead of voting for individuals and their qualifications has brought this country to its knees. I think it's high time we got rid of it.

You know, I've been trying to decipher this bizarre state since I moved here a few years ago. It's weird. Really weird. But I've got your number now, Texas. I know how you tick. And here's what I have to say. The allure of Texas is the fact that it's got a heart. The majority of people in the state have only one thing in common, and they are really diverse externally: they want to do the right thing. So I'm telling you, with every heartless action, with every cold and cruel thing done to oppress and hurt the innocent or the undeserving, that's done in the state of Texas, the spirit of Texas dies a little. I think I showed up with the state on its last legs in that regard. Will it improve? That's up to you, man.

The Texas mystique also seems to be "where dreams come true." But in reality it's usually, these days, where every last dream is shot to shit.

You want to fix Texas? Then switch from fossil fuels to renewables and from old-fashioned jobs like ranching to high-tech jobs like manufacturing of computer tech. The whole state could be another Silicon Valley. Wanna know why it isn't? Obsession with the past. Dumb as fuck.

Probably the most weird thing about Texas is the Bible-thumping obsession with harming thy neighbor. Wha?! Clearly, it's the Christians here that can fix the problems, and they have to bring this up with their pastors, families, and friends, and be like, hey, this isn't right. Obviously I'm oversimplifying but at heart there isn't more to it than that.

If you wonder why the national attention is on Texas, it's probably because in many ways Texas has a lot of soft power in the US. It's a bit like the US itself in that respect. Meaning? The civil rights battles that are fought here will make one of the biggest impacts in history, for good or for ill. If you're not a total fuck-up, and you live in Texas, you might want to bring one hell of a fight to the table. Because the people smashing everyone non-rich, non-white, diverse, non-Christian, non-connected, and non-privileged into the dirt here sure aren't going to take it easy on you just because you don't show up to the fight. Aren't you tired of this thinly disguised Texas caste system? Bring it down!!!


All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla.