How To Take Down QAnon and Fascism Worldwide
8/23/22 On a website with a title like Macrev with a bunch of educational stuff on it, I'm sure you were expecting something else. Something better maybe, blindly optimistic and relentlessly positive. Well, in a parallel universe, with a happier, healthier me, you would. But kids have died thanks to QAnon and "I AM PISSED" doesn't even come close to how I feel. You might have come here seeking lifehacks and hope. Well, this is all I got. Hope you're happy, Q. Fuck you. 9/22/22 Confession time. When I was really young, I was victimized by something unspeakable that ruined my life. So when you drink the kool-aid of conspiracies, I know how full of shit you are about helping victimized children. And what I've seen lately? Convinced me that the people drinking the conspiracy kool-aid are not too far-off ethically from the people who hurt me as a child. "Oooh lizard people" maybe fix the foster care system instead, bastard. (3/3/23 come to think of it, not only is QAnon, antivaxx, and religious propaganda not helping, it is actively harming past and present victims of child abuse and making everything far worse in every possible way and then some.) If you're on the fence about believing in this shit, don't do it before you too are no longer salvageable as a person. Hurting children = bad. It doesn't matter if it wasn't intentional, or if you think it is justified, or this or that or the other. I hate antivaxxers, quite simply, because hurting children = bad. This isn't rocket science. In fact the logic of QAnon and antivaxxers can be summed up in one sentence, although these folks don't even realize their view can be summed up logically. "We hurt children in order to prevent children from being hurt." It's like that old story I heard once upon a time about the drunkard who drinks to forget the shame of being a drunkard
Havamal Line: "hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið" can translate as Declaration 127 When you see misdeeds, speak out against them and give your enemies no frith. Or it can translate as (from Ragweed Forge) "If aware that another is wicked, say so; make no truce or treaty with foes." My own personal philosophy is 'hunt down and destroy all evil.' And this bullshit about 'vaxx bad, let's infect everyone' is EVIL. You could say it's just cause people are scared of death, but having faced down death repeatedly (lost count) in the past ten years, all I have to say to that is (internal screaming), that's not an excuse to be an evil turd. Everyone's scared of death, it's called being human. Which do you choose? Trying to be a decent human being or trying to understand "the truth" as indicated in conspiracy theories? I think you'll find that you can't do both. Your energy has to go somewhere. Will it go towards the path of love and compassion, and all the stress and pain and hard work and effort it takes to become better, more virtuous, more decent as a person, or the path of fear, blame, disempowerment, and confusion? To put it in simpler terms, would you rather carefully tend your own karma or get mired in endless unimportant things? CHOOSE
3/29/22 At this point I am certain Russia's intelligence is QAnon's roots. FSB/Kremlin propaganda. China's intelligence may have also been involved; it would've been to their benefit. I do not have evidence, but I have pretty strong correlations. The stream of misinformation on Facebook, Twitter, and social media about antivaxx, antimask, and QAnon items suddenly stopped when Russia invaded Ukraine. Probably because they had to start brainwashing their own citizens more strongly to prevent revolt. Also, the end results of QAnon have resulted in more dead Americans than WWII, and certainly far more than 9/11 casualties. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Image: covid patient in a rotoproner. source For fuck's sake, don't let your loved ones wind up here. Why does there have to be so much death before people take this seriously?
Watch this and show everyone you know because the Click is carrying forward the legacy of George Carlin AND HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS OR DO DISTANCE LEARNING HOLY SHIT. If you're mentally well enough, spread videos of what it's like inside Covid ICU wards as far and wide as you can because social media and the news sure isn't doing enough. Here is one. link out TRIGGER ALERT There is also r/HermanCainAward which is rather persuasive in getting people to IPA - immunize to prevent an award. r/HermanCainAward is the only place online covering the pandemic as it is in real time aside from because our media has failed us. It also is motivating many to take better care of their health by for instance losing weight, eating better, and quitting tobacco. Check it out. While you're at it threads like this on r/nursing certainly tell you what the news won't.
This is World War III: us versus covid-19 and misinformation; everything on this page has to be adopted by most if not all other countries if we want to beat this. How I feel about these jerks can be summed up in seven words: give me back my freedom, you bastards.
8/16/21 new reports of QAnon parents murdering their own children TRIGGER ALERT
Part of my family survived the Holocaust. The part that's left, that is. My parents are from Israel. I was born here. Blows my fucking mind that people are actually comparing the United States to Nazi Germany right now. tacky The irony is that instead of having the state kill off their family like it did mine, they're doing a pretty good job of doing it themselves then blaming it on the state. And on the Jews, while also comparing themselves to the persecuted Jews. You can't make this shit up. If you know anyone like that, get their vulnerable family members away from them before they kill them and then cry about it in hindsight. Tears are expendable. Family members are not. 5/4/22 You know what? The nice thing about getting dunked on and dumped on my legions of people who casually say they don't think your life is worth protecting by not getting masked up or vaxxed up, and then gaslighting you about it, is that you never, ever forget it. This is the gift that keeps on giving, son. These assholes have canceled themselves for life and they don't even realize it yet. It's that old saying "careful how you treat people on the way up, they'll remember it once you're on the way down." Once you know the view of one of them you will never look at them the same. Neither will their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or anyone else they know. They're headed for the leper colony as far as social treatment is concerned, unless they move to echo chambers of people just like them... and such places are guaranteed to look like that village in Borat. Chances are that they'll move somewhere far away from where they originally were in order to escape the social censure and consequences and then pretend they never believed in this (just like the Nazis did upon moving to South America, etc.); you'll need to look at newcomers to your community askance during the next 20-60 years for this reason. Give it twenty years, see if I'm right or not. If you were here in person I'd bet you $5 it would be that way.
Dorothy Oliver got 90+% of her town vaccinated, and here's the article explaining how she did it
MAGA bastards LOL get rekt. No, it's not definite proof, but we'll likely not get it because Russia is excellent at espionage. I suspect they ruined our school system in the first place due to the authoritarian and Communist leanings found therein (their footprint) and had a lot to do with why the Boomers became "ok boomer." With friends like these, who needs enemies? They're doing Russia's job for them, without getting paid. Russia really got their money's worth.
Let me make this clear. People who have a good relationship with the truth live better lives. We are going to see a major divergence in quality of life soon between those who like the truth and those who are living in denial. Some say you can't fix stupid but damn it, I'm trying. A lot of the idiots come from backgrounds where everything was bootstrapped/self-sufficient as a (super inspiring) survival measure but they don't realize you can bootstrap everything except education and exposure to new information. And luck, you can't bootstrap good luck for yourself; sometimes you get sick, lose your job, lose a family member, fail. That's life, and that's what social safety nets, our justice system, certain Socialist policies (like emergency room care despite not being able to pay immediately while you're unconscious) and hygiene regulations are for (i.e. the regulations that prevent us from dumping raw sewage in our backyards like the Victorians did in London). Not even prayers can help you unless those prayers are granted, and that kind of grace from whatever Powers That Be exist can't be bootstrapped! I credit my survival to prayers being granted. Nothing else. I got lucky, and it made me really hyper aware that we are not as powerful as we think we are. Runner-up award for keeping me alive: nurses, doctors. They're as close as you can get to angels walking the earth imho. For the record, I was a registered Republican until the party lost its mind. Now I am an Independent. I'm pretty conservative and right-leaning as far as actual policies go, so if you don't feel like reading this because I'm a "damn lib" you're fucking stupid, go fuck yourself. If you're super left-leaning and think that by being nice all our problems will be solved and the Taliban are really just people at the end of the day, go make friends with them then LOL. Chances are if you're reading this you are a part of the Resistance, or a decent human being. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, well, that statement has really proved true this year and good intentions are not enough. Still with me? Good. Here's how we win this thing.
I'm just throwing this idea out there, but a monthlong - or longer - strike nationwide demanding that the recalcitrant get vaccinated would do the trick. November is a good month for it, since it's soonest and gets the most attention but can be planned for throughout October, but December or January can also work. Spread the word and ask everyone you know if it seems like a good idea and if so, make a plan with them.
8/3/22 It could help to throw this idea out to everyone you know. Why do you need a conspiracy? Does it matter if there is one or not? We know that there are many evil people scattered around the world and in your neighborhood. It's why we have laws, prisons, governments, and armies. They exist to protect us from the criminal element that naturally forms in any human society. What if there are far fewer conspiracies than you'd think, and instead, what's causing the lion's share of the damage is just a bunch of really evil people who sometimes work together but mostly don't, because they have differing interests? And also the dark side of human nature makes it so bad things happen out of ignorance, stupidity, and ill will from the average Joe? Why look for conspiracies when so many people are so damn evil and we already know it? Why look for conspiracies when reality at this point is just as bad or worse? Why does it matter if the bad guys are doing bad things in secret or out in the open? Bad people do bad things - it's what they do. Why the obsession with the clandestine? Because you want to be a hero? Every terrorist thinks that. What are you trying to do here, cause harm to the innocent or actually do the job of protecting them (which requires wayyyy more effort, energy, and education than people generally realize)? Unless you are actually in the FBI or Interpol and are well trained, you'd just be getting in the way of the real heroes. Sit down and shut up.
Stop enabling bullies and abusers. Essentially, I hope you make this pledge with me: 'I solemnly swear that I will make life as hard as possible for these evil terrorist pieces of shit.' Millenials and younger generations (most of you anyway): you know how you have been gaslit and abused by Boomers? (obviously, not all baby boomers, just Boomers, you know) You know how they bullied the shit out of you and made you into a scapegoat and did their best to ruin your life for their own gain? Learn from them and adapt their strategies to give criminals what is coming to them. Do unto them using the tools the Boomers so generously showed you, but strategically, in a way that does not harm the innocent, and in a way that is ethical, legal, and justice only, not revenge. They gaslit us into thinking that justice IS revenge, and indeed in a lot of cases it sure looks like it, but you know the difference; seek justice and make subsequent generations proud, not ashamed, of you - revenge is what will turn us into them and we don't want that. What's the difference? The tactics they used on us were tactics that should have been applied to criminals and the guilty - namely, them. Not us, and not the innocent. Target the correct people, don't fuck up here. They also reached for the tactical nukes as the first line of defense instead of making the punishment fit the crime, smashing us into the dust for even the slightest offense. So I'm saying if you think you don't have a way to fight back, that is not true: learn from those who tried to destroy you, keep what is useful, ignore the rest. As for Gen X, you're wiser than me probably anyway, best of luck. Older generations of Americans and many kind Christians are making a big mistake by trying to shower compassion and kindness on all, because once you've committed a crime that is literal terrorism (spreading a deadly virus to the innocent, regardless of intention), there's no turning back; to give them an inch means they'll take a mile and it's pearls before swine. It is too late to reach them. I'm not saying to declare war on them (that's a waste of time which should instead be spent using the justice system properly), just that they declared war on us (us = literally everyone who isn't them, and yes, that includes civilians) because we're not part of their little cult and unfortunately those who do not wield swords can still die by them, so keep your family safe and don't take unnecessary risks ok? I never want to hear another story like this again. I am tired of this country looking like Israel (my family is from there; immigrated for a reason, damn it) due to terrorist threats. Turning the other cheek is not cutting it; even our justice system is not cutting it; the way forward is to destroy their lives like they destroyed ours or they will just continue where they left off the day they get out of the penitentiary and I for one have seen too many children killed by them (dead children is where I draw the line). People who are willing to put children in harm's way will not reform, are you fucking kidding me? It's really this simple. Leave people alone. Commit war crimes - and spreading a plague is a war crime - and they won't be very happy with you. You know that scene in Dirty Harry where Scorpio is yelling about his rights? We're living through that. Many Americans (and I presume people in other countries) have been so much like an abused spouse, making endless excuses for their countrymen's despicable behavior, treating them with kid gloves, giving them special privileges, keeping them around because they're "still Americans," etc. They're dropping mask mandates and commonsense safety precautions in a global pandemic to pander to them, which gaslights everyone else. Also, stop enabling their enablers - the 'abused spouses.' Literally everything antimaskers, Qunts, MAGAts, and antivaxxers, *PLUS the businesses and people allowing them to continue their shit* are doing right now has the end result of utterly destroying our freedoms. There is absolutely nothing of "freedom" about what they're demanding and they're actively destroying more and more of our freedoms as the results of their actions. They're the ones killing democracy, supporting the destruction of our infrastructure, spreading a plague, promoting wage slavery by denying people minimum wage and worker's rights, shutting down the country and the economy, and canceling everyone who isn't exactly like them: minorities, Black people, Native American people, LGBTQ+ people, Jews, non-Christians, immigrants, children and youth, and the list just keeps growing. They quite simply confused true freedom, which comes with responsibilities and the equal application of justice to everyone, with "freedom = i can do whatever i want and there will be no consequences and the system will still support me." If that isn't Socialist I don't know what is. Plus there's all this conspiracy theory nonsense (post on r/qanoncasualties about someone's family) which looked funny until it started killing people. If there really is a conspiracy, don't you think it would be to spread the coronavirus as far as possible and kill as many people as possible by convincing people they're heroes if they do? Because that's what's happening and uh, the ends do not justify the means. They never do. Also, Russia seems to have its fingers in this disinformation pie; has since Trump, and since Trump has linked up with QAnon, well, doesn't take much to add it up. What am I saying? We must have a zero tolerance policy in our personal lives, businesses, legal system, bureaucracy, and political system for people who refuse to vaxx up and mask up, for MAGAts, and for QAnon. They are un-American and they do not belong here. I do not know if any Witches or Pagans follow this website, but if you're here and reading this and are hesitant about getting vaccinated, ask the Deities, and know that if you fuck this up and still refuse to do the right thing and get vaxxed a good majority, probably more than 90%, of the Pagan and Wiccan community will exile you. Permanently. (me and what army? THIS ARMY) Regarding the negative PR about Witchcraft and Paganism: yeah that's slander, here are the misconceptions. Here are the methods for determining the truth Detecting B.S. and for learning science. Here is the forum for us clods that wish to get rid of QAnon and its deadly bullshit r/Qult_Headquarters. Here is the grey rock technique for surviving QAnon adherents with as little emotional harm to you as possible grey rock technique. Here is the support forum for those who are associated with QAnon believers r/Qanoncasualties. And finally, here is the QAnon recovery forum on Reddit, let's hope you don't need it but please spread the word ReQovery
I cannot wait for the world to take the Fascists and Qanons and reenact that scene from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with Theoden and Grima. "Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!"
