Women's Rights

Under construction. Will be providing as many resources as possible for y'all. 6/23/22 will also soon be adding information for men to help with this effort. Especially incels and chauvinists. Oh, yes. You read that right. 6/28/22 here you go

Good mental health is the bedrock of empowerment imho. Having an excellent therapist or at least healthy coping mechanisms until you get one is totally underrated. And I'm pretty certain that the longer you chip away at mental health issues, the more things improve in life. This is a long-haul effort.

From personal experience, take it or leave it: Don't chain yourself up or hold yourself back. Don't pretend to be dumber than you are or stifle your own voice. Don't pretend to be less strong than you are. Don't deny your own personal, spiritual truth. Don't be afraid to act like a "man" (I'm talking toxic masculinity here, of the muscle-bound screaming clod type) in terms of being a total absolute asshole in order to get what you physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually truly need, as long as you do not harm the innocent and are ethical about it. Women and nonbinary folks are brainwashed to never cause harm, even in self-defense or in desperate circumstances, by both chauvinists and Feminists, which is the most disempowering shit in the universe. (Feminists will gladly tell us to cause harm to the innocent, though, instead of bringing real criminals to justice.) And above all, don't drink the kool-aid; think critically, think for yourself, be skeptical. Don't ever be afraid to think of or imagine anything; thoughts are not things, there is no such thing as a thought crime so daydream away. Know that the "medicine" is often the poison, fed to you by well-meaning or otherwise... critters.

It is important for women and nonbinary people to understand that we are often taught since birth that we don't have a choice within our own minds to have free will and strength, or not. We are taught to rely on others, to not think for ourselves, to give away our freedom of choice, be that by Feminists or by Chauvinists or just by society at large. Usually this is done through a process of psychological breaking, a "don't you dare try to be other than this mindset or you'll be severely punished and/or killed" type thing that winds up trapping you within chains of your own mind, by your own mind. Try this if you would like to break free of that: understand that at any given moment, you can decide to be strong. You can decide to ask yourself "what is strength?" and try to be mentally and spiritually strong... try. Also understand that at any given moment, you do have free will, and you do have a choice as to what kind of person you want to be, and what kind of choices you want to make. The illusion of lack of personal choice is something most of society has swallowed, but it's garbage. You have potential personal strength, and power over your own choices within your own mind and mindset as to the kind of person you want to be and the life you lead. And what's weird is claiming any or all of this philosophy and actually trying this is not only not hard but... somehow feels right. For me at least. Try it y'all, maybe it'll help. One thing to remember, so you aren't too hard on yourself: two words can shoot all your best intentions to shit here: mental illness. And most if not all women have experienced a temporary mild-to-severe version of this during hormonal times of the month or life transitions. Therefore learning all you can about mental and physical health and how to maintain it is definitely good.

Good books to help with self-esteem:

Good music for same: heavy metal, hardcore punk, emo stuff from the 00s like Bullet For My Valentine and Hawthorne Heights, whatever is your personal favorite

Good TV for same: Star Trek... of course. Strangely, just about all media intended to be some sort of female empowerment or role model is like, the opposite. That said Velma is great. 1/23/23 I think it's important to mention I wrote all this stuff long before the thing named Velma actually came out. I refuse to watch it.

Good books for understanding men's type weirds, section added 5/20/24

Empowering hobbies

Good subjects to learn for self-empowerment:

Good stuff to master to compete with physical (and mental) guys on the same playing field:

Stuff that helps all women and nonbinary folks; activism-type stuff:

3/12/23 Ok will be posting things here that are helpful for the female gender because I can hahaha

"Women's Intuition"

The Special Gifts of Being a Woman, or Feminine

Several Questions That Need Answering, section added 12/6/24

A specific plea to women who take care of children, their own or others, 4/18/23 because it has to be said


All text, not recommended books, links, or images, is © 2024 TortillaTortilla.