Demand that your country's military assist with fighting the coronavirus by providing medical aid wherever it is needed most, and distributing vaccines where they are needed most, in collaboration with the local country's military and healthcare system and your countries' allied armies from foreign countries. Militaries can do that. Sure, governments can do that, but about as fast as molasses in January, whereas militaries aren't hampered as much by bureaucratic red tape plus they have more experience with logistics. Not just that, spread this exact idea in your own country to literally everyone you know: bug the military, demand that they send over troops for humanitarian aid. Unless of course yours is the country in need of aid in which case bug your government to accept help. If you can do nothing else get really loud about demanding this because no one is talking about it. Spread the word!
All you who are being radicalized into far-left everything: fuck you too! Between you and the far right, there will be nothing of our country left by the time you're done "enjoying" your phony outrage in order to follow the crowd. Do not be that way. Do not be that way. Do not be that way. We don't need Communism, we do not need racism masquerading as racial equity, and we certainly don't need people mimicking the Fascist far-right cancel culture by making a far-left version of it. Restricting other people's freedom in order to make yourself more comfortable is the hallmark of the far-right and far-left and I hate you both. There's a little something called thinking for yourself. And here is a very simplified version of why intersectionality can go die in a fire. I am a disabled person. That does not define me as a person. I do not belong to "the disability community," because it does not exist. I do not want to be put on a pedestal as some kind of supposed compensation for my disability. I am not your positivity porn, your opportunity to feel good about righting the wrongs of the world by "pampering the cripple" and seeing only my disability, not caring about anything else. I do not think that playing Oppression Olympics with all the 'marginalized community' labels in order to accumulate more and more compensation from strangers that I "deserve because I suffered so much" is anything other than thinly disguised grifting, dehumanizing to me and to my benefactors. The whole notion is nothing more than legalized theft, and not even for people who are in desperate need. Other unearned superficialities about me which people will give me unearned benefits for, like preferential treatment or whatever, just make me disgusted, whether it be for "hooray you're super white" or "hooray you're poor like me" - they don't care about me, just what's on the surface. I just want to be left the hell alone. These are labels that other people put me under, define me as, like a lettuce being labeled with a grease pencil on a placard in a garden. Those things are not who I am. And I have a feeling I'm not unique in this sentiment; ask other disabled or marginalized folks who don't have princess sickness. Get it? Fuck off.
Here's a good example of this dumbfuckery. A website which I will not name claimed that the chemical imbalance theory of mental health having physical origin was a sheer myth and that the 'lived experience expert community' said so. If the chemical imbalance theory was a myth, MAOI-Bs, SSRIs, and other psychiatric medications would not work at all or be in clinical use. And what in the everloving goddamn fuck is a "lived experience expert community?" I think I know what that is. Besides being of course a groupthink borg hivemind, it's a bunch of people who have convinced themselves and each other that their suffering entitles them to special privileges and some kind of power trip over those who have not suffered as much as they have. They have also convinced themselves that their suffering has somehow given them medical credentials. And speaking as someone who has gone through literal hell as a Lyme disease patient, especially in all the maddeningly large amounts of research and studying of medical textbooks I had to do in order to survive, which showed me that I require actual medical training in order to understand what the fuck I was reading, I find that disgusting. Let me rephrase. These guys are divorced from the TRUTH. It doesn't matter where on the political spectrum you fall, whether you're far right, far left, whatever. Opinion =/= truth. Enough people agreeing with you =/= what you're saying is true. Believing in something hard enough =/= truth. Thinking you know the truth when you are not fucking qualified to even understand wtf you're talking about =/= truth. And what qualifies you to understand the truth or what appears to be the truth and make claims about it? Adherence to logic and science, humility, but above all skepticism. Nothing else. Like the Amazing Randi Carl Sagan (edited 1/17/22 because i misquoted and also misattributed this, since my memory is truly bad, wow) said, "Outstanding claims require outstanding evidence." "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Like that old saying goes, "the truth will set you free," well, science and logic sure help with figuring out the truth. Admittedly I am not good enough at this on this website but I am working on it, especially with regards to citing my sources with proper studies.
Help yourself and everyone you know to register to vote. Then research candidates properly (see below) and vote, starting this September/October or actually start the process (by requesting a mail-in ballot) right now if you're mailing in your vote, and going through to next year. Pick a party, any party. Vote in the primaries (ya can't if you haven't picked a party, which is why you should). Vote in the major elections. Vote for local elections and research the judges and ballot measures especially carefully. Make a plan, and keep track of all of the initiatives trying to make it harder for you to vote by jumping through hoops; jump through them hoops and help everyone you know do the same, such as by giving everyone you know a ride to the ballot box. Double check everything three months, two months, one month, two weeks, and every day the week of the election just in case scumbags try to pull something (I've had my polling place change the day of the election before; stay on top of this shit). Convince everyone you know to do the same. In particular talk to people who just turned 18 and show them the ropes. We have a really low voter turnout rate, and considering all the voter suppression that's going on, that could kill democracy in the US. A high voter turnout rate will give us our freedom back. Talk to people about it now, and don't let up until December 2022. I'm sorry. I know you're probably exhausted, but we'll turn into another China if this doesn't happen (major wins for all Democrats, including the Communist ones, in all areas) or another Russia (Republicans basically anywhere; a very small minority might still be sane). I am seriously hoping Independent and third-party candidates show up who are viable for once. No, Libertarian candidates these days are not viable; they're not even Libertarian anymore, just watered down Fascist. Fuckin' a, people, read Ayn Rand and try to understand it? Please? Oh, and y'all, please try to convert the Bernie Bros and Communists into understanding that pure Socialism is a cesspit, pure Communism doesn't work at all, that Socialism created the Ok Boomer/Karen mentality and that Communism created many Fascist dictatorships due to the power vacuum (plus, it is literally a system where those who are evil profit the most because they pretend they need a lot, while the noble pure-hearted people work themselves to death). Fascists and Commies are both uneducated morons but Commies at least have good intentions and can be persuaded to give up their harmful beliefs. If we convert the Bernie Bros and Communists to Capitalism we get more people on board with democracy, and possibly also save the US, so no pressure. This may help, they sold our country to the highest bidder, vote them out and investigate them all. This too. Corporations who sold us out
What QAnon and these other jerks are probably going to do next is seek power anywhere they can find it, but in a covert way, in such a way you would never know they were into that stuff in the first place. Therefore, long before any of them seek election to local office in small towns or PTAs or school boards or other places people usually don't bother to vote for or research, brand them with a scarlet letter. Doxx them. Make them infamous. Report them to the police if they have committed a crime. Tell everyone you know in your local area about exactly what it is they believe and exactly what they've said in public, where their words are verifiable. And for everyone you aren't 100% sure about, learn everything you can about them until you discover exactly what side they're on with proof - then publicly spread around all the proof you've got. Microsoft's Snipping Tool helps as does screenshots, as well as video, covert audio recordings, and other similar things. Obtain evidence and make it publicly known exactly what they believe and how they feel. They're like the Nazis in that a lot of them will fade into the woodwork once they see the tide has turned, and they'll pretend they were always the good guys: do not let them. They're gonna try a coup from within. Let's abort it.
Ahhh, the abortion debate. That fresh hell. Now if you actually read a lot of this website you know I'm pro-life except in cases of incest, rape, medical necessity, lack of access to adequate medical care for pregnancy and labor, or being under the age of 18, or have guessed as much, but even I think that Texas went wayyy overboard on its massive government overreach. It is literally like Communist China's one-child policy but at the opposite extreme. This reddit thread is absolutely brilliant and has ways to fight back so do it not just in Texas but everywhere such things are applicable. End this dumb b.s. once and for all.
Tell everyone you know, and also do this yourself: demand that your national government, federal elected officials, and all your (smart, non-Q) elected officials at the state and local level put up self-study educational resources from pre-K to the college 101s, and also an online library. Yeah it's worldwide, and mandates we have to also teach the whole world and give 'em access to this stuff, but nearly every problem that's affecting us now is now a global problem; so we gotta teach them too. And no, education should never ever end past 12th grade. People have to refresh their knowledge and improve their education using this continuing education as self-study for adults because hell no, Boomers don't understand what kids are learning nowadays; educational standards have improved and it REALLY fucking shows. This also needs to have quizzes, self-tests, and standards for exams for adult self-study. Smart employers will also demand that their employees meet these educational standards yearly; this ensures continued merit in the workforce. The only vaccine against stupidity is education and it has to be continuing and of the highest caliber. We need this. We've needed this for a long time. Put the pressure on them and don't ever shut up about it. While you're at it, if you work for a university or library, try to persuade them to put as many educational resources online for free and for a low cost as possible.
Market education as an "information vaccine" that prevents extreme suffering and unnecessary death. Because it is. As much as we have been promoting the idea of vaccination to people, we need to be promoting the idea of extensive and continuing higher education to everyone over the age of 18, every year until natural death.
- Get vaxxed, especially if you're active duty military or a veteran. Use Vaccine Spotter. You don't need to wait, or sack away two days straight on the internet waiting to nab an appointment; the website does the hard work for you now and we have enough vaccines. Tell all your friends about it and ask them to also spread the word. Also see: Coronavirus Safety. I recently read that a substantial portion of the military is not being vaxxed out of... checks notes... paranoia. Our military? What the fuck happened? Now I have heard some stories of hazing in the military and I don't condone it, but be aware that if you're in the military and your unit deploys to somewhere that isn't vaccinated, whoever isn't vaccinated is a potential plague rat and a PR disaster. Just saying.
- Not a US citizen? Apparently we allow vaccine tourism. Double check this and if we allow people from your country to fly over here and get vaxxed, get tested for 'rona then if you're 'rona free and masked up come over here and get a vaxx. We've got so much it's coming out our ears because we have plenty of morons who "don't want to be healthy." Ha.
- Do whatever you can to help with the vaccination efforts at home and internationally, especially if you are a medical professional or a very good courier.
- If you have a history of strange medical things happening to you in a recurring pattern, go to an internal medicine specialist first before getting vaccinated so you can see if there's any medical contraindications. I have heard rare reports of people winding up having severe reactions to the vaccine but they were only from people with serious genetic conditions. So talk to your doctor first and follow their recommendations. And if you are not a person with M.D. after your name do NOT make assumptions about if this vaccine is safe or not for you. Ask. Your. Doctor.
- Yes, you, too, will have the opportunity to seduce Bill Gates after getting your borg chip just like LordCitrus. Bill Gates is love. Bill Gates is life.
- Uber and Lyft will provide you a free ride to get a vaccination if you use the app.
- Don't want to worship Our Lord Bill Gates like the rest of us? What's wrong with you? How about a free beer instead Budweiser will provide if we hit 70% vaccination by July 4 or it will buy you a beer now CNN article of a bunch of freebies for fully vaxxed people. How about a free Krispy Kreme donut? Promo is still on Shake Shake's offering a free side of fries with an order of certain kinds of sandwich if you've been vaxxed link out. Here are incentives, in a list provided by the government, which will hopefully be updated link out
- Show this to everyone you know who is on the fence about getting vaccinated Reddit thread of of doctors dealing with covid deniers
- If you have cash to spare, consider donating to GAVI here and designate a special purpose for the donation (Gavi COVAX AMC), or if you live in the UK, Canada, or elsewhere, try one of these organizations so they can get people in other countries vaccinated. Your money will end this stupid pandemic faster. Only get this if you don't need the money. Times are tough. However, even if you can just spare a dollar, that's better than nothing. India and Brazil in particular are getting hit hard.
- Buy sidearms for yourself and your family after going through the legality and getting them properly licensed. Learn to properly shoot, store, clean, and respect your weapon. Lock them up at home in a safe and carry the key. Carry them concealed, and use street sense. Guns, unlike what the OTHER guys think, don't somehow magically make you invulnerable.
- Train physically so you are capable of running, NOT defending yourself. Sorry, but you aren't going to magically become excellent at brawling within less than two years. Even better: if you are able and willing, join the military, or seek a position as a police officer.
- Carry smartphones on you and record everything suspicious, then upload to the internet.
- Also carry every weapon you have at your disposal: pepper spray, a taser, whatever you're comfortable with. This is not a replacement for using common sense and staying at home as much as possible.
- If any of your friends or family members are minorities, accompany them on trips to help protect them. If you are a minority, ask your friends to join you on trips.
- Take measures to fortify your living situation and vehicles. Reinforce the locks, install security cameras and motion-sensitive lights, get a big dog, that sort of thing. In some places you may even want to live off-grid. For some info on that, see Eco Friendly Things
- Stay home as much as you can for at least the next year and probably the next year and a half. Radicalization on both the far right and far left is increasing right now and things are going to get worse before they get better. If you value your children's lives, you're already homeschooling them anyway, and good for you. Trips outside the house for any reason are dangerous due to angry, armed people, if you're fully vaxxed. That's not going to change anytime soon. Do not engage. Let the police handle them; that is what they are there for.
- Go as close to vegan as you can. The far right has been freaking out about reducing meat consumption for a while because they are so linked to ranching and animal product production/usage, and the meat industry is so tied in with them. Weaken them through your diet. This is coming from someone who gets really sick without eating animal products. If I can do it, you can do it. If you do eat meat and/or animal products out of necessity for your health like I do, then minimize how much of that you eat without hurting yourself, and be sure you buy it from people who don't mistreat their animals; they're more likely to pull their heads out of their ass if they have previously been Trump supporters, antimaskers, etc. Oddly enough, animal products from Texas generally meet those requirements, because for some reason the people here treat their animals right.
- While you're at it, do your best to only buy food from farmers that treat the land with respect. Generally speaking, that's organic food. Monocropping of GMO stuff is often done by farmers who don't give a damn about soil degradation, biodiversity, overdraining aquifers, global warming, or dead bees, and those rural yo-hos are often - you guessed it, MAGAts.
- Pay really close attention to what the morons are screeching about today and then do your best to promote it. Gas prices are high? The fossil fuel industry is dying? Good, invest in alternative energy companies and start going completely off-grid, telecommuting to everything and buying groceries online. Transgender athletes are a thing and it's bad for women? If female, compete right alongside them and win, while wearing clothing in the colors of the transgender flag. It's convenient they can't shut up, isn't it? We know exactly what threatens their way of life now and we can make that way of life go the way of the dodo.
- Do you have any friends who fall into the categories of: minority, Native American, Black, LGBTQ+, elderly, youth, weak, sick, or poor? Help them in every way you humanly can! Support them, whenever they go out of the house go with them, keep them safe. Keep a concealed carry on you if you can. In particular Black people and Native American people are actually being hunted down right now in one of the 8 stages of genocide (I don't know which, and I don't really care). We've got to keep them safe. Or guess what, the next batch of people that they're gonna come for will be us. My family [barely] survived the Holocaust. We've seen this shit before.
- Boycott these
- Check your voter registration every month to ensure you are still registered. If you haven't registered to vote, do it now.
- Check to see when city, county, state, and national elections are. Vote in all of them, including the primaries and the sheriff's election and all the other ones that seem inconsequential but are actually a huge deal.
- Help literally everyone you know who is on the same page to do the same exact thing: register to vote, and then vote for city, county, state, and national elections. Persuade them. Have them also help everyone they know to register and vote.
- Support police reform, sure, but also police funding and increasing the numbers on the police payroll. For reasons which, I hope, are obvious. Right now, what we need in policing is more people of color in particular, so support policies that do that.
- If you don't regularly confer with any veterans and if you aren't a veteran yourself, you probably won't have good judgment regarding foreign policy... or anything, really. The 60s gave the United States a myopic view: "peace good," "war bad," and that was it; absolutely no defending your family from being killed allowed, no fighting allowed, let crimes go unsolved, let war criminals never be brought to justice, the only good armies are ones that never have to make morally complex/ambiguous decisions and that never have a messy war, etc. Or, the other side that flag-waved and decided that all war was fantastic and glorious American troops could do no wrong. You can NOT oversimplify war and expect to understand foreign policy. So spend much more time learning about the issues before you demand simple solutions to complex problems. Ideally, also sack away some time in the military or the National Guard so you learn what it's about for real instead of LARPing as a soldier or as (on the other extreme) a Buddhist monk. Us Americans have a problem with that.
- Research each candidate using On The Issues and Follow the Money along with news articles and their campaign websites
- Follow the news from trustworthy sources first and foremost: namely, people you talk to in person, things you see for yourself, and what your friends and family have directly experienced. Our news system is in a shambles. Stay in touch with them.
- Follow the news from other decent sources (see below in NEWS section)
- If you don't understand a political topic, for goodness sake educate yourself thoroughly if you plan to make any decisions based on it, or if you plan to vote. Take out library books, read articles on good online sources, even Wikipedia is better than nothing. Really. If you kind of think you understand a political issue, such as Socialism, but don't know the actual definition, LOOK IT UP. Ignorance kills democracy, so don't be part of the problem no matter how superior you may think you are thanks to being a Resister. That's what the other guys do. We'd better not.
- Watch people currently in office like a hawk. Voting is just the beginning. See what they actually do there, and then see what the impact is in your daily life. For instance, I voted for Biden and support the vaccine rollout,
but seriously cringed when he decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. NOTE: this is incorrect, the previous administration created a deal with the Taliban in February of 2020 US Taliban Deal. Says Biden, source, "It is perhaps not what I would have negotiated myself, but it was an agreement made by the United States government, and that means something." He also has an interesting view of the American Way, which seems like the Batman Code of Honor: "We, Americans — we believe in honesty and decency, in treating everyone with dignity and respect, giving everyone a fair shot, demonizing no one, giving hate no safe harbor, and leaving no one behind." Source These, in the end, are only the beginning, and it is their end results that matter most. You can bet I'll be figuring out who to vote for based on the evidence and consequences of their actions and not emotional reasoning, e.g. 'Biden saved our lives with the vaccine, therefore we vote for him.' No. The next major challenge is global warming and foreign policy and he may or may not be the best one for the job. The impact of these decisions hasn't fully played out yet. If you blink you will miss it. This will be very important for local and state representative elections this year and in 2022, and for federal candidates in 2024.
- If AND ONLY IF you've already done everything else, cause it's top priority, harangue and bother and harass your elected representatives demanding the things that you want. Focus on only one issue at a time if you are able. At this point, voting rights are the #1 issue, since without them we aren't even a democracy.
- The second priority issue is that depending on circumstances around the virus, we may need to throw all antivaxxers and antimaskers in prison for life and strip them of their American citizenship. Otherwise we might not get the virus under control ever, vaccines or not. Plus, when they sided with a virus and Fascist propaganda instead of their fellow citizens and democracy they became ex-citizens of this country as far as I'm concerned. In order to get this done we would need to institute a nationwide vaccine mandate and mask mandate, with the penalties being as I mentioned. We would also need to make it fully legal for children and infants to get vaccinated with a doctor's approval, not a parent's. Also, we need to create an antivaxxer and antimasker registry. They are just as dangerous to health as sex offenders, so we should treat them like we do the latter. Bonus: this would make life in the States un-fun for the bastards and a lot of them would try to emigrate. Good riddance.
- The third priority issue is to stop human rights violations in the name of religion - any religion. Some of these are obvious, such as arranged marriages to someone under 18, or enforced attendance in a cultish summer camp; extreme mistreatment of LGBTQ+ individuals, mistreatment of those who had a miscarriage (such as legally defining it as an abortion - wtf), discrimination/bigotry on a power trip, megachurches spreading coronavirus, etc. In particular, making it illegal to raise your children in a particular religion is critical. Also making it illegal to put one particular religion in schools without paying equal importance to the others. Why get religion out of schools when you could teach them all? This ridiculous charade that America is a "Christian nation" ignores the fact we are a nation of immigrants on Native American land and all of these nationalities and origins come with - guess what? diverse religions. Religions often perpetuate themselves through brainwashing and technically speaking, done to someone below 18 is a human rights violation. No more religious summer camps. No more homeschooling allowed for religious reasons. Never again. Bonus: the bastards won't like it and would probably try to emigrate. Good riddance. Human rights for children is a big deal. Plus, most importantly, you would know for certain whether your child actually is loyal to your religion of choice in their heart for real at 18 instead of just following along to please Mommy and Daddy. No more people going through the motions of pretending to be religious.
- Fourth priority: rights for those under the age of 18. The current law gives children roughly the same amount of rights as slaves had in the 1800s. They are considered the property of their parent or legal guardian and give said parent or legal guardian tax breaks and possible food stamps and income. The law needs an overhaul in order to give children and infants basic human rights. Yes, sure, include the unborn in this assessment, it's some people's sacred cow; however some of the unborn cause extreme amounts of physical pain and put their mothers' lives at risk and must be aborted to save the mother; if you're going to give the unborn rights you must also give them equal justice under the law and that uh, strictly speaking, is a hostage situation. If you deny the choice of safe doctor-provided abortions to those who require them for medical reasons, you are evil, end of story. ALSO, If you're not providing free easy-to-access contraception to the whole population (especially free safe vasectomies for men), AND allowing victims to decide the ultimate fate of their rapists (including death penalty), AND fixing a broken system of justice that allows so much rape and incestuous rape and sexual injustice, while you're being sanctimonious and holier-than-thou, you're also evil. Plus, since there is a 1.75 in 10,000 mortality rate for pregnancy, plus risks of lifelong disability, allow legal abortion for rape and incest because if you didn't get pregnant on purpose, you don't deserve to die or be crippled as a result. While we are at it, end artificial insemination and infertility treatment. We're overpopulated and if you're so damn worried about continuing your bloodline, that proves you'll be a shitty parent because you're so concerned about yourself, NOT your kid; otherwise you would be adopting, the end. The well-being of the child is more important than the well-being of the parent and if you do not agree, you'd suck as a parent and you suck as a person. To clarify: If you've already done this though, you shouldn't feel bad about it, because no one's brought this up in public discourse before, and I bet you've never even thought about it like this. This is directed at people who are considering it, not the non-narcissistic people who went through with it. The mere idea that reproduction is not a human right on equal footing with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has not been brought up. Not only that, but the mere idea that people are entitled to have as many babies as they want is a little weird to say the least.
- Fifth priority: While we are dithering about the sanctity of life and debating whether fetuses are sentient or not, give the Earth and all of nature citizenship and rights under the law as a sentient being and conglomeration of beings. While you're at it do the same for animals and for every other being that is probably sentient. Witches know these things are sentient and trust me, we could debate their sentience just as long and as hard as these idiots are debating the sentience of a clump of cells in a woman's body. Yes, life is precious. You wanna take that to its logical extreme? Because that's what you're going to get. While we are at it let us strip corporations of their rights under the law as an 'individual being.' Those are not sentient, they don't deserve those rights.
- Other issues you could bother the people about include DC statehood, statehood for all other US territories that have a high enough population (no taxation without representation), allowing hospital staff to deny treatment to patients that assault them if said patients are not clinically insane, getting our mail to come on time, mail-in voting (which is still voting rights), justice for the January 6 insurrectionists, ensuring antimaskers and antivaxxers and other felons never get any socialist/social benefits ever again (stimulus checks, driver's licenses, Social Security cards, insurance of any kind, the right to bear arms, tax cuts or breaks, police protection, insurance, public defenders in court, access to National Parks, help from the military or the National Guard, federal warnings such as storm or natural disaster warnings, help from the fire department, public housing, federal scholarships and grant money, the right to vote, unemployment, medicare/medicaid, federal student loans, state/local gov't/federal maintenance of infrastructure that leads to their home such as roads and utility lines, low fees for USPS service, social security, child support, food stamps, etc.) except for free public schooling for their children (poor kids). No socialism for people who don't like socialism? Okay, sounds like a deal.
- Another couple of important laws that need to be passed: all people who test positive for coronavirus and do not quarantine for 10 days get arrested and then get life in prison, all who already have tested positive and haven't quarantined also get life in prison, no federally funded healthcare if you refuse the vaccine, no being allowed in federal public buildings or public transportation if you haven't been vaccinated, felony and life in prison if your failure to mask up and social distance has killed someone, felony and life in prison for assaulting a healthcare worker while in your right mind, lose your citizenship and go to jail for life if you fail to get vaccinated within 1 year, death penalty for willfully exposing a child to the virus if the child dies, life in prison and immediate emancipation of the minor for willfully exposing a child to the virus if the child lives, children have the right to accept or say no to the vaccine but cannot go to school without it; they get deported or jailed at 18 if they still refuse, and those under 3 years old automatically vaccinated by the state if it turns out the vaccine is safe for them. To hell with your "but my children are my property" arguments, "my religion makes it okay to kill my kids" and "state can't interfere with how I raise my child" arguments, I am tired of children dying. These consequences might seem extreme but these are acts of terrorism, and whether you kill someone with a bomb or with a virus makes no difference. Plus killing a child is a whole new level of evil and must not be allowed.
- Bother your elected representatives, sign petitions, and ask your friends and family to do the same in support of the American Jobs Act. Here is why it is important: it will starve the bigots, the MAGAts, and those parasites on society that live off of unearned socialist benefits such as racist perks. That is why they're so against it. Here's how it benefits us and not them: 1. It's pretty tough to run your own small town good-ol-boy network when you are right next to a high speed rail network, highway, airport hub. People move out and move in, start businesses, get educated, and things change, fast. No more will there be divides between rural uneducated hellholes and urban cityscapes. We will be one country again, and small towns will no longer be spawning pools for backward thinking and cults - the bad guys will have to start their own Jonestown-type compounds for that instead of monopolizing rural America. Bonus: new landowners in rural areas are less likely to destroy the soil through shitty farming practices like CAFOs, monocropping, over-irrigation and excessive pesticide and fertilizer use. 2. The bad guys often have jobs in occupations that are quickly becoming obsolete: animal husbandry, meat packing, nonrenewable energy, intensive agriculture of GMO crops subsidized by the government, ranching, low-tech blue-collar work, worthless occupations they obtained via nepotism where they do a lot of nothing such as small town crap businesses where they overwork high school kids. The faster automation, American manufacturing, and high-tech industries that require highly trained, hardworking, well-educated individuals replace the low-tech obsolete ones, the more they'll lose their jobs. Good. They are a drain on society and they are holding us back with their "make everything stay the same forever" Dark Ages attitude, causing us to lower our world dominancy as compared to say, China. What's even weirder is if what the President is saying here is correct, they're already essentially serfs to agricultural conglomerates and getting screwed but are against change because.... "reasons." 3. Nationwide Internet will create both an economic and an educational boom in the States, and all schoolchildren will benefit immensely. Education is deadly to the cowards' platform, and therefore the Internet will likely destroy it long term. This website isn't the only educational resource online. Libraries are starting to adapt their online access to make it more accessible and more full of useful stuff. It's only a matter of time. 4. A nationwide economic boom deprives the bastards of their wage slaves. Business owners, crap managers, and other people who have been scumming off the efforts of poorly paid workers who couldn't afford to leave will lose a lot of their workforce if said workforce gets enough money to afford to leave. This is what a good economy can provide, and improved infrastructure definitely does that, especially reliable internet access. You can sell, buy, interact, and learn just about anything online, meaning the age of being an internet commuter is here to stay. 5. The ability to unionize and have worker's rights is also detrimental to crappy managers and businesses who have substituted rock bottom wages and shitty financial management for actually having a business plan and you know, working. 6. Made in America means that enormous businesses which earn their fortunes from wage slavery in other countries will have to have major cutbacks or go out of business, and a lot of these bad guys are against that because they are not pro-America, they are pro-their own wealth. Too bad. The world's smallest violin is playing. These things are not unreasonable because if they adapt, they will change, and they will have steady good-paying jobs. If they refuse, they'll be left behind. It's that simple.
- If you're interested, there are plenty of political vacancies around that could use a non-insane person like you. Please consider it.
- What do Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, and Libertarianism have in common? The belief that human beings will do the right thing and/or create a Utopia without being forced to avoid doing evil, and the necessity for them to do the right thing in order for the system to hold up. Look at history: literally no human system of government based on the honor system has EVER worked. It's just that each system hopes that different groups will do the right thing. In Communism, it's everyone. In Fascism, it's the person everyone has daddy issues over. In Totalitarianism, it's the people who set up the system and keep it running. In Libertarianism, it's businesspeople. Same shit, different system. You can have the honor system once the bigger systems are set up: the systems that keep human nature from creating Murphy's Law at every opportunity. You cannot have it AS the bigger system. The only system of government is one that forces humans to not do evil. Not asks nicely, or provides benefits for them to do good, or coerces. FORCES. Otherwise people who do the right thing get punished and people who do evil reap the benefits of the system that, realistically speaking, benefits them alone. Someone who doesn't care about how many crimes they commit is going to reap the most benefits. Because in a system that does not force people to not do evil, guess who winds up at the top? The person who doesn't care about the ideals of the system. The proof is in the pudding. Look around; that is what we've got.
- Freedom is a tricky thing to guarantee in a population of people. As you know, people prey on one another. It is not freedom to work a dead-end job, be in a dead-end relationship, be prevented from practicing your religion or even existing as a minority. The anarchist would disagree, but the anarchist has never been disabled or unlucky enough in life to wind up weak and helpless and only a small twist of fate would destroy the strong anarchist's freedoms because there would be no one left to protect them. (Plus the "only the strong survive" mentality results in losing the greatest assets to any nation: diversity and human resources plus the resultant originality and innovation. Anyway, that's not pro life now is it.) At heart, freedom is only obtained by denying total freedom to criminals and terrorists; obtained by safety, regulations, law and order and - yep - big government. Because people are horrible and they need to be regulated, as this past year has abundantly proved. We need a much stronger military, police force, non-corrupt government, stronger laws and enforcement of those laws, and system of justice and until we get those, we're fucked. Too much of big government is bad too obviously, but hey, balance.
- QAnon and the Fascists run a bullshit mill. Education aka truth is the way to defeat them long term. Do everything in your power to promote the highest quality of education in the United States possible, and to do your part to improve everyone's access to it.
- Dirty Harry and the sixth episode of Cromartie High School have something to say about this
- For those of you who are really smart, if you've been doing this, stop dumbing down your communications to other people. Stop using simpler language, stop catering to them, stop pretending that people are born smart or born stupid. People ADAPT. Force them to exert some effort for once. If they can't keep up, they'll learn or they'll suffer the consequences, and then they'll learn the hard way that they have to learn. There is nothing more influential and important at stopping people from becoming smarter than their own sheer laziness. Nothing at all. Except for legitimate psychiatric or physical illnesses, and if you suspect that, definitely get screened.
- For those of you who have learned it's hard for you to learn things for reasons of poor memory (like me) or even traumas from your education, find a way around it and smash into the "wall of difficult" until you find a way around it or through it. Learn how you learn and then learn a lot of stuff.
- The best way to redpill the idiots is to spread the word on the actual consequences of their actions. They believe one thing but they are the thing they hate. When I was younger I read Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy, but I never thought Americans would actually be the bioterrorists. Case in point, trying to "save children" by throwing them in public education institutions to catch coronavirus and potentially die - and also by trying to elect someone friendly with Epstein who literally said he had the hots for his daughter. Let's also go with the most obvious thing here: failing to vaccinate your children to protect them from covid-19 is not just really shit parenting, it is extreme child abuse and endangerment of a minor. Vaccinating children, "saving the children with Q", what's the difference? A coffin. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone who kills a child should be given the most serious consequences possible under not only our justice system but also socially. 397 citizens from age 0-17 have died from coronavirus according to CDC data so far - and this is acceptable in absolutely no circumstances (save the children?!!!!). They are not statistics, and 'saving' them from a hypothetical death-by-vaccine by killing other children and also putting them at risk of dying is unacceptable. Then there's Death threats for a 10-year old trans child. And their beloved Facebook was responsible for over half of recruitment for sex trafficking cases in 2020. Source. In other words, the best redpill is to shove their hypocrisy in their face. 550K dead partially thanks to antimasker superspreader MAGA rallies. Children dead from mass shootings, discrimination, and infrastructure failures. Children made orphaned by the pandemic, and children who lost a parent thanks to said pandemic. Child porn collections of Republican politicians. Rick Roeber TRIGGER ALERT Joel Greenberg TRIGGER ALERT The former guy defending Ghislaine Maxwell. Or demonizing other people who are different and live differently as morally depraved but then turning a blind eye to those within their ranks who literally spread a biological plague, deny clean water and a minimum wage to the poor, make minorities either miserable or extremely sick (or dead), and/or commit bombings or mass shootings. And on and on it goes. And why do these guys say they think for themselves when they all say the same things, believe the same things, do the same things, and even think the same things? As time goes on they increasingly become more like one another; exactly the same. EXACTLY THE SAME. (On the plus side, meet one and you'll know all the others, and be able to predict their behavior with "uncanny" accuracy; this is one of the drawbacks of traveling a lot because seasoned travelers know from experience a lot of people think they're really unique but aren't) They'll probably never want to believe it because then they won't be the superheroes they so desperately want to be, but at least the rest of us will know what's up.
- There are also a whole bunch of people who "refuse to give in to fear" and who firmly believe that survival of the fittest is as God intended, especially if they work hard enough, have big enough muscles, are smart enough, or have strong enough willpower or faith. That is not how survival of the fittest works. It literally relies on dumb luck. Specifically, random mutations in someone's genetic code that just happen, through random chance, to be a suitable adaptation to the environment for improved survival odds. And oh, look, they're creating the perfect situation for survival of the fittest to continue at a faster rate, increasing the speed at which a life-form creates fit offspring that survive and thrive. That life form is not us. It's coronavirus.
- One of the ways to improve education in this country is to support your local library. Actually, by checking out as many books as possible as often as possible you increase the numbers of patrons served and give them justification for bigger budgets, so check out books. If local ballot measures include increasing taxes to improve the library, support those. After the pandemic is over be sure to donate as many books as you can spare to your local library. They generally take donations. Also, once the pandemic's done know that foot traffic/visitors to a library also helps with increasing funding, so visit yours as often as you can, and ask the librarians what they need to improve the place. See what you can do to help.
- Take steps to get better educated yourself and to assist your friends and family in also getting more educated. It doesn't seem like much but it really is wealth, power, freedom, and opportunity.
- Check out the Big Brain Time section of this website. It actually took me years to build. Most of the research was done before I launched this site.
- If you have the stomach for it, then delve into who is pulling the strings behind QAnon as well as far-right and far-left movements. Let the rest of us know what you find and provide evidence.
- Observe things for yourself.
- This is speculation, but generally speaking I suspect that if it is attempting to convince someone that America sucks and that Communist or Socialist ideologies are good, it might be partially influenced or owned by China, and if it is attempting to convince someone that America sucks and that Fascist or Totalitarian ideologies are good, it might be partially influenced or owned by Russia. Therefore, I greatly suspect CNN, Twitter, and Reddit are shacked up with China, and Fox News, Breitbart, Facebook, Telegram, and Parler are shacked up with Russia. If anything is attempting to convince someone Israel sucks (why a media firestorm now of all times? it's been a PR nightmare for decades), it's probably linked up to China or Russia because Israel is our ally and they want the region all to themselves, case in point, China's attempt to go into Afghanistan and the Taliban's suspicious Russian equipment. I suspect Google/Youtube is shacked up with both China and Russia due to the large amount of anti-science garbage on there and the algorithm that makes it nearly impossible to find good info but really easy to find surface-level worthless info; excellent for all flavors of dictator to keep populations dumb and powerless. I hate that algorithm. It's a big reason I couldn't link to video tutorials to every subject in the Big Brain Time section of this website.
- Here is an impartial source, besides the usual kind-of-flaky Reuters and The Guardian: Steady an independent longform journalism platform run by Dan Rather and his team. I couldn't find anything better. Yes, it's sad that there's one and only one. Chances are if you can afford stuff behind paywalls then you'd find others. For finding good ones see a quick guide to Detecting BS. Personally, along with Steady I use The White House, Reuters, The Guardian, Jen Psaki's (White House Secretary of the Press) Twitter, President Biden's Twitter, Vice President Harris's Twitter, and Buzzfeed News (believe it or not). I have little to no faith in them but it's more than the faith I have in the others. I also use these, which are more reliable by a small margin: Cutting Edge. News marketed to scientists tends to be less full of bull. The more news sources you can read that cover the same story, the better, because that way you can see who spins what, and how.
- Another news source I'd forgotten about is Vice News. It's too left wing and supposedly "woke" for my taste, because at this point left-wing really just means flirting with Communism, however. They covered an article on my religion, Witchcraft, which was (and to my knowledge still is) the only one in the entire news conglomerate that was accurate in any way. All of the others were biased, misinformative, or straight-up slander. That is significant.. Here it is. The only online article by a major news outlet that accurately reflects the Craft. Vice article By the way, apples are also excellent as an appetizer, if you aren't that hungry but know you need to eat. Eating two a day can potentially reduce asthma symptoms and chronic migraines, prevent constipation, and even reduce chronic pain. They are also an excellent food for the sick, baked for people who are feeling weak, and grated raw for treating diarrhea. These are only a few of the medicinal uses and I have used them for all of these things. No side effects.
- The ghastly state of reporting in this country calls for a new approach: talk to the people who are directly involved. If you're able to, that is. Personally I've been lucky enough to have a physician as a friend who warned my family about the virus last January. Listen to the people on the front lines. If you already know and trust them, they wouldn't have a reason to lie to you. So be sure to touch base with everyone in your circle often.
- Dorothy Oliver's Method The method by which a small town hero got 90+% of her town vaccinated. It appears to be super effective. My favorite quote from the comments section is that (rephrased) we should now just call every anti-Karen a Dorothy. It also appears to be the exact opposite of my method, which is to shame and blame the bastards and make them pay for what they've done. Guess mine isn't as good but I guarantee you it still has its place.
- New 7/26/21: There is one counterargument that can utterly decimate every conspiracy theory there is. Specifically: What are your qualifications? Do you have training in police detective work, intelligence or counterintelligence work, or international police work? Are you keeping your skills in such a field sharp, or just pretending you know everything? "Believing in yourself" is a sure way to get innocent people killed when an amateur or an arrogant person engages in such work. Especially if you aren't mentally well.
- New 7/26/21: If you are a healthcare worker or know one, and know your way around the law regarding patient confidentiality, then understand that since the news is not doing its job to report on what's really going on in hospitals, you can help a lot. Film it and upload it. Get it trending. Report on what's going on in your hospital because if you don't, obviously, no one will. Because no one is. The more this kind of content floods the internet, the less people can call this a "hoax."
- You should know the belief that people get suckered into QAnon, cults, and other conspiracy theories due to stupidity or naivete is for the most part incorrect. You might think it's because people are a little slow in catching on to the truth. Unfortunately, that's not true. There wouldn't be that level of obsession and passion behind what they do if they didn't actually want to believe it. There is a darkness in human nature which is more prominent in some people than others, usually those who enjoy causing pain. You can't show them any forgiveness because if you give an inch, they'll take a mile, and right now that can't be tolerated. Permanently cut them out of your life for your health, sanity, and well-being. If you don't believe me, I'm sorry, because you might get backstabbed by them years down the line. They're showing their true colors right now especially because the observable effects of their pet conspiracies are actually people DYING.
Here is an email letter I sent to the owner of Penzey's Spices. He'd been getting emails flooding his inbox from Republicans spouting "SOCIALISM!" because he is rather pro-Biden.
Dear Mr. Penzey,
I always vote that we cut all Socialist benefits to people who are against them. No cops, no military, no social security, no libraries, no public schooling, no minimum wage or worker's rights, no special privileges for being white, no roads, no on-grid running water, and absolutely zero social support. They can live in their prepper bunkers until the end of time, that is, if they survive. God speed to them. Guess they never realized that extreme capitalism without any socialism or regulation is pretty much the same as feudalism. I hope they enjoy being serfs.
= 5/24/21 note: Mr. Penzey has been spouting anti-Israel rhetoric lately because that's the in thing to do now. I don't follow him anymore. For the record, I am pro Israel's existence but anti any civilian deaths Israel causes in its effort to defend itself. Why? I believe life is precious, yada yada, also I have been to Israel and although it's full of loud assholes esp. in Jerusalem (that fucking city, omg), they aren't baby killers and they mostly have basic human decency. Go visit there if you don't believe me. Perhaps not Jerusalem because it sucks. And Netanyahu can suck a dick. As for the actual location, it's smaller than New Jersey and should have been put say, in Canada or someplace like that to begin with, but now that it's there, it's a bad idea to take it out. A power vacuum, in the Middle East, a place full of terrorist cabals and power-hungry dictators and monarchs, where the United States and Israel collaborate to keep them at least somewhat in check right now and expend great effort to do so in no small part because Russia wants a piece of the action... no. Wouldn't end well.
On further reflection, it would also be Socialist to inherit anything. So if you are against Socialism, goodbye trust fund. It's fair. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
This coming winter holiday season *actually right now,* seriously consider diverting some or all of any money you'd spend on presents you have to spare on buying vaccines for other countries instead Donation link. As bad as we have it here, they have it way worse and the pandemic isn't going to end until they are vaccinated too.
- We Can Do This Get involved with this government initiative if you are socially active in your community to help get more people vaccinated
- Article Read this article and ponder it. Unfortunately it has a point.
- Cancel fake Christianity. They're bitching about how "it's a war on Christianity," no you fucking idiots, it's a war on this creepy charade you call Christianity but is everything but. Sadism, abuse, xenophobia, money-hungry bullshit... that's not the "get rid of your money and follow Me" and the turn-the-other-cheek-even-if-it-hurts religion I'm familiar with. There are two kinds of Christians, and the true Christians are the ones you usually don't even know are Christian until their cross necklace pops out of their shirt while they're helping you change a tire or something. Why? Matthew 25: 37-40. You could potentially interpret this to mean that all people are the second coming of Christ and that the so-called Rapture is just when the world become a good place. If everyone does their part to make it happen, then it will happen, and pretty easily too.
- Cut all ties you can with Qultists, MAGAts, and other kinds of asshole. Check out QAnon Casualties for some insight. The most disturbing thing I've seen in this pandemic is just how much crap people have put up with in the name of keeping the peace. The unpleasant truth is that those people are complicit in the crimes committed by the "other guys." If they had put their foot down, we wouldn't have seen so much death.
- If you know a save-able Qultist, send them to r/qanoncasualties. This shit has consequences, and this is the best way to show them what those consequences are.
- Carry a copy of your vaxx card with you everywhere you go once it's full up for two reasons. 1. you might need it, and 2. someone might ask you what your status is. Heck of an icebreaker.
- Ask every business you go to if their employees are vaccinated. Show them you give a damn.
- Laugh at these people and absolutely mock the shit out of them. I mean... if you smoke, do hard drugs, never exercise, have unprotected sex with miscellaneous people; if you're obese, have hypertension or diabetes, live in a bottle, or constantly stress out over the tiniest things like how "canceled" you are for saying the N word and whatever terrifying conspiracy theory someone pulled out of their ass today ("gullible" is written on the ceiling, look up), then like, freaking out about the safety of the vaccine is the least of your worries, motherfucker
- Make it extremely well known how into idolatry these idiots are. I am not talking about Paganism, because I am technically Pagan. However, you don't need to be Christian to be disgusted at the crap these guys worship - a golden statue of Trump, QAnon, Republicanism, guns, strange perversions of Christianity they find in sermons from extremist pastors at their megachurches, whatever else they think will save them today, and really all of it boils down to pure hatred. They seek for answers in the most stupid places and I wish to heaven they would just shut up. But come to think of it the golden calf they worship the most is themselves. They are their own god and they can do no wrong. Especially if they outwardly support what their friends, family, and pastor are all saying, which makes it seem more legitimate, virtuous, etc. and everyone can come up with their own version of it and support the others so the others in turn enable this behavior. They are their own god, together, and they support each other in their delusion. Anyone who breaks from the fold is anti-God, no matter how religious they still are in their own way. Being in the fold has the distinct advantage of being able to say that whatever makes you most comfortable is what God wants, and since the fold is 'loving,' everyone else in it will support you and say the excuses you concocted for your own convenience are straight from God. Historical examples: Egyptian pharaohs, Emperor Hirohito, Caligula.
- Has no one yet noticed the irony of being against Socialism and totally pro-bootstrap mentality yet being so incapable of taking care of yourself that you expect hundreds, even thousands, of people to cater to you with little to nothing in return? Like, paying rock bottom wages to employees who you can't run your business without. Hating on the government, the justice system, and rules and regulations but being totally incapable of surviving in an anarchy with multiple gangs and military juntas. Trying to take down democracy and restrict voting access in order to install a Fascist dictatorship and give up all the 'bootstrapping' you ever had in favor of having everything handed to you without effort (supposedly) in an echo of some supposed golden age of America that was most likely actually seen by the Boomers, and the policies of their childhood/upbringing were almost entirely Socialist. Expecting special privileges from total strangers in order to make you more comfortable. Abusing your spouse and/or kids because you demand that they serve you and do all your household work for you because you're "so self-sufficient," and using traditional gender and family roles as the coverup. In fact, hating on all Socialism, in general, despite not even being able to survive in conditions with no running water, no standardized literacy education, no government research into health innovations like vaccines, and no paved roads (how did your last camping trip go? was it longer than two months? did you have to ruck it back home? few people these days can answer these questions with pride, and even fewer can be honest about their chances of survival - totally up in the air, it's the luck of the draw out there no matter how good you are, end of story). Getting jobs and financial support from friends, friends of friends, and family cause you can't hack it on merit alone. Fearing and holding back change, especially technological and social, because you're too uneducated, scared, and comfortable to adapt. Not being able to get a job in a new field requiring much more qualifications, merit, and education than you currently have and holding back progress because you want to keep sucking at what you do. Supporting the Confederacy because apparently owning slaves is really important for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Creating scapegoats or rehashing old ones in order to avoid the horrors of taking responsibility for the consequences of your own actions, and then killing them off and hurting them in order to avoid actually solving your own problems. Demanding that the dominant culture, even the schooling and laws in this country, be yours, right down to the cowboy boots, Christianity to the letter a la Sharia Law but another religion, and 'country culture,' despite even that being a lie since country culture is NOT homogenous but quite diverse - in essence forcing everyone who isn't you to be more like you, and clearly you don't care about what other people do when it doesn't affect your life at all; yep, that's true freedom, uh huh. Wanting it to be so well known that you're part of some group - Republicans, Trump supporters, QAnon, whatever - that you wear all the apparel and say all the slogans and agree with what your friends say and follow all the social media of it because you're so goddamn "independent." Relying on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for your retirement benefits while whining about Millenials and their "entitlement." Using unemployment benefits, the stimmies, food stamps, or disability benefits and then bitching about Socialism. Thinking you're so damned smart and strong, heck, superhuman, that you can go it alone on intuition instead of education and common sense, only to crash and burn (and then maybe expect emergency and chronic medical care plus disability benefits), while the system steps in and saves your lame ass, and sit idly by while the rest of society cleans up the mess you made. Being literally mentally ill, but you 'don't need help,' and create a dumpster fire out of not only your own life but the lives of everyone you know. Not knowing how to live independently off the grid, yet thinking that somehow the system will support you when what you take is in ludicrous excess of what you put into it, and when you consistently get rid of the funding and political support for such systems (i.e. roads, running water, electricity), even getting angry when it's not exactly what you expect. Expecting even God to be your personal servant, especially as your cudgel to ruin the lives of people you don't like (despite Scripture specifically stating all kinds of arguments against it) because somehow you are a God Warrior and that makes it alright. Thinking that you can lone wolf it and that you're invincible despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary, because you're that arrogant, narcissistic, and stupid (I met one 'lone wolf' person in my life. One. Out of thousands. It was not me. And they didn't have a choice. Plus they had humility in spades as well as many scars and serious trauma.) and then creating a gigantic mess in many others' lives when you need help, again, after insisting you didn't. Being so allergic to truth and wrapped up in doublethink that other people have to work overtime to fight off your colossal realms of bullshit and speak your 1984 new language just to reach you, and jump through every new hoop you make because you keep moving the goalposts of every argument. Demanding that other people 'do their own research' instead of taking the effort to prove your point. Shutting down a whole country and spreading a deadly plague because you're not even willing to consider the possibility that you could be wrong and wear a mask not as a political statement but as a statement of 'I may be right and I may be wrong but I won't use other people's bodies as collateral for a bet', while businesses and individuals work extra hard putting up pandemic precautions and sanitizing the shit out of everything. And while the entire medical industry picks up the slack of all the people you're sickening and killing - ask them, why would they make this shit up? Bitching. Who are you trying to reach here with your complaints, yourself? If you really wanted to pull yourself up by your bootstraps you'd shut the fuck up and solve your problems on your own. And oh, there's also the question of how exactly is it "independent" and "bootstrap" to demand special privileges from everyone else so you trample on their rights for your so-called independence? That sounds more like a toddler tantrum to me. In fact, it sounds exactly like intersectionality. Yep, that left-wing Communist philosophy about how 'they' are keeping you down so you're not responsible for any of your actions. That philosophy which demands that people who are 'less oppressed' give special privileges to 'the oppressed,' whatever the fuck that means. I hope that the hypocritical 'bootstrap' people and 'intersectionality' people get locked into a room together. They'll fucking eat each other, and good riddance.
- What is the deal with people like MTG claiming a kinship with the Jews by claiming that the government is like the Nazis, while simultaneously blaming the Jews for California wildfires? What the fuck is the deal with people wearing Star of David badges as a protest against wearing masks, likening the two, while being in support of a literal Nazi, that Trump guy? Pick a side you idiots. You can't be both, and if you're a Nazi you certainly can't play the Jewish Holocaust victim card can you? Ugh. Besides, doesn't that MAGA movement have a little something called holocaust denialism? If it doesn't exist, why are you using it as a justification to be a plague rat?
- I am tired of these people. By tired I mean dog tired, bone tired, soul tired. They wore me out. You?
- For the record, basically everything here is Libertarian, creating the competition we have lacked so long and ending captive consumerism to absolute shit-tier corporations and their shitty products. I am speaking here as an investor. I am phenomenally tired of almost never finding corporations that are worth the investment simply because the majority of them game the system to stay in business while lacking basically all real merit. It takes me months to find corporations worth bothering for. That is not good.
- Don't show any mercy to anyone who has shown their true colors. I know that American culture is full of that 'turn the other cheek' idea and it's great for people who are save-able, but these are people who either have or will soon commit crimes. You can't protect yourself or your loved ones if you give them the benefit of the doubt because they'll use you as their punching bag. I come from a place where giving people the benefit of the doubt was constantly encouraged because everyone was constantly committing crimes and wanted to continue. Many innocent people suffered as a result and I was often counseling people out of suicide. Or, I showed someone unsuitable the slightest bit of mercy because it seemed like the "right thing to do" and wound up broke, sick, and nearly dead. Learn from my experience. Please.
- Whenever some Qidiot or other moron decides to strike up a conversation with you that is so fucking stupid you would rather launch them to the moon than engage, simply say "PLUH" and if they continue, repeat saying "PLUhHhHhHhHHhhHHH!!!!!!!!" it is a song
- You should know why QAnon is what it is, and what is so alluring about conspiracy theories. Generally speaking the best way to judge a tree is by its fruits, and the fruits of QAnon are to kill and hurt as many American citizens as possible, rip apart the social fabric, and ruin the country. Why? The most reasonable guess is that Russia and China, multinational monopolistic corporations' CEOS (& other corporate slave drivers that love deregulation and $$$), various politicians that supported the insurrection (likely getting bribed), various super-rich people that got unearned enormous tax breaks, and other enemies of the US, are involved since they benefit the most. As for the allure, I used to be a conspiracy theorist so I have some insight. Firstly, I didn't know how to vet my sources, and I didn't know the difference between a primary source, a secondary source, and likely bullshit. Secondly, I was young and inexperienced, and I was gullible. Thirdly, I had been through so much trauma that I wasn't thinking clearly at all, (lyme didn't help) and needed therapy. Fourth, I had no support system. Finally, my life was very bad and I was being gaslighted by everyone, who told me things were "just fine," and all the traumatizing horrific bullshit I was reading confirmed that yes, my suffering WAS real and people WERE bullying me, because I didn't love myself enough to believe myself and needed validation. Why did I focus on conspiracies? Because I had repressed trauma and a crappy life and needed some kind of resolution; an outlet. My life had fallen apart and I wanted someone to blame for my supposed powerlessness (I was not powerless, I was very much to blame for most of my problems). I also desperately wanted to feel some kind of control over my own life when I had none, some kind of value for myself when I knew deep down that I'd screwed up my own life and wasn't taking responsibility for it (self-hate galore), and conspiracy theories seemed to be my way out, my "truth." It was all total bullshit and a gilded cage, and the more I learned from the bullshit factory the more paranoid I got. I stopped focusing on it for a few years, learned things by trial and error and finally made the right life decisions, un-repressed my trauma, worked on my mental health, determined how to discern truth from lies with as much rigor as possible, looked back at it, and swore to never be hoodwinked like that again. Yet even with all that I never EVER hurt anyone with stupid conspiracy theory-based actions. If I had, you would be justified in throwing me in jail.
- You simply do not harm anyone unless you have genuine proof that they deserve it and that it will actually create positive change to get justice on them, and some bullshit you found on the internet or heard from a buddy is not "proof." You have to be certain. Even the tiniest doubt should be a major red flag. See: 12 Angry Men, the movie. If you make a mistake in who you target, you are the evil, the villain, the bad guy. If you want justice, you have to know how to do it right, so you avoid making decisions like "the Jews are to blame for everything." (stupid! go visit a synagogue, idiots! read the Old Testament!) and you have to go to college, get trained to be a police detective or FBI agent, etc. or you're just uninformed and think you're smarter than you really are. Besides, arrogant people do not make good agents of justice. They do, however, excel in feeling superior as they massacre innocent people. Here's hoping someone else will listen.
- Spread the word as much as you can about the QAnon and MAGA jerks you know, with exactly what they have done, and with proof. Put it on the internet if you can as well. Brand them with a scarlet letter. This is technically slander so be sure you have proof just in case they want to legally dispute it. If you can do this anonymously so much the better but supplying proof is harder that way. Other ways of branding them with a scarlet letter include taking them to court and getting newspapers to investigate them. Both The Guardian and Buzzfeed have ways for anonymous tipsters to give them a scoop. Check on their websites. Whatever you do, do NOT mindlessly rip on them on social media without proof. That's what they do. We are better than that.
- Mental health care is so crucial for a large proportion of what seem to be MAGAts, antimaskers, and QAnon. There are underlying mental illnesses for a humongous amount of them and they must be taken care of. A big reason why we have such a big problem with it now is because mental health care in this country has been basically nonexistent for most of us, thus, people with things like schizophrenia, C-PTSD, bipolar mania leading to psychosis have never been treated and QAnon exacerbated everything for them. ***It is especially important for people with traumas in their past so awful that they repressed them from conscious memory: that was the main reason I got into conspiracy crap, and no rational argument dissuaded me until I remembered bits and pieces of what happened. It was not a pleasant process.*** It will lead them to full psychotic breaks and possibly a mental hospital if we don't get them some help. For those of you with family members who are otherwise good people do everything you can to get them the treatment they need. There is a difference between those sociopathy/malignant narcissism/dark triad traits who willingly become evil and those who have lost touch with reality. However, if they have actually harmed someone or intend to knowingly or unknowingly put people at risk with their behavior then you should probably cut ties regardless and/or take 'em to court. I am not the only person saying this stuff The Fix Magazine Article
- If you don't have proof but have directly experienced abuse at the hands of these guys, tell everyone you know and trust, so that they can avoid this person.
- While QAnon and the idiots spin their wheels doing absolutely nothing to solve the problems they're obsessing over, pay attention to what's getting them the most hysterical and actually do what you can to solve those problems yourself. I went through serious child abuse - I could tell you stories of the scum that declared me "not a victim" and "making everything up" because they wanted to be Q heroes but it just makes me sick so never mind.
- Do the following if you really want to "save the children"
- 1. Protect children by watching over yours as much as possible, by homeschooling them, and by developing a support network for them which is reliable. If there are any kids or teens that you are acquainted with then support them as much as you are able. They are going through a lot right now.
- 2. Save children's lives by joining the FBI, becoming a cop, becoming a soldier, becoming an emergency room doctor, becoming a school counselor that has their best interests at heart, becoming an adoptive parent, becoming a lawyer, joining Bikers Against Child Abuse, taking every last child abuser on Earth to court (some examples). Better yet, by instituting the death penalty for all child abusers, period. And can we please reform the foster care system already? Yikes.
- 3. Do everything you can to create legal rights for children so that they are no longer considered to be the legal property of their parents but are considered American citizens under the law with as many rights and privileges as possible
- 4. Make homeschool legal nationwide, including giving children the ability to homeschool themselves at any library. While you're at it, get rid of public school, replacing it with one large standardized test, and buildings with teachers that are only there to help the kids learn and NO MANDATORY ATTENDANCE. Kids will be graduating in 4-6 years tops instead of 12, mostly thanks to no longer being abused by power-tripping teachers attracted to the job out of a desire to rule over the weak, and also thanks to no longer being unpaid workers from 8 to 3:30 (aka slaves).
- 5. If you're the right kind of person, learn some Hoodoo in order to slap down any bad magic or bad vibes before they do anything to cause harm Link
- 6. Make condoms available to as many people as possible. Also do what you can to make more reliable birth control methods for all genders (yes, hermaphrodite is a gender, a literal third gender people are BORN AS, this is medical fact, ask your doctor). Voila, way fewer abortions, and we don't need to have the stupid debate.
- 7. Most of the things Q's panic about can only be solved by federal or international police and detective work. If you decide to go into that field you'll help everybody. Human trafficking, ritual crime, serial killing etc. can only be solved by someone who knows what they are doing, and obviously, Q does not. The only reason Q even has any traction at all is because law enforcement has not been successful enough with these kinds of cases.
- 8. For these reasons support beefing up law enforcement. Defund the police? No, become the police. And if you can't become the police but have some spare time/energy, consider looking at pictures of missing children, Amber Alerts, Wanted posters from the FBI/Interpol/local police stations, and the January 6 terrorists regularly so that you can spot the bad guys in real time and call it in. Actually if you could make memes about these Most Wanteds like the US Army made playing cards of the terrorists in the Iraq War that would be helpful too.
- 9. A major tenet of the far-right cultism is evangelical Christianity, because they believe it is the only way to improve morality in a morally defunct world. Right, there's an easy way to solve this. Find the things in your own religion or philosophy that reduce moral depravity, corruption, and badness in a person's mindset, apply them, refine them, improve them, and share them. Human beings are terrible and it's important to try to be less terrible. We are the only species that has fully mastered ruining everything we touch (ironically, Q from Star Trek may have been right). Whatever actually works to help you and others be more virtuous and morally correct is more precious than gold. Especially as a direct comparison to people who claim to be morally superior while any real virtue they ever had goes down in flames. In fact, if you are not Christian or one of the true Christians out there and openly do as many things actually recommended by Christianity as possible, such as charity, going the extra mile to help those in need, being a good Samaritan, doing good things, doing random acts of kindness, supporting your family and friends more than you used to, being less judgmental and more loving, doing the right thing to protect your neighbors by getting vaxxed and helping everyone else get vaxxed and double- or triple-masking, protecting the helpless, standing up for essential workers when they get abused, and encouraging everyone you know to do the same, you know who's going to wind up with egg on their face? That's right; their hypocrisy and anti-Christian attitude will be right out there in the open.
- 10. There is a very good chance that whatever and whoever is behind QAnon itself is the one committing many crimes. If you're a crime investigator of any kind, investigate THEM.
- 11. 4/29/21 Do your part to set up social, legal, and political safety nets for people who would otherwise ruin their lives via extreme levels of work and poverty to raise a child they can't afford or get an abortion. For instance, if you know someone who just got pregnant and isn't sure if they want to keep the baby, offer to help them as much as you are able and then follow through. Much of the reason we have so many abortions in this country is because people give absolutely zero support to new parents. This is a societal and cultural thing and it is within our power to change it. Bonus: you get to be the cool auntie or uncle. Other specific things you can do include donating to women's shelters, doing what you can to fix the foster care system so that adoption is far easier and totally safe for the children, actually adopting some kids, ensuring birth control and a large amount of condoms are free at every doctor's office and similar public place via government subsidy or crowdfunded donations for each place, same for vasectomies, and mandating that whatever man knocked up the woman has to pay for half of the child's upbringing in accordance with how much it (on average) costs in that location even if they're not married - and if they dodge child support payments, life in prison. Also life in prison for rapists, or the death penalty, depending on if the victim says so. Automatic death penalty for whoever gets someone under 14 pregnant, plus an abortion for the poor kid because it's medically required (ask a doctor if you aren't sure, they'll probably agree with me). Also: two months of maternity and paternity leave (Source: books by Xiaolan Zhao that introduce you to the concept of Golden Month, the necessary recuperation period after childbirth). Finally, can we please stop shaming unwed mothers and single parent families? It's tacky, it's uncharitable, and it's actually evil. Don't do it.
- 12. 4/29/21 do everything in your power to end the idolization of parenthood, especially from a legal standpoint. There is absolutely nothing that implies parents will automatically love their children, protect them, and look out for their best interests, yet the law is constructed to conform to that fairytale. Actually according to the law children up til age 18 are essentially the legal property of their parents and do not have Constitutional rights, give or take a few quibbles. You can easily become a parent without becoming a mother or father (or in a nonbinary case someone in between). Millenials, gen X, and gen Z are very familiar with the kind of abuse that results from this. Improving the economy (and demanding a minimum wage for minors that is equal to that of adults) so that these kids can move out at 18 will also help a lot. Also, changing laws so that any money a minor earns is theirs and not the property of their parents, and so that a minor, not their parents, can consent to medical treatment if they are over the age of 12. Also so that a doctor, not their parents, makes the call for their medical treatment if they are under the age of 12. This is especially important now because I absolutely refuse to see another case of coronavirus death in a child thanks to antivaxx parents. Not. Okay.
- 13. Go all in against child abuse. Support the death penalty for child abusers. Do everything you can to prevent child abuse, especially by getting anger management courses and therapy if you have kids and by homeschooling. Work hard to ensure that child abuse never happens again, ever. Difference between you and Q? You'll actually be getting stuff done. Q will be LARPing as a superhero and committing acts of terrorism while trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer, so to speak. Has no one ever told these buffoons that you need to figure out who you're shooting first and get proof they committed crimes before summarily executing them? Oh right, they don't know what proof even is. So they kill random people without a shred of real proof while the smartest criminals avoid them because they're so stupid. Fucking dipshits.
- 14. Support charities like Save The Children UK. Food, medicine, and education for children worldwide? Yeah that means a hell of a lot more than sitting through hours of Youtube videos, going all in with social media tiatribes every day, trying to cancel everyone who's not like you, killing people with coronavirus, and in short being a devastatingly horrible person. Save the children. Yeah. Okay. Give these guys money, sit down, and shut up.
- Learn who to boycott and boycott. While you're at it, cut all business ties with said jerks as well, and if you're able to refuse service to one while working, so much the better. Remember that many different things count as your vote: your ballot vote, your dollars, your labor at a workplace, who you choose to employ, your emotional support.
- An easy way to help determine who to boycott is to look really closely at their masking and covid safety policies as this pandemic continues. No demanding that people wear masks inside the building? Okay, never buy anything from there again as long as you live. It's that simple.
- Get rid of your Google, Youtube, and Facebook accounts. While you're at it, get rid of Instagram and NextDoor. If you can only get rid of one, make it Facebook.
- If you're a business owner or run some kind of public place, hire armed guards and install metal detectors at a security checkpoint, if you're able. Also, demand these for government-run public places such as schools. I hate to suggest this but it's time.
- If you've been directly harmed by someone who infected you or a loved one with coronavirus thanks to their antimask policies or something similar, take them to court. Just do it. I've seen so many stories of people whose family members killed other family members with coronavirus with absolutely no repercussions. Fool, that's homicide! Put them in prison! They're not going to stop unless they face consequences, and then if you don't put them in prison, you're partially to blame for the subsequent people they kill or disable
- Use Crime Stoppers to snitch on anyone you know that attended the January 6 insurrection. Also, use Crime Stoppers to snitch on anyone who has committed a crime, period. Justice applies to everyone in this country and no red hat can save you for long. It hasn't so far, why? Because not enough people have snitched, fought, and worked for justice. We are America, damn it. Snitch, litigate, do your thing.
- We're famous worldwide for our army of lawyers and our love of litigation. Now is the time. We've got a little more on our hands here than spilled hot coffee. If you can afford a court case, if you've been directly harmed along with millions of other Americans, and have a good lawyer, then there is a laundry list of people who have committed felonies, manslaughter, and so on, including the former guy and Louis DeJoy. Get 'em.
- Don't forget about the community, county, and state assholes that need a good lawsuit or two. How about Greg Abbott? Seriously, please
- Even minor, seemingly small-scale court cases can set a huge legal precedent. So for instance if you have a trans or LGBTQ+ child that attempted suicide due to bullying and discrimination, hire a lawyer and go to battle! Never think that small-scale injustice is not important.
- Support all decent human beings. Personally speaking, after a few months of this nonsense I decided that if I ever see a truly decent human being again, I'll consider them family no matter how annoying or flawed they may be. I did away with the perfectionist, judgmental attitude I used to have about people, and I suggest you do the same. The criteria for "do I support this person?" should be "are they a decent human being?" If the answer is yes, then support them. Or at least show them as much courtesy and kindness as you are able to. This could be a beautiful thing that links the Resistance across all religions, backgrounds, and cultures, and even outlasts the Resistance itself, tying together the whole country and improving everything for years to come.
- Support your non-Qultist loved ones, friends, and social network more than ever. They need you. Tell them about the Vaccine Spotter website, set up appointments for them if they don't have access to computers, talk to them, help them with stuff. If you've lost touch get back in touch and if you aren't great at staying in touch, fix it right now. Email, text, call, Zoom. Touch base at least once every couple of weeks with literally your entire social circle.
- Try to interact with pro-democracy people in other countries, especially the Hong Kongers and Russian protestors. They're the spiritual brethren of the Resistance.
- Do as much self care as you can. If possible, also see a qualified mental health care professional regularly. At this point we probably all need to do that.
- If you are able to start your own business, by all means take a year or so to flesh out a business plan, perfect your product, dot the i's and cross the t's, and then launch it. Many of the problems we face as a society are a direct result of not enough competition in the business world. And the more effort you put into a business's excellence, the more loyal and diehard your eventual customers will be. In particular if you create American manufacturing jobs for innovative, technologically advanced products, this will create not only wealth for you but help with a. an economic boom and b. a decline in anti-intellectualism. Factory manufacturing of high-tech products requires of its employees a large amount of higher education.
- For all of your social circle that are on the fence and gradually becoming more radicalized (far right or far left), be the voice of sanity for them but stay distant. It will take them years to recover, if they do at all, and the safety of your nearest and dearest must be your primary concern.
- Don't become "that guy." The far left is just as into censorship and groupthink as the far right. We don't need that crap. Think for yourself. And no, if what you're thinking is suspiciously similar to what other people are saying, you are not thinking for yourself. Cut it out.
- If you are Christian you have a unique opportunity to remind any misguided acquaintances that Christianity is a religion of UNIVERSAL BROTHERLY LOVE. Please, for heaven's sake, speak up.
- Actually if you are literally any religion, they ALL are against what their so-called adherents are doing. Speak up.
- For instance: Buddhism: ahimsa. Islam: killing of Muslims is forbidden... and you never know who is Muslim. Judaism: tikun olam. Hinduism: karma. Witchcraft: Actions have consequences; being a dick is unwise. Paganism: don't piss off the Gods; hubris and hurting the innocent is the fastest way to do that. Etc.
- Since I have the background of Judaism I might as well say it: if you are Jewish and an antivaxxer that's a special kind of moronic since there's a certain story told every single year warning against toxic arrogance called the Haggadah - the Passover Story. For fuck's sake, there's a reason it's told every year
- Phrase all of your arguments from a wartime perspective. We are at a war with this virus. In fact, it is a worldwide war. Does it really matter if the enemy combatant isn't human? This thing has killed more Americans than those who died in World War II. Therefore, take a look at those who are collaborating with the enemy. They call themselves patriots. If you are using the definition provided here, that we are at war with the virus, then by that definition they are actually traitors collaborating with the enemy. Would most Americans be okay with it if these "patriots" had shot their victims instead of infected them? No, there would be an uproar, but since the death blow was silent, there wasn't the uproar there should have been. Well, it's still manslaughter. Or homicide.
- Until the world comes to grips with establishing effective protocols to contain the virus, we're all still at risk due to air travel and globalization. Except for maybe New Zealand, who knows.
- The cognitive dissonance and doubletalk have reached extraordinary levels, and the world needs to know. You remember when these morons were talking about how they didn't want to give in to fear? How they wanted to make America great again, save children, protect us from terrorism, improve the economy? Well take a good look at what would happen if they'd have their way. In fact, whenever they historically have had their way and whenever they do now. They kill children with coronavirus. They refuse a vaccine backed by extensive study, research and the experiences of their countrymen based on terror instead of facts and the truth. Since they turned a blind eye to racially motivated police killings now entire communities are defunding the police, making us more vulnerable. We have mass shootings almost once a week now. Instead of going to school and learning, they demonize education and prefer their Pravda, destroying our long term world standing as a nation of technological advancement and causing us to cede power to Russia and China. Their refusal to wear masks and social distance has tanked our economy. Great success. And if you don't believe me now, you will in five to ten years when you see what happens to their enclaves as compared to the rest of the United States. Their little towns will look like Soviet Russia.
- Judging from the likely end results of foreign policy decisions made by each political party, and seeing who benefits the most, I would say that the Republican Party is pretty much owned by Russia, that the Democrat Party is pretty much owned by China, and that both China and Russia are working together. Probably right alongside the richest people on Earth cause sociopaths gonna sociopath. Nowadays the GOP wants us to stay out of foreign conflicts entirely, to give the pieces of the pie worldwide to our enemies. And the Democrats want the same thing. The only difference is that one claims it out of a desire to 'focus on ourselves' and the other claims it out of a desire to 'have mercy on poor countrymen of other countries.' Republicans want to get rid of most education; Democrats want to indoctrinate us into Communist thinking. Republicans want to destroy all potential technological and scientific progress and are really into population control via unrestricted gun access, racism, and the convenient bioterrorism of spreading coronavirus and all its wonderful new variants (ha, ha); Democrats want to destroy all kinds of social progress via increasing levels of censorship and cancel culture (yep, the Republicans are actually onto something), free lunches for really undeserving people who are parasites on the system, attempting to get rid of logic in favor of emotional reasoning and arguments, and are really into population control via abortion. Republicans want to give Socialist gifts to the richest, weakening our economy; Democrats want to give Socialist gifts to the poorest who don't bother to work, weakening our economy. Both forced us out of all kinds of international influence in one way or another but the Trump administration was the worst (withdrawal from Afghanistan, withdrawal from NATO and the WHO, installation of judges and other politicians into our government to ensure criminals get off scot-free and everything else gets gridlocked via filibuster), weakening our power on the world stage. Republicans demand that their members avoid "mainstream media" in order to consume other mainstream media that isn't actually independent at all, and blindly believe it. Democrats demand that their members consoom mainstream media and blindly believe it. Both are increasingly succeeding at making their members indoctrinated into groupthink, emotional instead of intelligent reasoning, and peer pressure instead of independent thought. It would appear that almost all of our media outlets, politicians, major corporations and social media companies in this country (and even internationally) have been bought and paid for by these foreign interests based on all the stories they feed us and the outcomes they - if believed - cause in this and other countries. Even our memes might have been infiltrated - wide Putin walking may have actually been a media stunt condoned by Putin to humanize him, but I'll never be able to prove it. Same goes for the old story that coronavirus was caused by some guy eating bats; it may indeed have been a rumor spread by a Chinese government-employed memelord. Notice how the end result of all this is how little real power we have internationally especially to prosecute local and international criminals esp. the uber rich, criminal organizations, and corporations. Indeed if there is any conspiracy going on, it's probably this, and all that Q crap is probably its coverup. We know that China and Russia have a long history of ongoing human rights violations, war crimes, and general fuckery; this would not be out of character for them. We need proof, of course, and I'd like to see it. And most of the United States is stupid enough to fall for it. We are too gullible.
- Our countrymen have done more to destroy this country than any outside enemy ever has. Besides killing us and crippling many others, they've done what no outside force has ever managed to do: destroy our morale by stealing all of our most cherished ideals and distorting them into something they never were. Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 time. For crying out loud, Ayn Rand's work was not proto-Fascist. I guess people get it wrong because they think it's an excuse to brand themselves as the ubermensch and power trip, but I read it at a time in my life when I was going to a school with a really Totalitarian and Communist bent, and living in a place like that too. It reads different when you're going through that. Fascism and Communism both require groupthink, which she was adamantly against. You are reading this website because I internalized The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and I credit them for my mental freedom. Patriotism requires self-sacrifice and humility, an allegiance to a noble cause and above all it has to be genuine instead of a pompous charade. "Saving the children" requires that we reshape out entire justice system especially in cases of parental child abuse, of which many of these assholes are guilty. I want them to take a really close look at their idiot friends if they themselves aren't mistreating their children (or their spouses for that matter), because this is a serious problem and I've noticed it for years. Morality and honor can only come when you are allied to truth, and yes, science is the purest expression of truth. Doublethink, groupthink, blind belief, and all of the other kinds of lying to yourself are the domain of Fascists and Communists, not "PATRIOTS" and that shit is not "FREEDOM." More like "orgy-porgy." Education used to be one of our highest ideals, and now they value stupidity and ignorance and it shows. Wearing the Star of David for a cause that literally espouses Fascism and is tied in with Trump, who actually remarked on protestors that supported the Nazi Party and held up signs saying "arbeit macht frei" by saying there are "very fine people on both sides" goes far beyond stupidity and into the realm of true evil. Likely they wear the Star of David because they think wearing a mask is equal to what my family went through in the death camps. Wow. What Americans call damn lies, they call "alternative facts." Many of the ideals of Christianity are shared by most if not all Americans (charity, kindness, compassion, humility, brotherhood and solidarity with all humans no matter what, love for all, helping the weak), and they're killing that too. And yes, freedom is not free. It comes at a high price. The civilian cost of freedom is giving up one's comfort. The military cost of freedom is loss of life, sanity, and far more sacrifice than the average citizen could ever know. Show some respect to the troops that died for the sake of democracy.
- A lot of the bullshittery is a result of people believing arguments just about as stupid as this one Sandwich
- Multiple news sources indicating that the former guy got treated for coronavirus using a cell line derived from an abortion Sources Spread this information as far and wide as you can.
- My Twitter thread of linked news articles explaining why the former guy is unsuitable link out and why he has too many ties to Epstein link out
- Join protests for the Resistance, but after the pandemic is over. Be patient. It will end soon enough.
- Go ahead and buy the T-shirts, the stickers, the flags, and the other stuff, but only if you're okay with having a target on your back. Yeah it'll help other Resisters know they aren't alone, but the other guys are literally crazy and often terrorists. So. I'm partial to the "tread on me daddy" stickers. Tommy Siegel Shop Also, Black Lives Matter apparel, Biden stuff, and rainbow gear, and the Trans flag, help people know they are not alone. Fly these flags proudly. Get the stuff if you are able or draw it with markers and stash it in your window. Not enough of it is flying right now and people are in despair.
- Give the world a piece of your mind about what's going on if you want to. Write a book, make some art, write songs, blog. There is an audience for it, believe me.
- Post on r/qanoncasualties if you've lost someone in your social circle to the nonsense, and talk about it to your loved ones for years to come. There are real consequences for the misinformation circulating around and not enough is being said about this. We must never forget.
- Once it is safe to go outside again, if you can, then bravely be who you are, on the outside. If you're a goth, wear even more goth stuff. If you are LGBTQ+, wear rainbows and present as your true gender. If you are Wiccan, slap on a humongous pentacle and make it really apparent what religion you are. The more scapegoated and marginalized your identity/community/culture is, the more important it is that you show the whole world you are proud of it and not going to change on the basis of threats and intimidation. We are a diverse nation and the Fascists have tried to make us into one homogenous lump by threatening those of us who are different. Enough. If we go outside bravely presenting as who we really are, then our risks will be the next generation's gain - they'll be safer and have more freedoms. That's what it's really about. Freedom.
- Consider wearing T-shirts and apparel that literally say "The Resistance." That way people know who to trust.
- The most marked societal trend in the past few years has been a race to the bottom in terms of morals and ethics. We have to be the opposite. We must. A constant and consistent effort at genuinely improving as a person is going to be the key to beating this situation long term. Virtues are the real treasures, not money, power, or seeming success. That being said of course it's not wrong to gain money, power, and success, but the key is remembering what these are for and not chasing after them for their own sake.
- Educate yourself as much as possible, not excessively but at a healthy consistent level, for the rest of your life. If this disaster has taught us anything it's that having a good heart is not enough. Not even close. Many's the person who has been sucked into QAnon and this other bullshit who truly believes they are doing the right thing. It's not even stupidity, it's a refusal to get more educated in order to truly see the truth; a total misguided belief that just by believing in yourself without improving your wisdom and intelligence (sharpening the saw; source: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) you can prevent disaster. Being anti-intellectual and not valuing education then trying to solve a problem is like trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer. And being against continual learning is not good because I'm sorry, us humans are incredibly stupid and learning constantly or at least often is our only shot at living a halfway decent life. And uh, things change. Case in point, the Boomers have been out of school for decades and it shows. Be the opposite of an anti-intellectual because the only worse thing than dealing with people like that is being one yourself; that's an invitation to have a really hellish, bad life that's perpetually stuck in the Dark Ages. Speaking from personal experience, it might be humiliating and depressing to throw yourself against tough subjects as you try to learn them and your brain is like "hurrrr" but that's just the way it goes, and it's a hell of a lot better than not even trying. Be patient and persistent, and you can learn anything.
- Know that all this is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. There is a trend of radicalization on both the far right and the far left, and people who have been radicalized are out to recruit everyone else to their side. The more gullible and insecure will fall for it. Don't let that be you or your loved ones. People getting angry and acting out of emotion instead of using their brains is what got us all into this situation in the first place. However, people like that aren't going to change anytime soon, and if their backs are up against the wall, they're probably going to do the same knee-jerk reaction bullshit more loudly and more angrily and with more violence and criminal behavior because they think if they throw a big enough tantrum that will get them what they want. Stay home as much as you can for the next year or so okay?
- You could summarize the reason that many of these conspiracy theorists and these other assholes are the way they are is a complete lack of self-love. Self-love leads to self-worth. Self-worth leads to power over oneself. Power over oneself is true power and strength. All this leads to happiness. Conspiracy theorists seek power outside of themselves because they have none over themselves and they never made the connection. Thus, cultivate self-love in yourself and provide a positive example for those who have good hearts but have been led into darkness. If you're not sure where to start I would recommend working your way through Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and using it like a writing prompt notebook and life transformation tool. Try what it recommends, too.
- You know the 60s movement of pacifism and communism, the religious movement of pacifism, and the cancel culture of political correctness? You know who fosters these things? The Catholic Church did the same thing to convince the peasants to not fight back, the USSR promoted the counterculture movement of the 60s in order to attain more world dominancy, and religion has always done this to convince its adherents to not look too closely at the leadership and how much they've been taking. Keep a sharp eye out and don't fall for this shit. "Love one another" and "Love" too often mean "don't fight the tyrant, just look the other way and it will soon be over." Alrighty then.
- There is a great need for lots of charity right now, so anything you can do at all helps. Here is the charities section of the website and here are some other things you could help with.
- Army veteran needs help paying his bills, is dealing with nutball Qparents who decided he didn't survive the Fort Hood shooting because it "never happened" story GoFundMe link
- The best way to get rid of this problem is to unify with other people in the Resistance and help one another as much as possible. The best way to go about that is to strengthen and solidify your family and friend relationships. Since we're all vaxxed by now (pretty much) we can meet in person, so that certainly helps.
- We, the Resistance, outnumber the assholes. The only reason the assholes are winning is because we are not fighting hard enough or well enough, and trust me, this requires a knock-down drag-out fight on all fronts. Do not turn the other cheek. We have to protect the weak and the innocent.
- Occultists, now is the time to blow the lid off the conspiracy bullshit. Let's play their little game. I'll begin. Of course, this is UPG, make your own decisions and draw your own conclusions, etc., I've been in the Craft for 10 years and take this very seriously so those are my credentials. Say that there is at least one omnipotent, loving Deity that protects us and is way more powerful than any supposed bad actor like a Devil and all you need is REAL, not show-off, faith to conquer said bad actors. Therefore, all you'd need to do is have faith in said Deity or Deities and you'd be safe, and the rest would be just your own paranoia. Unless you did something really stupid like use an Ouija board; then you'd need a good priest or Witch to fix things. Also note: in the good Witch community and the Wiccan community there is a very prevalent belief that there is such a thing as an 'egregore,' a sentient being created by the beliefs of a large group of people that fed enough energy into it for it to become sentient. The more people and the more powerful the belief, the stronger it gets. Many of us believe that the Devil is just such an egregore, and guess what happens when a lot of people believe said thing is powerful enough to create negative changes? Yeah. Don't fucking feed into that. Better to feed into believing in the ultimate power of goodness and love or something. This is not widespead knowledge, but I work with angels a lot, and there is absolutely no such thing as a fallen angel that keeps its powers because the Creator is no fool. Anything you could 'conjure up' that calls itself that could literally be anything and would probably be just another egregore. Also, demons are created when humans or other creatures commit enough crimes against nature in order to become too evil to really turn back 'human' or their original creature easily, and you, yes you, can become one if you say, decide to be like Hitler but the more common path is when people crash through barrier after barrier put up by the Universe and really blatant synchronicity in their lives warning them "stop what you're doing, stop it right now, your soul is at risk!" while simultaneously ignoring their true hearts and their conscience. Their afterlife existence and how they live there is because they cannot 'move on' so to speak and that is what has given rise to the modern depiction of demons. The Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival can tell you more about that kind of afterlife; once you have celebrated it once you will never forget how it felt. Finally, in the Occult, common sense applies just as it does in the real world and in order to distinguish between illusion and real occult phenomena you need proof as defined by science. Yes. For real. I'm not making this shit up. For instance, something intuitive like a ghost seen by one person must be backed up with proof in the real world, such as a watch that the ghost shows the person in a ruined house that is then used to solve a murder mystery of how the ghost died, with the person finding the watch in the ruins and describing the attributes of the person without ever having seen a picture, and the more details backed up by real world experience the better; that way you can't chalk it up to coincidence.
- There is also a decent chance that if you are doing evil things without actually having evil intentions, you will attract more evil to you and that is why you might think you're under some kind of spiritual attack. I've seen this quite a lot. In the Wiccan community this is called the Rule of Three, though personally I don't know just how much it comes back, in my experience usually your actions will come back to you in one way or another. This makes sense in terms of cause and effect - what you do physically causes a physical effect, a mental effect, and a spiritual effect in those you affect. In most cases it comes back to you in one way or another, especially because again, there is such a thing as the Spirit World, which contains spirits of the dead (many of who are really not that nice), Deities, your own Ancestors, and so on. If you've directly or indirectly killed someone, then yes, they might haunt you. Practically speaking, if you piss people off, they will not want to treat you nicely. And if you're sending out evil intentions, such as by actually willing bad things to happen to innocent people in prayer groups, that is black magic and the Universe prosecutes it as such. Universal Law exists.
- Speaking of prayers, go too far with prayers and faith and you might wind up breaking that commandment that goes "Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord in vain." God is NOT your servant and She has veto power over everything in the Occult. That includes prayers, and that includes using Bible verses as cudgels. Remember, the Bible is mistranslated from the Hebrew, and it's been essentially playing a game of telephone from the time it was first written until now, until it's no longer what it originally was. Just because you can read the Bible does not mean that you speak for God.
- If you are in the Occult and know some idiot who is misusing it in the name of QAnon or some other fringe/terrorist group, I hate to tell you to do this but reveal their actions to the world, or at least your immediate circle in the Occult and however far you can spread the word beyond that. I'll be honest, if there really is black magic at work here, I think it more likely that it's causing a large chunk of the world to abandon all goodness and infect innocent civilians with a deadly plague than anything else. So it is a good idea to look to the puppet masters of these people, and probably also to Epstein's ring, Russian government, Putin, Chinese government, the news moguls, Trump and his family, and the other influencers of the Q addicted, at least some of the richest and most powerful people in the world, and all others who benefit from their bullshit, because there's something really weird going on here. My whole family line has never seen so many people become so evil all at once, and we survived the Holocaust. It is tradition to protect the identity of all good Witches but if there really are bad actors here then these are not good Witches, they are not good people, and people who work unethical magic that harms the innocent must be branded with a scarlet letter, at least within the Occult community. FUCK THEM. That being said, I'd bet money the majority of the bad magic being done is being done by the untrained in their prayer groups or whatever because they want to 'win the divine war' like the terrorists they are.
- About those prayer groups. There's nothing in the Bible about those. Those are people instinctively forming covens to work magic, especially if they call themselves Prayer Warriors, or if they are saying they're practicing Spiritual Warfare (and following Christ... right...) because logically speaking the Creator grants prayers perfectly if they're in accordance with the will of the Creator, and it won't matter how many people pray or how hard they pray. Also, you can't spread love, or a religion of mercy, with a rifle. No, you are not a "prayer warrior," you are trying to practice Witchcraft and you're not even good at it. Because believe it or not you can't be good at the Craft without understanding the ethical code behind it. Shut. The fuck. Up.
- Ultimately, QAnon and conspiracy theorists are proving why most people really shouldn't dabble in the Occult or have anything to do with it at all. Holy shit.
- It wasn't just QAnon that fucked us over. Remember when in the early days of the Trump presidency Tumblr's Witch community decided en masse it would be a great idea to "dump all our brainweirds on him" and how there was a popular hexing of him? Yeah? Well, how the fuck did that go, huh? Rule of Three, my ass, many of these dead from coronavirus are dead because Trump lost his marbles. It more or less became the "rule of billions" at some point in terms of negative consequences. I'll tell you right now, if you participated in that hexing, you have no right to call yourself a Witch. Get the fuck out of here with that. You brought shame on us all.
- These Bible-thumpers nowadays don't actually worship God. They are idolaters in the worst sense. What they worship is hatred, fear, bigotry, and a judgmental, evil, sadistic, twisted thing that they call God. (And probably also their own egos, and money, but that's another story) They've twisted the meaning of the words "patriot," "save the children," and "freedom." It's no surprise they've even twisted the meaning of the word "God." It takes a special kind of stupidity to insist that the Creator of all life is infinitely loving, good, infinitely just, and infinitely perfect and in the same breath say that the Creator harshly judges, deliberately causes extreme suffering to the innocent, discriminates against those who don't lick its boots, and hates.
- Come up with your own ideas here. It's going to take every one of us giving this our all to beat this.
- For those of you who 'get' what I'm trying to say here, here, read this NewStoryHub article by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
- Troll the shit out of these guys. Such as "But Vaxx bad!!!"
8/17/22 A little context on my lack of compassion, patience, mercy and understanding for these guys. There was a time in my life not too long ago that I was actually crazy. I have gaps in my memory several years long but I do remember hallucinating, having persistent delusions, paranoia, obsessive habits. I'd scream at my loved ones for no reason. Lyme disease is a nasty bitch and I am grateful to be better, though I'm not all there mentally now either, I fight "the crazy" every day. But I never killed anyone innocent because of my crazy. And above all I never hurt a child. You've got to draw the line somewhere. Or you have to ask yourself, who's the crazy one?
A realistic portrait of who these morons love to support, source: NPR article - the wealthiest people in America evading their taxes while jacking them up for everyone else, along with King Johns and Sheriffs of Nottingham worldwide
"I may be a slob, duh duh duh duh duh, but I do my job, duh-duh duh"
Man I love that movie.
All text, not links or images, is © 2022 TortillaTortilla